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First Time One Of Your Pokemon Disobeys

It happened to me in Sapphire when someone traded me an Torchic and treekco,
the treekco was the one who did not listen to me it was really annoying.
My brother probably traded me some things to help me beat Blue and Gold, but I don't really remember. I do remember in FireRed I wanted to use all three starters, but they didn't obey me past level 10 against the first gym haha. I always thought that I could use traded Pokemon up to level 19 until Misty, so I was caught off guard. My strategy was doomed, but somehow I got lucky and beat Brock anyway.
My first experience with this happened with my Luxray. Luxray was on of my best Pokemon in Pearl. After beating the game, I used an action replay to get rare candies to level up Luxray to lv.100 and to by the super expensive ribbons for it. Later, i traded it over to Platinum and I didn't pay attention/know about pokemon not listening to you if you didn't have the right amount of badges. It crushed my heart, because I thought that Luxray hated me for using cheats / the game realized I had cheated and was punishing me (I was younger, and thought that way at the time. Games were more real than coded information to me.)
I've never really used Luxray again and I've lost a certain connection towards it. I still transferred it over to Alpha Sapphire and hope to use it more in the future, after all, Luxray was my best and favorite Pokemon back in Pearl.
Yeah Luxray is also my favourite pokemon in any hack I just want to catch shinx so I can see it envolve in luxray . Luxray is just awesome.
I remembered all the hack I play no pokemon ever disobey me but then I play pokemon ash gray in it charmeleon just don't obey me. Then I find out it's just programmed in hack so in first it doesn't obey me.
It happened to me in Pokemon Ruby because I used two Pokemon that I traded from my Emerald version (a Treecko and a Torchic). I remember they kept disobeying during the Gym Battle I needed to win to get the badge that would let them obey, which was annoying, but I made it through with a lot of patience. Since that point I didn't have much of a problem with disobedience, since I acquired Gym Badges faster than I could pass the level at which they expired.
The traded laturern won't obey me because I have insufficient badge
I might remember this happening in Generation I before, haha. And with a Chikorita I tried to trade over to Crystal for fun when I had chosen Totodile, I remember that.

Nowadays it mercifully doesn't happen as much, but just as a note to people who do Wonderlockes in ORAS, be mindful, because your Pokémon will disobey before the first badge if they exceed Level 10. I remember one Marriland user who did a no bag items WonderWedlocke (which sadly fell off after Norman) and she (he?) had her Pokémon disobey and beat Roxanne with 1 HP left. And it almost happened in the first Wonderlocke I completed. So, be careful!
Nowadays it mercifully doesn't happen as much, but just as a note to people who do Wonderlockes in ORAS, be mindful, because your Pokémon will disobey before the first badge if they exceed Level 10. I remember one Marriland user who did a no bag items WonderWedlocke (which sadly fell off after Norman) and she (he?) had her Pokémon disobey and beat Roxanne with 1 HP left. And it almost happened in the first Wonderlocke I completed. So, be careful!

That reminds me of one of my friends who got a shiny Level 100 Terrakion (I think, it was one of the three musketeer pokémon) in a Wonderlocke and he just gave up at that point. I don't think he even used it enough for it to disobey him.
Game shark code in leaf green back in the day. Caught a mew with it and it wouldn't obey and I was annoyed.
At the start of Emerald I was traded a level 70 Rayquaza by someone who finished already.
Honestly, I think the first time it happened to me was back in FireRed when I was a kid, I didn't really know it was a thing and got quite annoyed ahah. More recently though, I traded over a Misdreavous from SoulSilver to use in Platinum, and fully forgot it had gone above the obedience level when I was fighting the 4th gym haha, that was an interesting fight, but it didn't happen again after that!
Happened in GSC and I was so annoyed. Pretty sure there's someone in those games who tells you the usual traded pokemon spiel but I was just like, "yeah yeah whatever, it will be FINE." Little did I know.
I traded a Spheal to a new game in Sapphire. It lost to Brawly's gym like ten times bc it won't obey me.
i had this issue with Rocky the Onix in gsc! decided to actually try using him one time, and it didn't work out very well hahaha. I tend to stay away from traded pokémon during the story nowadays, since they level up too fast and disobey :<
Dux the Farfetch'd in Pokemon Blue was a real handful. Brock's boulder badge doesn't guarantee pokemon of any level obey you in the gen 1 games, it just enables you to use flash, increases the attack of pokemon. Since you can explore Vermilion City and do the Farfetch'd trade before defeating Misty it's very easy to end up with a Farfetch'd gone wild. Even if you had a Cascade badge it makes only pokemon of up to level 30 obey you, and Lt Surge's badge like Brock's will not increase the level that pokemon will obey you at, it just raises your defense and speed, and enables you to use fly outside of battle. So you could have all three badges for the area you receive this pokemon in, and still lose control of it quickly pokemon without being very over levelled. The moment that Dux researches level 31 he will go crazy again. It's not until you get the rainbow badge from Erika that you can control pokemon over level 30.