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[Other FULL] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Just a formal notice stating I won't be posting here on out. If there's anything I should do with my application and past posts, feel free to just contact me about it. But anyways, good luck with you all's endeavors!

Kelmorr Kuvag

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

"Some roads you've gotta walk alone, but that don't mean you can't meet some good friends along the way, and find'em again at the end."

Age: 33​
"A gentleman never asks, so I just hazard a guess."

Gender: Male
"Luckily for all the ladies of the world."
Status: Bounty Hunter
"I ain't much for 'rule of law' myself, but acquiring a healthy hunk of fiscal security while cleanin' up the frontier sits just fine with me."

Personality:"Lazy? I prefer Cool, calm, and collected, with just a hint of smarts sprinkled in."
The first thing everybody notices about Kelmorr is the man's seemingly-permanent relaxed demeanor. At all times he carries about himself an air that everything is just fine, and he is in control of the situation. Many people would mistake this for arrogance, and to a point it probably is, but more than anything else it's a strategy. It's much harder to read someone who seems to think they have a handle on everything. After all, even if he slips up or leaves an opening, there's no way for someone to know if it was an accident or not if he doesn't react to it. Kelmorr is also a very thoughtful and inquisitive person, always pondering something or reading his surroundings as best he can even while shooting his mouth off more than a town crier. As part of his surface persona Kelmorr seems to say everything with a detached politeness, not showing more than a hint of distaste at anyone he's speaking to unless he's in a boiling rage.

Kelmorr seems to keep the majority of his personality held inward when he can, the exterior really does seem to be all there is at times to the untrained eye, he's perfectly content to let the world think he's just some lazy low brow drifter. Underneath, however, lies a bottomless pool of passion for the various joys in life, and an inexorable determination for self-improvement. The only time more than a slight glint of anger shines through the aura of calm that permeates the man is when he sees something he truly considers unforgivable. It's a small list, but once someone makes it on they never get off, and Kelmorr will obsess over bringing that person to justice unless he get's so many reasons not to he can't possibly justify it.

The man is a shameless flirt, slipping in compliments towards any woman he appreciates wherever it's convenient, and always willing to proclaim his own interest if she's to his liking. Ironically he's never one to actually pursue a woman unless she makes it very clear she's interested as well. He also never calls anyone by their name unless he has immense respect for them, or he's speaking of them to someone else. Men are usually called "Fella" "Sir" or "Partner" while boys get called "Champ" or "Sprout". Women are relegated to "Darlin' " if they're within acceptable age range or "Ma'am" if they're a fair bit older than Kelmorr. Girls are stuck with either "Daisy" or "Sunshine".

Appearance:"The handsomest devil you've ever seen cover himself in so many layers of gear and wave a gun around like he knows what he's doing."
Kelmorr certainly fits the bill for "ruggedly handsome" if that's to one's tastes, but he's far from an adonis, his life hasn't been comfortable enough for that. He cuts an imposing figure - if he weren't usually seen leaning back and dozing in the nearest chair - at 6'3 with a lithe and wiry but strong musculature befitting his line of work. His hair is black with a very slight tinge of blueness to it, and generally goes down as low as his chin in the back, while being kept just a few inches long at the bangs. He hates long hair, but can't be bothered to trim it more than is necessary to keep it from getting in his eyes, covering his ears, or going lower than his chin. His irises match his hair to complete a rather rough face with a prominent forehead marred by a small scar across his left eyebrow, thin lips, an unassuming even nose, and a strong chin fuzzed up with a short beard-moustache-goatee trio.

Kelmorr's clothing is simply par for the course of a man who's got to move around a lot and fight in the desert. Light, breathable cloth garments underneath layers and layers of sunblocking leather, straps of all shapes and sizes, bandoleers of .44 and 45-70 Government rounds topped off with dual gun-belts holding custom holsters and a rifle sling from his left shoulder to his right hip, are what adorn the man. The only article of clothing with anything other than practicality behind it is a long and dull-red scarf with white details reminiscent of ornate table-cloths. Nobody knows what the story behind the scarf is, and so far nobody's made the mistake of asking a second time after the reactions they were greeted with on the first occasion.

Element: Fire
"What can I say? The passion for...well whatever I want burns eternally and intensely within me and all that other dramatic guff."

