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Development: Forms and Formes

I'm sorry, didn't see this one at first. Typo: I meant 0x2 , which means if greater than. Special 0x9F will return a party slot from 0 to 5, and 7 if no pokemon is selected.
Also, for the full script you need to check if the selected pokemon is in fact a Rotom or Deoxys too, of course.

EDIT: whoops, seems like I missed the fact that in Platinum you never actually have to select a Rotom or a Deoxys... :/
Derp here, so I guess this would require one of FBI's routines instead.

ahhhhh.... thanks I was just confused what and why 0x3
Arceus and Giratina will have to wait because Game Freak ignored logic when coding the Pokémon Storage System. However, the first post has been updated for BURMY!
Thank you for this.

On another note, what exactly were you referring to with Arceus and Giratina?

The routine that changes the index number based on hold item (and location).
Great job yo! How to port this on Emerald... does changing the offsets will work?
For Cherrim, I had hacked the routines used for Castform. It's unfinished and on hold at the moment though.
is there a way to keep the pokedex number the same once it's changed formes? i'm trying to add the deoxys formes for firered but the pokedex number changes
is there a way to keep the pokedex number the same once it's changed formes? i'm trying to add the deoxys formes for firered but the pokedex number changes

I believe you can edit it with G3HS, otherwise is surely possible with PGE.
I believe you can edit it with G3HS, otherwise is surely possible with PGE.

i used PGE's but it seems to mess up the Pokedex. when i view it on the national dex list, or rare pokemon habitat, it's completely fine. But i can't seem to view it on the search pokemon options, and on the type list, it comes up 4 times (cuz there's 4 deoxys formes) and not in the same place like the others
i used PGE's but it seems to mess up the Pokedex. when i view it on the national dex list, or rare pokemon habitat, it's completely fine. But i can't seem to view it on the search pokemon options, and on the type list, it comes up 4 times (cuz there's 4 deoxys formes) and not in the same place like the others

Did you use the dex order editor?
For Cherrim, I had hacked the routines used for Castform. It's unfinished and on hold at the moment though.

That is most interesting to me. Do you know if you can change what triggers the form change? Example being if you could make it based on %HP left?
That is most interesting to me. Do you know if you can change what triggers the form change? Example being if you could make it based on %HP left?

Placing a check for that should be easy enough, the hard part is updating the data itself. Especially if that means changing more than just the sprite and the typing. (I'm guessing Darmanitan)
so i'm trying to do deoxys' formes in emerald but i'm unsure with this part of the code

        var8004:			.word 0x020270B8 + 0x8004 * 2
	poke_slot_1:			.word 0x02024284
	var8005:			.word 0x020270B8 + 0x8005 * 2

what would the emerald equivalent of the numbers after the ".word" be?
so i'm trying to do deoxys' formes in emerald but i'm unsure with this part of the code

        var8004:			.word 0x020270B8 + 0x8004 * 2
	poke_slot_1:			.word 0x02024284
	var8005:			.word 0x020270B8 + 0x8005 * 2

what would the emerald equivalent of the numbers after the ".word" be?

You just need to change all of them to the following code, I was tested and it worked properly.

.align 2
var8004: .word 0x020375E0
poke_slot_1: .word 0x020244EC
var8005: .word 0x020375E2
pokemon_setattr: .word 0x0806ACAC
pokemon_calc_effective_stats: .word 0x08068D0C