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6th Gen Do people still play X/Y?

  • 41
    • Seen today
    It has been more than several years since I played X/Y, and I just started playing Y again. And I was just wondering if people still played the games so I can try to complete the dex.

    The pain of playing a older pokemon game is the low probability of people still playing it.
    X/Y was one of those "once and done" games for me. It never really stuck with me like other games. Though I'm sure there are people who still play, try the Trade Corner using the Gen 6 (VI) prefix.
    I play XY every now and then like every pokemon game. It is also one of my favorite games. I am sure there are still plenty of other that play with. I know when I play, I am still able to get Wonder Trades pretty easily, which means there are still plenty playing. I don't know if GTS will work for much longer though given that the 3ds stuff is about to be shut down in March.

    It might just be Eshop. I don't know if they close online services like GTS ect.
    I don't know if GTS will work for much longer though given that the 3ds stuff is about to be shut down in March.

    It might just be Eshop. I don't know if they close online services like GTS ect.
    As far as I know it's only the eShop that's getting shut down. All the other online stuff will be whenever they decide to end WiFi connection for the 3DS....which could possibly be not be that far off really given that the 3DS is more than a decade old.
    I play them from time to time. I'm actually thinking about doing a run just now.

    I personally don't mind if no one else play it. It won't really change my experience, unless I'm doing Wonderlocke challenge.
    Well hopefully I can get lucky and finish the dex. My only issue now is that my copy of Y is giving me corrupted save files.
    I think I mean to replay it sometimes but then forget. I've played the games a couple of times, but I can only remember fighting the champion once. I wasn't too impressed.
    I played the game twice and I wasn't particularly amazed by it, except for the AZ's part in the story. Well, it had some sort of fashion when it came out, but unfortunately, for many reasons, it's one of the games in the series I like less. Planning another run this year though.
    I've only completed Pokémon X one time, but I've always wanted to do it again. I don't know when I'll actually get around to that because I'm juggling many video games including about four or five Pokémon titles right now. I definitely want to replay it sometime in 2023, but it might be on the back burner for a while.

    I'm actually in the minority for enjoying the story in Pokémon X & Y, but I don't remember the plot beats too well compared to other games like Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon Crystal, and especially Pokémon Fire Red & Leaf Green. If you asked me the name of anyone in Team Flare besides Lysander and (I think) Elite Four Malva, I wouldn't be able to tell you.
    I bought Y in 2013, I played for awhile then put it up. In 2016 I discovered shiny hunting. I then bought X and ORAS, completed Y and started shiny hunting.

    I continue shiny hunting in it to this day. Scarlett is the first Pokemon game I've shiny hunted in outside gen 6. I'm pretty close to finishing the shiny dex in that gen. I don't have shiny charm because I feel it cheapens shiny hunting.
    I played Y when it released and X last year, because I still had a copy lying around sealed in plastic xD
    They are good games, but I found myself missing a bunch of QOL features from gen 8 too much tbh.
    I don't... X/Y are by far my least favorite Pokemon games of all time. Once I finished them and OR/AS came out I never touched them again and never will.
    Of course. I still play all of my old Pokémon games, which includes Pokémon Y. In fact, I am going to start back playing so I can gather some Pokémon for my upcoming trade shop.
    I booted up my save file on X, and noticed that all my pokemon except black Kyurem and a bunch of freshly hatched pokemon were still there. I then remembered that I transferred everything to Omega Ruby and Sun.
    I had tried to do challenge runs in X, but those runs I just never finished. I just find the game to be there. It plays fine as a game, but there isn't really much to it that really makes it stand out. The story is bland and told poorly, there are so many things that feel half-done (you can ride Skiddo... in one small area only, what was the point?).
    As far as I know it's only the eShop that's getting shut down. All the other online stuff will be whenever they decide to end WiFi connection for the 3DS....which could possibly be not be that far off really given that the 3DS is more than a decade old.

    I really gotta believe once they do this they will final release all the previous games on switch but with Nintendo who knows😞
    I'm about to start a save on Y this week!

    Think I'm going to breed in all 3 Kalos starters HA, and then ignore the gift Kanto starter as I had them G-Max on my Sword team so a bit sick of them (plus will be doing FireRed soon too, or finishing LGPE - either way too much Kanto!)