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I hope the day has gone well for you two! I'm not really sure the best thing to say in this kind of scenario but I wish the best for you! Remember things will pass and often seem scarier if you're thinking ahead about it all. Take care!
I come online today I get a Luvdisc thing from a secret admirer?

I don't know who you are but your message was kind, I thank you! I wish I could know who you are so I'd send you something too. ^^

On the topic of sending Luvdisc, how do I do the private conversation thing with Luvdisc? Is it the start conversation message on the Luvdisc profile on the right side?
I come online today I get a Luvdisc thing from a secret admirer?

I don't know who you are but your message was kind, I thank you! I wish I could know who you are so I'd send you something too. ^^

On the topic of sending Luvdisc, how do I do the private conversation thing with Luvdisc? Is it the start conversation message on the Luvdisc profile on the right side?
Yep! just send the letter in a pm to luvdisc!
Alone. This is the worst month.
I know how you feel, I feel lonely a lot of the time, it's the worst. but just remember you have all of us here that are happy to be your friends!
already depressed in preperation for tomorrow lmao
I hope tomorrow goes well for you! :love:

I honestly don't know why Valentine's Day is given so much value. I don't think people who love each other need a special day to show it, they show it all the time.

This day just gives the couples at my hostel more air and people like me just feel alone and empty.

Almost all of my friends are out with their SOs and all I can do is just go to sleep in this shitty dorm room.

I want to be able to feel comfortable in saying that I choose to be alone but then days like this make it feel like the world is ending if I don't gave someone and I hate it, like please, all this romantic BS doesn't exist for people like me and I DO NOT want this info shoved down my throat.

Nobody like that exists for me and I don't want an active reminder.
I know how you feel, I feel lonely a lot of the time, it's the worst. but just remember you have all of us here that are happy to be your friends!

I hope tomorrow goes well for you! :love:
Also thanks but honestly I just feel alone and
I'm just... existing. Every time I smile or laugh around someone I need to remind myself that I'm not worthy.
*Big hug*
I am really sorry to hear you feel that way, Crustan... But like Lavender said, we are your friends and we are here for you. And you ARE worthy. You are nice, friendly, you ARE a great person. I wish you to find all the help and support you need, and know you can talk to us if you need, we will listen.
I think society places too much value on being in a relationship, and that's why Valentine's Day is....painful for some. I get that having a SO/spouse can potentially be an amazing thing, but the overemphasis on it then breeds desperation to get into a relationship no matter what and negative feelings if you aren't currently in one. For every genuinely happy and healthy relationship there is at least an equal number of unhappy and even abusive ones. It's not the amount of time spent, but the quality of the time that is spent.

Maybe it's just the bias talking since I'm aromantic, but like, goddamn, nobody is worthless just because they're not dating/married, nor is it the only road to happiness.