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A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]

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  • 16,405
    mafia edition

    CSS BY arachnidsGrip

    Welcome to a Song of Ice and Fire. Known as A Game of Thrones for TV viewers, this version of Mafia will play out vastly different from any before. There are no innocents or evils. There is blood and fire, chaos and a ladder, and the Iron Throne.

    Welcome to Westeros.

    Forewarning: Spoilers may be present. Names and characters from the series will appear, as will events from the books. I will actively avoid purposefully spoiling anything, but be warned if you're still catching up on the series.

    In this version of Mafia, players will become a player in the game of thrones at the start of the series. Robert Baratheon I, King of Westeros, has died and the Iron Throne is up for grabs. You'll need to fight, betray, and kill your way to sit on the Throne and you may even have to kill your own family to reach the seat of power. You can work with your family as long as you like, but at the end of it all, only one shall remain to claim their rightful place as King or Queen.

    Your family and opposing Houses are not your only threat: the White Walker looms in the Land of Always Winter and is growing an army to destroy the realm of men. Prepare yourself...for winter is coming.

    Each character possesses an ABILITY which work as night actions for your character. The game will also have EVENT TRIGGERS which act to advance the plot of the series at key points.

    Klippy will act as The Maester, whose role is explained in greater detail below. You will be able to freely communicate with other members of your House ONLY THROUGH The Maester. Please ensure you are playing fairly and read how the Maester works.

    If your head of House dies, a new head will be selected.

    Symbols next to each character indicate their role in the House briefly and a summation is below:
    - Indicates a head of House
    - Indicates a member of the House or minion
    - Indicates a Lovers role
    - Indicates a Secret Role
    - Indicates the Maester

    - Indicates PLAYER-ONLY action/ability
    Members of the forum, such as Klippy
    These actions mean you can only use them against another player. "I will use my ability on Klippy"​
    - Indicates CHARACTER-ONLY action/ability
    Characters in the game, such as Jon Snow
    These actions mean you can only use them against a character/house. "I will use my ability on Jon Snow/House Stark."​

    Valar morghulis.


    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]

    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Song of Ice and Fire [EPILOGUE]




    House Stark is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, ruling over the vast region known as the North from their seat in Winterfell. It is by far one of the oldest lines of Westerosi nobility, claiming a line of descent stretching back over eight thousand years. The head of the house is the Lord of Winterfell. Before the Targaryen conquest, the leaders of House Stark ruled over the region as the Kings in the North.
    Eddard 'Ned' Stark - Lord of Winterfell. You may use the ability of HONOR to roleblock another player. If they use an ability that affects a member of your House, the action is blocked. This may be used once a night.

    Sansa Stark - Maiden of Winterfell. Use your beauty to INFLUENCE the vote of another player every other night. Submit a name at night and who they must attack during the next day phase. They will be alerted that they must vote for their target - be warned: they simply have to submit the name, but do not rely on them to convince others to join the cause.

    Bran Stark - Cripple of Winterfell. Once a night, you may use GREENSIGHT to detect the allegiance of another player. You will not learn their exact role, but only their House.

    Catelyn Stark - Mother of Winterfell. You may use MOTHER'S PROTECTION once a night to protect one family member from danger. You also have a secret ability, which will be revealed to you in your dossier.

    Robb Stark - Heir of Winterfell. You may RALLY your House and roleblock an entire House for one night phase. This may only be used once, but it will also reveal your role to the rest of the players.

    Arya Stark - Wolf of Winterfell. If a member of your family is killed during the first two phases, you may become NO ONE at any time. This will cut your ties with House Stark, but you will become stronger for it. The consequence of this decision will be revealed if you activate it.

    Jon Snow - Bastard of Winterfell. Stationed at the Wall, you can take WATCH for one night, which roleblocks the White Walker for one night.​


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, one of its richest and most powerful families and oldest dynasties. Their lands are in the far west of the continent. Their seat is Casterly Rock, a massive rocky promontory overlooking the Sunset Sea which has had habitations and fortifications built into it over the millennia. They are the Lords Paramount of the Westerlands and Wardens of the West.
    Tywin Lannister - Lord of the Rock. You are COMBAT READY and will block one single night action against yourself no matter when it happens (up to Night Four). This is automatic.

    Jaime Lannister - Kingslayer of the Rock. You can FUCK YOUR SISTER once a night, but it only grosses the other players out. As a Kingsguard, if King Joffrey is killed (during the night) or executed (during the day), you may slay any other player of your choosing during the following night phase. If Cersei is killed, you will die with her.

    Tyrion Lannister - Imp of the Rock. You are CUNNING and can block all night actions against your House. This may only be used twice, however the second use triggers an event in the game.

    Cersei Lannister - Daughter of the Rock. You have the power of CLARITY, which will prevent your death once during the game, either by lynch or by night action. If Jamie is killed, you will die with him.

    Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister - His Grace. First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. A royal ****. You may throw a TANTRUM , in which you can pick one player to kill during the night - your role will be revealed if you do this however.​


    House Baratheon is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, although also one of the youngest. It is the current royal house. House Baratheon's sigil is a black stag on a gold background and their house motto is "Ours is the Fury". The ancestral Baratheon stronghold is Storm's End, but since becoming the royal house they have also taken possession of the old Targaryen island fortress of Dragonstone.

    Stannis Baratheon - Rightful King of Westeros. The Mannis. You may use SHADOWKILL to assassinate Renly. Doing this will award you his ability, but you will be short one member of your House.

    Davos Seaworth - Rightful Hand of Westeros. You can CONVINCE one player of your choice to join the cause of Stannis. Their allegiance will change to House Baratheon, but they will learn your identity.