Weaponry:"Ain't many people you can put down with conjurin' that wouldn't drop just as hard from a well-placed piece 'a lead."
If there's one thing that stands out about Kelmorr, it's the man's guns, they may as well be his family. His main tools of violence are the twin revolvers lovingly dubbed "The Peacekeepers".
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
"Wisdom before Mercy, but both in equal measure, if I can manage it."
Wisdom, sometimes dark in its application and grim truths, but golden in it's value, graces his right hand. His left is partnered to Mercy, purer than the truest of silver, but not always prudent.
"Only one lady ever pierced my heart deep enough to carry to hell'n back, no reason she can't take a shot at yours too."
Winona: A lovingly-maintained Winchester lever-action rifle, completely standard besides a barrel two inches longer than normal, and a single tally mark etched into the left side of the stock.

Stock Spells:"Who could say no to the power to shape the world tingling through their fingers?"
Minor Healing
Summon Small Object
Short Distance Portal
Minor Repulsion

Custom Spells:"What good is knowledge without a bit of creativity in how to apply it?"
Spark: A spell that very precisely generates focused heat anywhere within 10 feet of Kelmorr, from a microscopic wisp of warmth, to a fist-sized burst of fire. This spell's most common use is to ignite the powder in whatever round either of the Peacekeepers is currently cycled to, allowing him to fire either of them when without pulling either trigger, the perfect trick to get the first shot off in a stalemate with no visual giveaways of when he'll fire.

Silver Tongue: A spell that carries its power to the targets on Kelmorr's voice. The spell raises the body temperature of its victims in various ways depending on their thoughts and Kelmorr's intentions. If the target is currently angry, or generally has an intense dislike of Kelmorr the spell makes their blood boil, trying to fog up their thoughts with a screen of rage. If the target is capable of being - or already is - attracted to Kelmorr the spell raises a different kind of heat within them. Both previous versions can apply to one person, but if neither works as a result of inferior conditions or superior mental fortitude, then the victim simply gets hotter, potentially leading to a fever or even loss of consciousness with prolonged exposure. Any of the spell's effects strengthen the more someone hears Kelmorr's voice while he is casting it, though it's full effects can only be felt by those Kelmorr is focusing on at the time, anyone else can feel it enough to tell what's happening but easily fight off the negative effects. With his recent practice Kelmorr has improved the spell to the point where only opponents that are very strong mentally and magically can tell that their perceptions are being altered.

Surprise!: Anywhere within half of his maximum Blink distance Kelmore can reappear with much greater precision, including appearing in a completely different position, such as with a previously hidden weapon drawn. However, besides taking more concentration and energy to cast, this spell also cannot be cast rapidly like Blink. The spell also is still vulnerable to fast enough reaction times, as it just makes it appear as if the user is movings blindingly fast over a short distance instead of vanishing and reappearing somewhere else.

Roleplay Sample:https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/8643071/

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Are characters that don't use magic themselves allowed? I wanted to kinda make a really uniquely weird character or crippled in some form but I might not go through with it.
The SU for my new player character. He doesn't have a spellbook, so I left that section out of course.

Elias Stork

Age (16+): 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Elias is a man who'd love to love life, and tries his best to do so. He takes great pleasure in the joys of life, namely drinking and women. He's also a slacker, that would love to do nothing and get everything. He likes to spend most of his evenings in the bars telling lies of grandeur. He's desperate to impress people, and leave a big impression with them.

He's quick to get scared, and is not a brave man. He stays out of the action, and is incredibly afraid of getting hurt. Elias only wields a gun to impress people and use as a prop for the stories he tells, trying to convince bystanders of his epic heroism.

Elias spends his days strolling through town, trying to find booze or a cheap girl to spend time with. He gets his scraping by money and telling those around him stories about how he protected the town, hoping to get food out of compassion. He can sometimes get himself to work simple jobs, but has never held the same position for more than a week.

Next to his love for women and booze, there is a love for gambling too. He's keen on any dice game, and often plays with against other street rats he knows for the change they posses.

Appearance: Elias stands at 5'6", and is quite skinny making him an unimpressive figure. He has short, messy, brown hair that is not cut in a clear haircut, as he does it himself with a knife. He is clean shaven except for the fuzzy mustache that he is trying to grow. The mustache looks like it's permanently only a couple of days old. He usually wears brown pants and a filthy white shirt that is too big. Usually, he tries to hide the extra fabric in his pants, but it puffs up just above the rope he uses as a belt.

Weaponry: Elias carries a simple pistol with a six round magazine around.


