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Spinoff/Mobile GO Chat

I purchased a Global Go Fest ticket last minute. I really needed those 9 free daily raid passes to keep up with my local raid group. The increased shiny chances for ticket holders were appreciated, too.

I caught 13 shinies on Saturday: Goomy x2, Pikachu x2, Carvanha, Groudon, Hippopotas, Trapinch, Lickitung, Clefairy, Marill, Tympole, Cottonee

I caught 7 shinies on Sunday: Rayquaza x2, Helioptile x2, Groudon, Clefairy, Beldum

I caught 1 hundo, a Goomy from a raid.
I got 31 shinies sat and 29 sun. I got shiny Unown I and O. I already had O from a trade so maybe can trade it for another letter.

My main goal besides new shinies was to finish the Remoraid line and I got a shiny on sat and sun. Now I'm just missing 4 shinies for Johto. Corsola, Phanpy line and Cleffa

I got 5 Goomy, 4 Pawniard, 1 of each Shellos.

I collect Pikachu, male and female so I got at least 1 of each for blue, red and yellow crowns. Completely shut out on green crowns.
Shadow Mewtwo raid weekend was a bust for me. The raids were scattered across town and it was difficult to coordinate with local players during a holiday weekend...
There's no raid group for me, hence I saw passing away the 6-7 Shadow Mewtwo raids in front of me....
Though I don't mind much because I only needed one Shadow Mewtwo which I got after defeating Giovanni.

Not forget that today's April's Fool Day, for which any of our throws which is at least nice throw will be registered as excellent throw for the event.

So this is nice and easy opportunity to get some XPs and also easily evolve Farfetch'd into Sirfetch'd.

If someone turns out lucky, then they can get a shot at Galarian Legendary Bird(s) which may be easier to catch during the event !!

Update isn't live for me yet, but I seriously fear for my avatar. Took a few screenshots to see how much will change lol.

It got live for me few hours ago when I was sleeping, and when I checked now, then I am disgusted with the looks. It looks very odd to my eyes. Only the first default face or second last face looks near to the original one.

Changing body size is not so good, and I went for custom one; as they either lean or healthy.

Hairstyle is the one where I was expecting good. But Niantic made styles which suits the girl's character better, where for us it looks like punk. My hairstyle is formal and decent, so none of them matches it. Hence I switched to one of the punk style and wear a cap to get trimmed look from side.

Face is most funny so far, and the next which I did was to check how funny the friends are looking in the list !
I really don't like it. I thought the girl hairstyles would be good and while they do look okay zoomed in, when I select one and the menu zooms back out to my whole avatar, they look pretty terrible. I am also pale as a sheet now. This is really bad. x_x;
I really don't like it. I thought the girl hairstyles would be good and while they do look okay zoomed in, when I select one and the menu zooms back out to my whole avatar, they look pretty terrible. I am also pale as a sheet now. This is really bad. x_x;
Look below, I had added couple of screenshots, and then look at the face and determine whether the character boy or girl :

Spoiler: Note:

And the one below shows an unexpected mistake from Niantic where they released another dress set than expected, but now they had reverted it :

Spoiler: Note:

I suspect the above dress might not be available there in your in-game shop.

And see how thick the legs are looking w.r.t. body.

And another note :

The new year golden dress is now available for free, as seen in my game !!
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Niantic has had a lot of unexpected mistakes lately.. but I'm glad they have at least acknowledged the player feedback on this new avatar system and are looking into it. Really hope it goes somewhere and those aren't just empty words.

Did anyone do Bellsprout community day (or will do it)? It ended for us a few hours ago and I managed to get 18 shinies, which is a pretty good haul!
Tomorrow is Cleffa hatch day! We'll be going out for a large chunk of the 2-5PM period. Accidentally let the GO Plus+ spin some stops today so now my egg inventory is half full of 5 and 10k eggs. oopss
So the May content is out, and I am not particularly excited. Although Blacephalon and Stakataka will be released, but they don't serve me any usage. Regi-Trio are not the one which I want, and neither I am interested to build them.

Though Nature's Madness is being provided to Tapu Fini as well, but the doubt remains whether I need strong closing power from Moonblast, or playing with the shields without issues. Nature Madness will be a nice Sidegrade to solid Moonblast moveset.

