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[Competitive] Favorite battling tier

Not a tier in particular but since I like to play with my favourites, I'll play wherever most of them land. So for now, it's UU I guess
Also Ubers because big strong creatures go brrrr lol
Random Battles.

When I actually played seriously, it was UU.
The Pokémon I most like to use tend to be a blend of UU and OU.. Is there a tier in-between? Is that BL?

I kinda really dislike OU, because... most teams I face have at least 3-4 of the same Pokémon, running the same sets. 90% of the time, Flutter Mane/Tera Fairy/Choice Specs, Urshifu Rapid/Tera Water/Choice Scarf, Chien Pao/Focus Sash, Dragonite/Tera Normal/Choice Band. It's so very dull, and I wish they could somehow force the rotation of these Pokémon more often.
I don't have a competitive mindset, but IF I played competitive Pokémon I'd choose whichever tier includes most of the reasonably decent fully evolved Pokémon without becoming a legendary/pseudo/Ultra Beast/Paradox spam fest. Variety is also welcome, it's just annoying to see a lot of people using the same Pokémon.

Still, although I really appreciate all the work people at Smogon invest into organising and updating tiers to put some balance into the inherently unbalanced power gap mess that Pokémon has allways been (which honestly allways worked better for single player than for PvP), all that studying tiers and learning what are the best Pokémon to use and which ones I should avoid is just not my cup of tea.
Probably Rarely Used or Never Used. Likely sees some less familiar Pokemon there, while still being evolved and having decent strategies.
I played a little bit of Gen 7 RU between Sun and Moon and the Ultra games. I had a friend who was really into it and I ended up picking it up casually, learning from them, and having a bit of fun with it. I think things like RU or NU are really interesting because they're not at the total bottom of the bin nor are they the super mega overpowered legendaries. I feel like something like Ubers would be boring if it's just "These Pokemon are factually the best at the top of the best tier" and something like ZU would be boring because it feels less interesting just being "stuck with the worst ones". It's a nice in-between where I think you'd have really unique options, and if I ever tried to pick up competitive Pokemon again it'd likely be RU or NU.