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Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015

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Oh yea you bet! This will be the first year I get to participate in the Hallow's End event in WoW, so I'm pretty stoked.

As for haunted houses, not for me! I don't think I've ever been to a haunted house, but I don't think it's something I'd enjoy unless I was with a group of people. So I can't see myself going alone.

EDIT: I have a new halloween avatar! If avatars weren't broken, I'd upload the full thing because he's sitting on a pumpkin!
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Figured I'd take part, so here's my pumpkin...

[PokeCommunity.com] Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015

(also, megan will be dearly missed. hopefully a new mod will come in soon)

As for the topic about haunted houses? I don't remember going in one, but then I was still young and easily spooked the first time I looked at one. And just like Janna (Sheep) I get easily scared hahahaha
With all the talk of haunted houses, I actually remembered this funny time that I went to a carnival or a fair, and I was with a friend, and we decided it had like this haunted house and we decided to go in 2 times and I don't remember who it was first, but I think the first time we came out of the haunted house he was scared, I think he may have been crying as well, and I was just "Oh please, that was nothing" and was ready to go in it a 2nd time and then after the 2nd time we went in I was the one that came out scared (I think I was also crying) and he was like "It wasn't that scary.", or it could've been the other way around where I was scared first and then he got scared after the 2nd time. I'm not a huge fan of haunted house attractions, I find them pretty lame and they don't scare me at all. Although I wouldn't mind actually going to an actual haunted house, like one that is abandoned and has been reported to be haunted by ghosts, or maybe even an asylum, hotel, or hospital.
I would seriously have a panic attack if I were to go into a haunted house alone - amusement park attraction or not - and there was some jump scare. Just.. don't even ask me to go. I'm good where I am. xD
Hey Janna, would you like to go to the Winchester Mystery House with me and hopefully take some pictures of real life ghosts? It would be fun to do for Halloween. X3
How about halloween specials/movies? Does anyone watch them? What are your most favorites? (Horror ones can be included if you enjoy them. ^^)

I think the only one I enjoy the most is The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's literally my most favorite ever. Oh, and Hocus Pocus is another one! I don't like horror movies though because they give me the worst nightmares ever imagined. :c
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How about halloween specials/movies? Does anyone watch them? What are your most favorites? (Horror ones can be included if you enjoy them. ^^)

Ah the classics: Casper the Friendly Ghost, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The 13 Ghosts. Sometimes I'll also watch a variety of horror films, mainly the Alien series, Jaws, and The Ring series.

EDIT: I don't think I was added to the participants list yet, so just in case:
[PokeCommunity.com] Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015
How about halloween specials/movies? Does anyone watch them? What are your most favorites? (Horror ones can be included if you enjoy them. ^^)

Ah the classics: Casper the Friendly Ghost, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The 13 Ghosts. Sometimes I'll also watch a variety of horror films, mainly the Alien series, Jaws, and The Ring series.

EDIT: I don't think I was added to the participants list yet, so just in case:
[PokeCommunity.com] Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015

I love your avvy! It's so cute. <3

Anyway, on topic... Casper scared the poop out of me as a kid. :c That one scene where the other three ghosts come popping out scarred me for life! Scooby doo movies are good for Halloween as well, like... the Witch's Ghost or anything more halloween-oriented. I know they did a Halloween movie at one time too.

As I said before, I steer clear of horror movies. :c I'm squeamish.
I love your avvy! It's so cute. <3

Anyway, on topic... Casper scared the poop out of me as a kid. :c That one scene where the other three ghosts come popping out scarred me for life! Scooby doo movies are good for Halloween as well, like... the Witch's Ghost or anything more halloween-oriented. I know they did a Halloween movie at one time too.

As I said before, I steer clear of horror movies. :c I'm squeamish.

