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Development: Forms and Formes

So.. I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to ASM. Which parts I can remove if I only want Giratin's Origin form? (Yeah, I'm sorry, I just never liked Arceus type change thing, I never became interested on it </3 ..)
just remove all of the .equ's (that deal with plates) at the top and the entries in the table at the bottom (that deal with plates)
just remove all of the .equ's (that deal with plates) at the top and the entries in the table at the bottom (that deal with plates)

Kinda like this?

Thanks, gonna give it a try, I seriously didn't thought it would be that easy, I feel like it never is with ASM xD ..

EDIT: Nope, didn't worked.
[PokeCommunity.com] Forms and Formes
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Kinda like this?

Thanks, gonna give it a try, I seriously didn't thought it would be that easy, I feel like it never is with ASM xD ..

EDIT: Nope, didn't worked.
[PokeCommunity.com] Forms and Formes

lol sorry i failed so hard
you can actually just define every single different form as the same index (normal arceus, in your case), but it would probably be better to change every reference to a different form back to "ArceusNormal" and then delete the rest of the .equ's (that aren't arceus normal)
this is a really bad way of doing it, but it should work
I try to eliminate everything that was Arceus, but I do not know if it worked:
I try to eliminate everything that was Arceus, but I do not know if it worked:

It didn't, but you got a different error than I.
[PokeCommunity.com] Forms and Formes
Alright, I have been asked to share the routines I made for form(e) changing in Platinum Red & Blue multiple times, and I finally found the time to do so. This thread will be updated as I clean up old routines and create new ones. Enjoy.

About the burmy form change,
I think mothim also changes its form accordingly,
but in the routine above you have asked to insert the dex number of burmy,
then how can i do the form change for mothim ???
About the burmy form change,
I think mothim also changes its form accordingly,
but in the routine above you have asked to insert the dex number of burmy,
then how can i do the form change for mothim ???

Mothim has no alternate forms.
Sorry there is a way to do the ability of aegislash in FR, what happens is that I can not find it in Abilities resource thread and I already search on all the pages.

You forget add into the code MIND PLATE and ARCEUS PSYCHIC.... Too good that this list can be expanded... For All fellow Pokemon Ruby Hackers... Take this pointers from me for instering arceus and Giratina <And even Silvally> System...

Things you need change from Emerald Port is...

pokemon_calc_checksum: .word 0x0803b120
pokemon_encrypt: .word 0x0809d540
pokemon_calculate_stats: .word 0x0803b1b0
Back: .word 0x0803D8E2+1
Back2: .word 0x0803d8f6+1

For repoing " 00 49 08 47 xx+1 xx xx 08 " part.... It was in pointer 0x3d598

I tested it on my current Pokemon Ruby Rombase and works ideal.
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How can I make silvally change shape?

I have modified the arceus but I think it does not work.