[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Name: Samson Silver
Age (16+): 16
Gender: Male
Status (Bounty Hunter or Outlaw?): Outlaw

Personality: Samson had strong morals previously, but after an unfortunate falling-out with his father he now chooses to willingly do wrong. He used to live with his father, who is a respected nobleman, however, after his father refused to pay for his enrollment in a prestigious school, he grew bitter and angry. He dreamed of going to the school in order to spend his life dedicated to learning about magic, however his father was intent on him learning the family business of banking, which Samson loathes with a furious hatred. After a heated argument with his father, he changed as a person, running away and learning to fend for himself. He used to be a shy, loving person, but his personality has been slightly altered after the incident, changing him into a sly, untrusting individual who only loves animals, thinking of humans as corrupt and selfish creatures. He is still shy, becoming irritated when people try to talk to him, and becomes extremely flustered in large crowds of people.
Appearance (Image, written or both): Samson is relatively tall for his age, but extremely thin. He has dark brown, long hair that reaches his shoulders. He usually lets it do whatever it wants, usually getting tangled in clumps and sticking out every which way. He usually wears a stained white button-up shirt, with a tattered vest over it. He always wears a bow-tie, and keeps multiple of them on hand in case something happens to the one he's wearing. He usually wears a pair of dress-pants, despising the tough denim fabric of jeans.

Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Electricity): Earth
Weaponry: A pen, which is customized to shoot a poisoned dart when clicked. It can fire about 6 feet with fairly good accuracy. It holds 3 darts at once, after they are shot he needs to re-load it manually.
3 Stock Spells:

Summon Weak Familiar- He can summon his best friend in the world, Fen, a fennec fox

Short-Distance Portal

Elemental Burst – Earth

2 Custom Spells (and a description of each):

Rock fists- covers his fists in a layer of rock, which forms a hard, glove-like layer of tough stone that flexes with the movement of his hand.

Confidence boost- He can instil confidence into himself, or someone nearby for a short period of time.

Roleplay Sample: https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/8903560/
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[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Name: Samson Silver
Age (16+): 16
Gender: Male
Status (Bounty Hunter or Outlaw?): Outlaw

Personality: Samson had strong morals previously, but after an unfortunate falling-out with his father he now chooses to willingly do wrong. He used to live with his father, who is a respected nobleman, however, after his father refused to pay for his enrollment in a prestigious school, he grew bitter and angry. He dreamed of going to the school in order to spend his life dedicated to learning about magic, however his father was intent on him learning the family business of banking, which Samson loathes with a furious hatred. After a heated argument with his father, he changed as a person, running away and learning to fend for himself. He used to be a shy, loving person, but his personality has been slightly altered after the incident, changing him into a sly, untrusting individual who only loves animals, thinking of humans as corrupt and selfish creatures. He is still shy, becoming irritated when people try to talk to him, and becomes extremely flustered in large crowds of people.
Appearance (Image, written or both): Samson is relatively tall for his age, but extremely thin. He has dark brown, long hair that reaches his shoulders. He usually lets it do whatever it wants, usually getting tangled in clumps and sticking out every which way. He usually wears a stained white button-up shirt, with a tattered vest over it. He always wears a bow-tie, and keeps multiple of them on hand in case something happens to the one he's wearing. He usually wears a pair of dress-pants, despising the tough denim fabric of jeans.

Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Electricity): Earth
Weaponry: A pen, which is customized to shoot a poisoned dart when clicked. It can fire about 6 feet with fairly good accuracy. It holds 3 darts at once, after they are shot he needs to re-load it manually.
3 Stock Spells:

Summon Weak Familiar- He can summon his best friend in the world, Fen, a fennec fox

Short-Distance Portal

Elemental Burst – Earth

2 Custom Spells (and a description of each):

Rock fists- covers his fists in a layer of rock, which forms a hard, glove-like layer of tough stone that flexes with the movement of his hand.

Confidence boost- He can instil confidence into himself, or someone nearby for a short period of time.

Roleplay Sample: https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/8903560/

An anti social boy outlaw who is friendly only with a fox familiar and has a bizarre obsession with bowties? How could I say no?

Sophia Hartmann
A member of the now de-funct Culebra Clan, known outlaw Sophia Hartmann's sudden rise in activity has left the authorities concerned that she may become a greater threat in the future. Considering as well, that she was sighted in the vicinity of Wrench during Verealice's attack it is likely she has connections to the Big Bad and is highly dangerous. As result of these things, her bounty has been increased to $2200.​

Apprehended by the bounty hunter Shayne Jacobs, Anima was subsequently captured live and imprisoned in the Chasm Prison by Gilded Brook. Originally thought to be working alone, the outlaw was then broken out by a group now believed to be his followers. As a result of the break out and his command of a following his bounty has increased to $1800.​