Thanks! Here's where I got it from: https://static.tumblr.com/972323cc7...u/tumblr_static_f51w8aet6zw4o4kc8kgwswsw0.jpg

Witches Ghost is nice, also Zombie Island and Ghoul School are great too! Personally, I've been rewatching The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo and The New Scooby Doo Movies. A Pup Named Scooby Doo also had it's own Halloween-specific episode, which was great!
How about halloween specials/movies? Does anyone watch them? What are your most favorites? (Horror ones can be included if you enjoy them. ^^)
There is a lot that I can think of. There are two Halloween movies that I do watch, The Nightmare Before Christmas and John Carpenter's Halloween. The Nightmare Before Christmas, I only watched it 3 times, once last year and two times in 2013, one of those times was with my bff and she enjoyed it a lot. As for John Carpenter's Halloween, I always watch it when Halloween comes around since it is a horror movie, it takes place on Halloween, it's called Halloween, and it is one of my favorite films. One day, I plan to watch all the Halloween movies, including Halloween III: Season of the Witch and the Rob Zombie remakes. As for horror movies, I watch them almost all the time and some of my favorites include the Scream series (with maybe the exception of Scream 3), Dawn of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead (remake), Ju-On, Alien, Aliens, [.REC] and [.REC 2] (Haven't watched the 4th movie, I didn't like the 3rd movie, nor did I like the Quarantine movies), and the Paranormal Activity movies which I will be going to the movies to watch the new one, Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension.
I forgot to mention, I also like the Disney Halloween movies like the Halloweentown series (with Kimberly Brown only though), Under Wraps and Phantom of the Megaplex. Yeah, like I said... I'm not big on scary. XD

I've watched the Paranormal Activity movies. I've seen 1, 2 and 3... but I decided the rest might be much for me. I do want to see Crimson Peak though, which I don't know if it counts as halloween or anything. YOU GUYS KNOW MY REASONS BECAUSE TOM HIDDLESTON OKAY GOODBYE.
Hey Janna, would you like to go to the Winchester Mystery House with me and hopefully take some pictures of real life ghosts? It would be fun to do for Halloween. X3

-shudder- I'll.. maybe take you up on that offer.. if you pay me well enough. ;3

And I don't watch Halloween movies! Never have really. Boyfriend made me watch Nightmare Before Christmas a few months ago though because he's obsessed and I've never seen it. =(
-shudder- I'll.. maybe take you up on that offer.. if you pay me well enough. ;3
Your hotel room will be paid for and your payment will be a bag of potato chips and some ice cream. ^_^

I do want to see Crimson Peak though
Oh I want to see that movie too. I keep seeing trailers for it and it makes me excited to watch it.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015

I've never tried to watch a scary movie, I know I'll scream a lot, so every time somebody decides to watch one, I basically nope out of the room. Although, since it's the season for it, I might..
Oh I want to see that movie too. I keep seeing trailers for it and it makes me excited to watch it.

omg yes. Every time I see the trailers, I spazz out over Tom. *______*

Anyway, yeah... I do the exact same thing, Urugamosu! My parents also aren't big on actual horror movies either. I remember being really little once too. It wasn't really a horror movie, but it had a lot of elements of one. Anyway, I was on the other end of the couch with my mom. They thought I was sleeping. So, they watched a movie called Tremors about these giant underground worms. It was scary for me at the time (still is). Well, I watched a little of it. It scared the living daylights out of me. So much that my parents had to convince me that the worms were nice worms. XD

But yeah. I have no plans on watching anything horror-related on Halloween. My plans are dressing up to pass out candy this year. I MAY be able to trick or treat next year. It seems like my dad is finally getting why I like to every year. It gives me a chance to try out new costumes with my cosplay wigs and stuff. ^^
[PokeCommunity.com] Club NIGHTMARE ???? 2015

I'm not really into Halloween movies or specials. Horror movies ain't my thing and I don't go out of my way in particular to watch anything Halloween-themed. Especially since I don't have cable nowadays and I'd have to go out of my way to watch this stuff. Although I MAY watch some of the old Disney Halloween movies again.

Also, my plans near Halloween are to attend an anime convention and cosplay. I still get to wear a costume! I'll post pictures once the costume is complete.
I'm someone who doesn't really watch Halloween-themed movies that much, I guess it's likely my fear of scary movies that is to blame again hahahaha
Added everyone :D

It's not exactly a 'movie' but I saw the first episode of season five from American Horror Story a few days ago. Again, not normally a thing I'd watch but my boyfriend asked and I said yes despite not wanting to since it's horror and blegh. Was awkward at some parts but that's about what I expected from the clips I've seen of it in the past. Has anyone else watched this series?
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