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Agree or Disagree (2.0)

Neither agree nor disagree, both have different uses.

(About competitive Pokémon battles:) VGC < Smogon.
Agree. Smogon's really useful for me to find the perfect nature, ability and movement for my Pokémon. I also never heard about VGC, so it might just be bias.

P.E. is the worst subject.
i think it depends on the person. on one hand, it helps to encourage fitness and health in children, especially with early intervention. on the other hand, however, sickly people are at an unfair disadvantage, and PE is better off as a club activity than being outright graded for it. so for the most part, i disagree, but the subject needs a fundamental change to accomodate everyone

do you believe silence is golden?
Well, religion certainly isn't. We just haven't found anything better than science. Not sure if I should agree or disagree, though. <_<

Everyone should have habits.
Disagree, up to the person, but who hasn't habits at some point?
Some shake in life is always appreciated. I live comfortable in habits most of the time, because they can be functional to not make me waste the day. On the other hand, they often also feel restrictive.

Pretty privilege exists
Unfortunately I am not priviledged ^^"

Air conditioning is better than fans.

Agree. Smogon's really useful for me to find the perfect nature, ability and movement for my Pokémon. I also never heard about VGC, so it might just be bias.
VGC is the official format of competitive Pokémon.
You have a team with 6 Pokémon, and each game you choose 4 for a double battle.
Smogon's format is the regular 1v1 Pokémon battle with a team of 6 Pokémons, just like in the game.
Smogon generally involves longer battles because of the use of stall teams (very defensive teams that are meant to not die) while such strategies are not viable in VGC. VGC also involves more interactions between Pokémons, as it consists in double battles.
Probably. Can't say I have access to them, though. Also, fans might just be a little bit better for the environment. Cooling things down requires a lot of energy, especially when it's very hot.

Never eat processed food.
Never? Kinda unrealistic, so I disagree. But as less as possible. I am referring to like extra processed food, because actually some basic actions like freezing and baking make food processed too, yet there's nothing wrong and unhealthy with that tbh.

Warm milk is better than cold milk
I'm hitting a surreal realization that I have never considered it. I'm an avid cereal enjoyer too.

It is wrong for a parent to openly display favoritism for a specific child.
Agree. Anyone that does this or intends to do it shouldn't be a parent. Saying things like "Why can't you be more like your sibling?" or "Your sibling did it, why can't you?", etc. can make a child experience things like anxiety or maybe even depression with this treatment where they feel like they're never going to be good enough because their sibling is "the best". At least, that's what I think it does.

Just because a series/film has good and diverse representation, it doesn't automatically make it a good series/film.
Agree. A series or film can have good diverse representation, but if other aspects such as writing, acting, or execution are lacking, it may not be considered a good series or film by some viewers or critics.

A.I. is beginning to do a little bit too much these days.
It does throw a bunch of our concepts into disarray that's for sure. And not all of them are bad concepts. And not all the concepts we get from AI are necessarily good, either. Worst part is that countries have a hard time catching up with the ever growing technological advances. And of course the big tech giants exploit that very much. "Please put restrictions on AI now that we've basically finished training ours and want to make it as hard as possible for any sort of competition to catch up." (only parts of that are said out loud, of course).
But yeah, generally agree.

We should still keep regular mailing around and don't switch completely to electronic ways.
Kinda agree, but not too sure. So, as of now, I'd surely agree because that's the only way older people can get mail. Most of them (at least here) don't have a computer.

I'd say that with the passing of time, everyone will keep reading emails, so normal mails would just be useless. However, I'd probably keep them just because sometimes you still need paper stuff for some things or just to be sure that the message is delivered.

At some point, tablets could disappear
I don't see why, so I'll disagree ^^"

AI is not dangerous.
Depends on the context. AI by itself is not dangerous, it's a way to make stuff easier for humans and is only there to help. But, depending on what the person using it wants to do, then it can get a bit harmful. There's AI that can mimic the voice of other people, and some people could use it to fake an identity and probably scam loads of other people. So I kinda disagree a bit more, it can be dangerous, but it's not dangerous by itself.

Spring and Autumn are the best seasons.
Too much rain for my liking tbh, especially Autumn. Would probably like them more if I didn't work outside, but I'll disagree anyway.
And obviously winter is the best season! =3

There are too many superhero movies.
Disagree. While a lot of superhero movies exist, I love superhero movies. Why? Because superhero movies typically have a great combination of many genres, such as action, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. They also tend to have great storytelling combined with action, and messages that encourage you to never give up and keeping on fighting to save and protect what's dear to you.

Social media has had a mostly positive impact upon society.
I will have a hard time trying to justify this, as I don't use them ^^"
But disagree.
For me Twitter equates "harassment for your opinions", Instagram and Facebook equate "unrealistic lifestyles to make you reflect on how uninteresting your life is", Tiktok equates "stupid and/or sexualised content by, or for teenagers". Plus, all of them promote a lazy way to make money out of nothing.
Sure you can keep in touch with friends and discover enriching content too.
Ah, and also, I find it very appalling that a tweet by, say, Elon Musk, can decide the stock exchange value of some companies.

If we're being lore-friendly, we shouldn't be able to catch legendary Pokémons (cause they are basically gods, you know).

(About competitive Pokémon battles:) VGC < Smogon.
Agree. Smogon's really useful for me to find the perfect nature, ability and movement for my Pokémon. I also never heard about VGC, so it might just be bias.
VGC is the official format of competitive Pokémon.
You have a team with 6 Pokémon, and each game you choose 4 for a double battle.
Smogon's format is the regular 1v1 Pokémon battle with a team of 6 Pokémons, just like in the game.
Smogon generally involves longer battles because of the use of stall teams (very defensive teams that are meant to not die) while such strategies are not viable in VGC. VGC also involves more interactions between Pokémons, as it consists in double battles.

I forgot to mention that Smogon does actually try to balance the battles with tiers and banlists. I think it's the most important point of their work :)
Sure, I agree. Keep some mystery to the series. It's one thing I really like about gen 1: all legendaries are optional. And they aren't really as "legendary" as, say, literally god.

The Pokemon games don't feel like a world where people actually live in.
I don't see why, so I'll disagree ^^"
Afaik the tablet market is actually considered a failed market. The only ones left usually sell tablet with a lot of bloatware that you can't get rid of and stuff. I considered buying one a while ago. But I just ended hating everything I saw...
Agree. However, it's not an easy thing to pull off.

Failure is a part of trying.