Plus, why I am feeling that Rediscover Kanto is very tough research, and bit on the lines of Masterwork Research but with poor rewards ?
So the May content is out, and I am not particularly excited. Although Blacephalon and Stakataka will be released, but they don't serve me any usage. Regi-Trio are not the one which I want, and neither I am interested to build them.

Though Nature's Madness is being provided to Tapu Fini as well, but the doubt remains whether I need strong closing power from Moonblast, or playing with the shields without issues. Nature Madness will be a nice Sidegrade to solid Moonblast moveset.

Plus, why I am feeling that Rediscover Kanto is very tough research, and bit on the lines of Masterwork Research but with poor rewards ?
Yeah the Kanto research is very eh. Using so many berries was so tiring, but I'm glad I have my GO Plus+ for catching things, it helped so much.

Hoping I'll get shiny Tapu Fini from this month's raids since I don't have mine yet!
Yeah the Kanto research is very eh. Using so many berries was so tiring, but I'm glad I have my GO Plus+ for catching things, it helped so much.

Hoping I'll get shiny Tapu Fini from this month's raids since I don't have mine yet!
I agree. And I am not that bothered to finish it as well. Eventually it will be finished off someday, and rewards are not that amusing for which I should grind.

Tapu Fini will be fun to use in Ultra League ( If you play GBL? ), and I am waiting for my bad luck by which IVs turns out bad enough so that CP gets into 2490-2500 range. My only Tapu Fini has nice IVs, but CP-wise she is not reaching near to UL-cap limit.

Diancie research is there, but for me it is only for 20 Diancie Candy and 3 rare candy. My GO Fest Diancie is best buddy, sitting at 2440 CP so 20 candies will push her to 2498CP and she will be ready to use in Ultra League, as I had also unlocked 2nd move. Her Mega Level is also max, and I still have around 600-700 energy, so 300 energy will not serve real purpose !!

And another thing, I am 99% sure that I will reach Lv. 40 tomorrow, and I am not intended to push myself beyond that level. But why the tasks there are raid-focused, and how can I catch 200 Pokemon in a day, if there are no accessible Pokestops for me at the current location?
Yeah, the game is often made with people who have pokestops nearby in mind. It's not very rural players focused, especially outside of Japan/Asia where they have more stops in rural locations. I think showcases are the only feature where rural folks benefit lol? Since there's less competition and they can win much more easily. Congrats on the 40 if you already got it. \o/
Congrats on the 40 if you already got it.
Thanks, I reached at this stage 14-15 hours ago in the morning.


But now real trouble is how can I catch 200 Pokemon in a day ?

For it I need to catch 8-9 Pokemon every hour, and if you look about today, I had caught 7 Pokemon so far, and the date will change within few hours. So I am basically 8-9 Pokemon in a day, let alone catching them per hour.
I want to give a serious opinion which does exists, but Niantic is not acknowledging it.....

Prior to Interlude Season, one was able to obtain Legendary Pokemon after 6-7 encounters after reaching minimum of rank 20 in GO Battle League. But after that season, Niantic steadily nerfed the rate, and presently in this season, I had got 22-25 encounters after reaching rank 20, but had not even single Legendary Pokemon.

So what's the point of doing it if rewards are not satisfactory ? Getting bit of stardust is enough ?

I had seen that people become outrageous when they don't find shiny Pokemon in the events and then attack over Niantic, they also became outrageous for Avatar Update which has nothing to do with gaming experience neither it affects the play. But none of them ever took this matter to Niantic just because they don't like to do it. Even in raids, if Shiny is not out for them, they bring their backlash.
But the part of game, battles, which is what portrayed by Pokemon Company from start to become best Pokemon Trainer is so overlooked by both Niantic as well as player base that it has become redundant.
I remember an interview of Senior Person in Niantic who said after making remote raids expensive that Ash Ketchum went out of home to become the trainer we know. But he didn't added that Ash Ketchum's target was to become champion, not raider or shiny collector. And none of playerbase had resonated with this idea just because they don't do battles.

I did wrote to Niantic Support several times, but they only gave automated responses only.....