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Chit-Chat: Challenges Ideas & Discussion

challenge suggestions

So I know when people play their mons games they like to use different ways to make it harder like nuzlocke. However if you really want to make the games harder, here is one rule that makes it challenging. Only use the same number of Pokemon as your opponent. Why should you get to use 6 for their one Pokemon. Now I usually have 4 or 5 mons on my team at a time and I dont go deposit those Pokemon into the box or anything, I simply only use the same number they use. Sometimes Ill save before a battle so if i lose i start over. Sometimes I just use another Pokemon but all we understanding is that you had to pull an Ash Ketchum and use Pikachu against a guy who defeated your Bulbasaur with his Marowak in order to win.
need some help to install a good emerald randomizer

need some help

i wanna create a challenge (nuzlocke style that I'll explain in future) that requires a randomizer
the problem is that almost every randomizer is for windows and the few Mac ones don't work

can someone give me some help please
thanks for all the advices
Is there a challenge that's like "Same Type Attack Bonus" but it's the sort-of-reverse: "Same Types Are Bad"? You can't use anything that would grant you STAB There would be obvious caveats:

- If you start with only a damaging move that is a STAB move, you can continue to use it until you first gain a damaging non-STAB move, then you must no longer use that move.
- If you have a Pokemon that learns a move of a given type that would be STAB in a future evolution, you can use that move until you evolve.
- Status moves of any type may be used.
- Due to compatibility of some HMs, they can be taught to Pokemon of the same type. However, those moves cannot be used in battle if those Pokemon are part of the normal team. That is, a Lapras may be used for HMs, but it cannot use Surf during battle.
- Pokemon are ONLY allowed to use moves that are STAB if they cannot learn any other move, but you may only have up to one of these Pokemon on your team. For example, a Normal type that can only learn Normal type moves is allowed, but only one of them.
- Pokemon that have two types are still eligible. When signing up, people will have to choose between either "Semi-STAB" (only the primary type is a type you can't use) or "Pure-STAB" (both types cannot be used)

- Keeping in mind that Smeargle can Sketch any move, if ends up Sketching a move that is Normal, that move is ineligible.
- Given the unreliability of Metronome, any Pokemon that can learn it is eligible to. Just don't turn it into a Metronome run if at all possible.

If this doesn't exist, or if I can't be pointed at it, then I will look to start up a thread about the "Same Types Are Bad" Challenge.
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I've seen it as an added rule in Nuzlockes (sometimes used in conjunction with "No SE moves allowed") where the penalty for screwing up is death, but I don't think I've seen either by itself.
Methods For Improving In-Game Difficutly

I'm not the first to say that Pokemon has had lackluster difficulty for veteran players. Sure, the Set Battle Style + No Items combo helps a little bit, but even then I was still hungering for a bit more challenge. Over the last couple of years or so i've been trying to think of new ways to spicen up a casual playthrough, and I think it would be cool to share it with you all. I'm a bit unsure whether this post should instead be in the Challenges forum, so let me know if it should go there. Anyway, here are some of my favorite personal rules for my runs:

1. In gym battles, you may only use a number of Pokemon equal to the ammount they are using. This was the first of my rules, which I started using after a run of Black 2 Challenge mode. The only issue I had with that run is that despite the Gyms having really good teams I could always win by simply outlasting them with more Pokemon in my party. This rule also adds a bit of strategy on who to bring to a gym fight.

2. You cannot save in between Elite Four members or the Champion. I wouldn't be suprised if some of you already use this one, epecially because I got it from Jrose11's videos. Definitely a good one if you want to stop gimmicky strategies that require a lot of luck.

3. Once you enter a Gym, you must complete it before you can heal at a Pokemon Center. This is my most recent idea, but also the only one of the three that is 100% untested. I think it definitely has potential, but it might not be that enjoyable to play with.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? I really hope nobody has thought of the first one yet.
Number 1 isn't exactly common but also not unheard of in challenge communities, unfortunately.
Usually paired with something like a level cap (must match the ace's level or a small number of levels above that such as 2 or 3).

I usually see them in Nuzlocke variants since the Nuzlocke people are usually the ones that care the most about difficulty.
Hey I was wondering if there's already a thing for "true solo challenges" where the use of HM slaves isn't allowed? I did one in HG recently to see if I could. Afaik they should be possible in all games that feature HMs except for DPPt because Victory Road requires 5 HMs and they're trivial in BW.
Hey I was wondering if there's already a thing for "true solo challenges" where the use of HM slaves isn't allowed? I did one in HG recently to see if I could. Afaik they should be possible in all games that feature HMs except for DPPt because Victory Road requires 5 HMs and they're trivial in BW.
There is Solo Challenge, in which you can do a run without HM slaves.
Hey everyone! I'm very interested in team composition challenges, and I've noticed a lack of region-based ones.