    Melisadre of Asshai - Priestess of R'hollor. Using your FIRE-SACRIFICE, you can give Shireen Baratheon to the fires of R'hollor. Doing this will kill her, but will make you and Stannis invincible for two day/night phases. This will also reveal your role to the rest of the players.

    Shireen Baratheon - Rightful Princess of Westeros. You have the ability of GRAYSCALE and can infect one other player with it. Once you do, they have two day phases left to survive and will die on the second night phase of their infection.

    Renly Baratheon - Usurping Brother of Westeros. You can CHARM any other player which prevents them from voting for you for as long as you're alive. You will know which player is Stannis from the start of the game, however he has the ability to assassinate you from the start. You can work together with him or perish by his hand. He cannot be CHARMED by you.​


    House Targaryen is a former Great House of Westeros and was the ruling royal House of the Seven Kingdoms for three centuries, before it was deposed during Robert's Rebellion and House Baratheon replaced it as the new royal House. The few surviving Targaryens fled into exile. House Targaryen's sigil is a three-headed red dragon on a black background, and their words are "Fire and Blood".
    Daenerys Targaryen - Mother of Dragons. You may useFIRE AND BLOOD during one night phase. This will unleash your dragons, which will permanently roleblock another player at random.

    Khal Drogo - Khal of the Dothraki Sea. You can PILLAGE , which will publicly reveal the role of one other player of your choice. You may use this ability twice, but if you do, you will die on the next night.

    Jorah Mormont - Exiled Lord of Bear Island. You possess the ability to SPY on your own allegiance, revealing the identity of Daenerys to all of the Lannisters, who MAY offer you a place in their House. However, if you show LOYALTY to Daenerys and do not SPY on her by Day Three, you will be immune to death for two night phases, blocking any moves against you.

    Barristan Selmy - Loyal Queensguard. You have the ability to REVEAL the identity of Jorah if he does SPY on Daenerys. If Jorah does not SPY, you will gain the ability of PROTECTION which will protect Daenerys for two night phases. You may use this once.

    Daario Naharis - Sellsword to the Khaleesi. You have the ability to SEDUCE any female character. Doing this will reveal their player, as well as giving you access to any LETTERS they receive and night info they gain. You will die if they are killed.​


    White Walker - A secret role.
    Wights - A secret role.​
    Lady Stoneheart - A secret role.
    Bandits - A secret role.​
    The Faceless Man - You are able to be ENLISTED by any player and are a free agent. During the night, a player can request your help to assassinate another player. If this happens, you will receive a PM of their contract. If any player enlists your help, they will lose their role and become a Peasant loyal to their previous House and you will learn their identity. More information will be provided to this player in their role dossier.

    The Maester - Klippy is your Maester. The maester will be how you contact the head of your House (Ned, Tywin, Stannis, Dany) and how they will contact you. Through LETTERS, you can coordinate attacks and votes, share information (to an extent), and win the game of thrones. You will not learn the identities of the other members of your House through PM and all letters will be inspected to ensure no rules are broken. The head of House can send letters to all other members of the House, while members of the House can only send the head of House a letter. Peasants, wights, and bandits may not send letters, nor may any role in The Others category.

    The head of House may send a letter every night phase, while members of the House may send a letter every other night phase (starting Night One).

    Peasants - You're just the smallfolk. You can farm your land and hope that the lords of Westeros and their wars do not get you killed. You may DECLARE yourself to a House and will become a Loyal Peasant, but you will still have no abilities.​


    The PokeCommunity Rules apply here
    One vote per day phase.
    Please use [KILL] name and bold it to confirm your vote. I will ignore any votes that do not follow this format!
    Missing two votes will have you killed - these deaths will not affect any role-consequences or "Lover"-style roles.
    No PM sharing!
    All in-game discussion should be kept here.
    If you are DEAD, you are DEAD. Don't haunt the thread with your posts please!
    For kills, if there would be a tie, the last player killed will break the tie.
    Getting caught posting at the night phase will automatically kill you. No exceptions.
    Night actions should be sent to me by PM and by PM alone. Please title your PMs with your action. If you are sending a letter, please make it clear as well.
    Title your PM: "Night action/Letter" or "Night action"​
    Abstaining is not allowed.

    If you have any questions, you can post here, VM or PM Klippy.​


    Klippy as The Maester
    Ash as ???
    Nakuzami as ???
    apocalypseArisen as ???
    Sonata as ???
    arachnidsGrip as ???
    Jupiter as ???
    Ullion as ???
    Bardothren as ???
    Netto Azure as ???
    no as ???
    Orpheus as ???
    Candy as ???
    Cosmic as ???
    Ninja Aiden as ???
    JaDe.X105 as ???
    gio7sm as ???
    gimmepie as ???
    Mana as ???
    Ryo as ???
    Sopheria as ???
    Christos as ???
    eros as ???
    Shak as ???
    Arx as ???
    Stormbringer as ???
    Lycanthropy as ???
    Ice as ???
    Absol used bite! as ???
    Bidoof FTW as ???
    Lucid as ???
    Seth Rollins as ???
    Lucky Lickitung as ???
    honey as ???
    Kiyoshi the Polar Bear as ???
    Charlie Brown as ???
    Blurryface as ???
    Lost Heart as ???​
    Last edited by a moderator:
    me me me. i will post from my phone if i have to idc I'm not missingthis.
    I'm here and hella queer
    This sounds amazing! Also, loved the song, nice touch. Count me in!
    idc if F&L and SMS3 are still ongoing THIS LOOKS FUCKING INTERESTING

    Remind me to start GoT soon also I breathe spoilers so don't mind me
    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    That is all.
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