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Would you marry the above avatar?


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    [PokeCommunity.com] Would you marry the above avatar?

    Well, would you go for a marriage with the above avatar? Why?
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    Lolwut? Tabitha is an adult. ಠ_ಠ

    By the way, I don't marry animals.
    I really don't know what to say because it literally looks like a little boy hahaha
    Sure, so cute!
    Hell, I'm sure there's a lot of perks to marrying an Emperor, put a ring on me I'm spoken for now!!!!
    Pretty sure that's Snake. If so, definitely, even if I have to go gay.

    If we're not going by avatars, then I do love a good pair of hands. :)
    Is your avatar a fairy? loll
    If yes then why not xD