I know a lot of people already challenge themselves to use only new Mons, but what about the opposite? I'd like to see challenges where one doesn't use any of the new Pokémon from the Generation in which the game was released. For example, if I wanted to run through X/Y, I would not use Kalos Pokémon. That would mean I would have to ditch the Kalos starter, but I would be free to use the Kanto starter that Sycamore gives out in his Lab. Similarly, if I did such a run of any of the Alola games, the starter would be off-limits, but I could catch a Pichu just outside my home and use it as my starter instead. Of course this challenge would be impossible in a Gen I game or remake of such, and I admit I don't quite know what the standing of regional forms would be, but it would be interesting to try.

Another one I thought of would be a challenge where one may use only one Mon from each Generation (in ROM hacks and fan games with Fakemon, their newcomers would count as a Generation.) For example, in a Sword/Shield run, I can keep the starter in the team, but cannot use any other Galar Pokémon beyond that point. Then, I'd have to select one from each region; such a final team could be Cinderace (Gen VIII), Raichu (Gen I), Excadrill (Gen V), Mimikyu (Gen VII), Ninjask (Gen III) and Weavile (Gen IV). This challenge would only be possible in games beyond Gen V at the earliest (as well as ROM hacks and fan games that cover Mons up to said Generation), but hey, the above was my team in my last run of Shield up to the point where I replaced Ninjask with Falinks, so it's doable.

Any thoughts on this? Have you done any challenges like these?
This challenge would only be possible in games beyond Gen V at the earliest (as well as ROM hacks and fan games that cover Mons up to said Generation), but hey, the above was my team in my last run of Shield up to the point where I replaced Ninjask with Falinks, so it's doable.

This could actually be done in Gen V and earlier (Well, not in BW1 or Kanto). You'd just have less than six party members. It's entirely reasonable in B2W2 and Gen IV, especially with all the HMs you need. Though if someone wants a full team in an earlier Gen, you could possibly allow two Pokemon per Gen so long as you already have one from each Gen already, though this still obviously couldn't be done with BW1 or RBY/FRLG.
A friend and I are doing a "Soul Link" Nuzlocke with randomized wild Pokémon, and I'm wondering if I would be allowed to post it and where.

He's playing Ruby, and I'm playing Sapphire. The wild Pokémon are randomized but not the trainers.There is also a house rule that each gym leader is a "checkpoint" we can restart from, so if we beat Wattson and then wipe out at Mt. Chimney, we can restart from right after Wattson. There's also a "static encounter" clause where, even though the static encounter is random, it doesn't count as the only Pokémon from that route (though we'd still have to both successfully catch it in order to use it). The full rules will be included in my first post where I put it.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
A friend and I are doing a "Soul Link" Nuzlocke with randomized wild Pokémon, and I'm wondering if I would be allowed to post it and where.

He's playing Ruby, and I'm playing Sapphire. The wild Pokémon are randomized but not the trainers.There is also a house rule that each gym leader is a "checkpoint" we can restart from, so if we beat Wattson and then wipe out at Mt. Chimney, we can restart from right after Wattson. There's also a "static encounter" clause where, even though the static encounter is random, it doesn't count as the only Pokémon from that route (though we'd still have to both successfully catch it in order to use it). The full rules will be included in my first post where I put it.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hello there! For something like this I think I would make a thread in Travel Journals. It's the best way to simply update your progress on any run you want, even a challenge run, and have people follow along easily. Challenges as a section... well, the idea of it implies that if you create a thread in here, you're challenging us all to play along and let you know how we're doing 😇
I have no objection to that. I just didn't want to break the rule about "one thread per challenge," but now I think I misunderstood that meant. In any case, thank you.
Anyone remember the NPC Trainer Class challenge? Am I allowed to post in it or does it need to be revived? I think it goes back to like 2017 since it was last posted in lol.
Anyone remember the NPC Trainer Class challenge? Am I allowed to post in it or does it need to be revived? I think it goes back to like 2017 since it was last posted in lol.

If it hasn't been updated in like a year or so, it's probably a good idea to make a new thread, yeah.
Not necessarily but it's a good rule of thumb in general?

I really don't think anyone will mind if you make a new thread if the challenge is from that long ago, but things might get murkier with newer stuff. When in doubt ask a mod.
Gym Leader Challenge

So I've experimented with a few types of challenge runs in the past, and the one I've had the most fun with and still continue to do is the Gym Leader Challenge. So you're not just doing a mono type challenge, you're restricting yourself to Pokemon that the Gym Leaders specifically use. Now since I've been doing it with earlier Gen games, I tend to use the PWT from BW2 as a good template to base the team off of (sometimes I'll make a change if they have a mon that is not natively available in their base region to something that is). I'll mod the game to give one of the Pokemon as my starter as well so that the challenge doesn't just start when I get to where I can catch them. I've posted a few images of Hall of Fames of runs I've already done. I'm curious if you guys have ever done challenges like this or might be interested in trying one after seeing this. And no, this isn't a nuzlocke, this is just to beat the game (At least for me, though I suppose you could make it a nuzlocke if you wanted)


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