So, because I have school, I usually don't get on in the morning. But I do have a school netbook with school-available internet, and I visit PC on there sometimes. But way back in North Carolina (living in Colorado now), it would be computer for weeks on end. Day and night, with a see-saw sleeping schedule.
As for my live within, I watch YouTube a lot - especially YouTubers like nigahiga, Smosh, RayWilliamJohnson, MunchingOrange/ErielR, and the occasional upload myself. I (used to) be ever-so-active on Bulbagarden until they attempted to trash my reputation on some bullcrap cause. I moved here after that, and hope to get a positive cashflow so I can continuously donate to this place <3. I visit a lot (because I'm a freeloader), and 4chan a lot for the occasional game of Risk I'll be The People's Republic of Anon, usually gray, if you see me ;D. I used to be on Facebook, but went on and off for a while. I went on the Microsoft Developer's Network back when I coded VB and C#. I also own a dead website or two that I'm trying to put its hosting to some use for (30G space, 300G bandwidth, cPanel). I read Wikipedia for things that no normal human being can answer, and did I mention Encyclopedia Dramatica? I love that site so much. I'm a user on there, and helped out with the articles on Bulbagarden, Shipping (ironic because I'm a shipper somewhat), and others.