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Development: Forms and Formes

oohhh, I have a question, about the burmy's evolution, what if I have Sandy Burmy then I make Sandy Wormadam as its evolution, does it register the index number in National Dex?

Give them the same dex number.
0x8004 needs to be the slot in your party containing the Swampert, 0x8005 the index number of Mewtwo. And it's worth noting that after the routine finishes, both vars will remain unaltered.

Ahh. So, 0x8004 is the PARTY SLOT. Ok! I got it now working. Thanks dude. But, what about if a certain Pokemon is selected? If that certain Pokemon is selected, it will change. If not, it does nothing. Example, I have Charizard want to change into someone else but I have picked Blastoise then it will do nothing. I guess after the special that picks Pokemon, there should be a comparison if a certain index slot is selected. Can you post an example of a script as well? Hope you can understand this if confusing. Thanks! Nah! I've figured it out about specific Pokemon. I've combined the script with the "checkpokemon" script found at quick research thread.
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By the name of Arceus: EWWWWW
I have already stated that I got Arceus and Giratina working using hold items, they just don't work yet from the pc, I know why, but somehow I still never have had the time to sit down and no-life port the routine to four different places.

Neither will I use any kind of IV cheating for judgement, getting it to have variable type shouldn't be that hard.

So, I see you said you got the hold item forme changes working. If it's fully complete and working, would you mind updating the original post with that one too? Your ASM is super rad, and I'm curious as to how you got hold items working. :D Cheers!

Arceus and Giratina forms

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How can I, in theory, add another form of Castform? (One example would be Castform's Forecast turning Castform into a 'Sandy' form when the weather turns into a Sandstorm.)
How can I, in theory, add another form of Castform? (One example would be Castform's Forecast turning Castform into a 'Sandy' form when the weather turns into a Sandstorm.)

Create a new type for castform isn't really hard, the problem would be to create a new sprite and update it correctly

I edit this post rather than response with another one to not fill the thread with questions/answers

If you're new in ASM, you should read some ASM tutorial. Look in tool tutorials and resource, look for FBI's one, it is very good.

If you have trouble to understand some part, feel free to post your question in the ASM/disassembly help thread. You can also PM me while it's not too complicated.

Finally, you should let castform away for now, as even very experimented hackers don't understand everything about the routines that handle its sprite
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Arceus and Giratina forms


It's working in FireRed, thanks!
How about Aegislash, Deerling line, Shaymin, Genesect, Meloetta, Kyurem, Hoopa, Keldeo, Therian Formes or even Furfrou?
Check the ability thread for Aegislash, and the move thread for Meloetta. kleenexfeu did Stance Change for Aegislash, and I made Relic Song for Meloetta. Kyurem can be done using Rotom/Deoxys' forme change routine with some additional scripting(just check to see if Zekrom/Reshiram is in the party), and so can Therian formes. Furfrou's form change could also be used with Rotom's forme change routine, but it'd burn a lot of dex space so I don't know why you'd want that. We could use an alternate routine, but honestly it's really low priority if you can already do it that way. To correctly make Hoopa, Shaymin, and Deerling, we'd need to hack the RTC and add a hook there as well as a bunch of other places to make them appear correctly. As for Genesect, kleenexfeu's Giratina/Arceus routine could be modded to deal with that as well.

~EDIT~ I was wrong about Genesect, I just looked into it. If you really care about the palette change, then this won't be as easy, but other than that all you'll need is a battle script for Techno Blast.
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Check the ability thread for Aegislash, and the move thread for Meloetta. kleenexfeu did Stance Change for Aegislash, and I made Relic Song for Meloetta. Kyurem can be done using Rotom/Deoxys' forme change routine with some additional scripting(just check to see if Zekrom/Reshiram is in the party), and so can Therian formes. Furfrou's form change could also be used with Rotom's forme change routine, but it'd burn a lot of dex space so I don't know why you'd want that. We could use an alternate routine, but honestly it's really low priority if you can already do it that way. To correctly make Hoopa, Shaymin, and Deerling, we'd need to hack the RTC and add a hook there as well as a bunch of other places to make them appear correctly. As for Genesect, kleenexfeu's Giratina/Arceus routine could be modded to deal with that as well.

~EDIT~ I was wrong about Genesect, I just looked into it. If you really care about the palette change, then this won't be as easy, but other than that all you'll need is a battle script for Techno Blast.

You just need to change all of them to the following code, I was tested and it worked properly.

.align 2
var8004: .word 0x020375E0
poke_slot_1: .word 0x020244EC
var8005: .word 0x020375E2
pokemon_setattr: .word 0x0806ACAC
pokemon_calc_effective_stats: .word 0x08068D0C

Confirmed to work ... for ease, here is the compiled code:

For Emerald
10 B5 09 48 02 88 64 20 42 43 08 48 14 18 08 4A 0B 21 20 1C 07 4B 00 F0 05 F8 20 1C 06 4B 00 F0 01 F8 10 BD 9F 46 C0 46 E0 75 03 02 EC 44 02 02 E2 75 03 02 AC AC 06 08 0C 8D 06 08

Or the adjusted routine:

So... What's the full XSE script for Deoxys form change? I just can't find any script that checks your first pokemon in party.
hello i was wondering if anyone could share what the rotom forme script would look like i cant find the script anywhere on the fourms i have the deoyxs script but when i test it nothing happens

this is my deoyxs script

#org 0x900000
setvar 0x8004 0x5 'Check the last Pokemon in your party
special2 0x8005 0x147
compare 0x8005 0x19A
if 0x1 goto 0x8FFC0D4

#org 0xFFC0D4
setvar 0x8004 0x5
setvar 0x8005 0x3FB
callasm 0xE97B78

is thereany problem that im having with this script that i cant see?
hello i was wondering if anyone could share what the rotom forme script would look like i cant find the script anywhere on the fourms i have the deoyxs script but when i test it nothing happens

this is my deoyxs script

#org 0x900000
setvar 0x8004 0x5 'Check the last Pokemon in your party
special2 0x8005 0x147
compare 0x8005 0x19A
if 0x1 goto 0x8FFC0D4

#org 0xFFC0D4
setvar 0x8004 0x5
setvar 0x8005 0x3FB
callasm 0xE97B78

is thereany problem that im having with this script that i cant see?
Well I see no +1 added to your callasm.
I added the plus one to my callasm and still nothing happens can u please show me what it would look like in a picture so I can better understand what I'm doing wrong that would be greatly appreciated

Arceus and Giratina forms


can you tell me how it works??
Simply I mean do the form change occour when the pokemon is holding the item specified or is there any else thing I need to do as well???


Hope anyone will answer me!

Anyways this is totally amazing thing for rom hack :)
so how people generally insert arceus/giratina formes is making a separate index for each forme
it should just change forme when the pokémon holds the item specified (note that it should be in hexadecimal).
yes and yes

Arceus and Giratina forms


So.. I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to ASM. Which parts I can remove if I only want Giratin's Origin form? (Yeah, I'm sorry, I just never liked Arceus type change thing, I never became interested on it </3 ..)