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- Seen Jun 10, 2021
Who's That Pokémon? (Week 11)
It's time to put your Pokémon knowledge to the test with our weekly contest of "Who's That Pokémon?"! Once a week every Sunday I'll post a zoomed-in section of a Pokémon and it's your job to tell me which Pokémon the art belongs to. All of the art used will be from the Pokémon's official Dream World art and will be a 30x30 px section of the art cropped and zoomed in 8x. Once you think you have an answer, send it to me in a PM and you could be our next prize winner!
(NOTE: From now on, I'll be taking Squirrel's place as the host of this contest, so please bear with me! ♥)
- Guess the Pokémon whose art is being featured!
- The clue is a 30x30 px section of the Pokémon's Dream World art (found here) cropped and magnified 8x.
- Send Revise Librarian a PM with your answer once you've figured it out - you may answer as many times as you want per week, but only your final answer will count!
- Do not post answers in this thread - you don't want other people to use your answers, do you?
- Feel free to chat about the puzzles and how easy/hard you find them; that's the fun of this game after all!
- Submit your answers by next Saturday (June 27) before 11:00 p.m. EST if you want them to count!
A winner is a winner and a winner is you - assuming you won! Here's what you can expect to win from correctly guessing each week's Pokémon. (Hover over for descriptions!)
Clue - Week 11
As of May 31, 2015, Mega Pokémon are now included as possible answers in the standard "Who's That Pokémon" rounds!
Good luck, everyone! This is my first time hosting "Who's That Pokémon," so I'm always open to feedback and/or suggestions! :D
Also, feel free to discuss last week's answer/winners in this thread if you'd like! Please note that emblems may be coming in late since Squirrel is no longer a moderator here! Everything will be sorted out once he sends me the spreadsheet with all of the previous winners. Until then, thank you for your patience, and thanks so much for understanding! ♥
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