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Have there been forums that you chose to leave?

So I just visited GTS+ Forums as well as GPX+ after not visiting for... 5 months I guess? You can say that it's a temporary leave. And man, an admin left, a bunch of users I know became staff, and there were so many things going on it's astounding.

Also, a thread of mine that I started on May 2009 still on the 2nd page of the GPX+ discussion lol.

I am not sure on whether or not I'll return to GTS+ and GPX+ though... Probably gonna leave it to death as well lol. I have zero motivation to go back there, probably for nostalgia purposes only.
Left Serebii, BMGf and Marriland because I just had a general lack of interest and I had better stuff to do with my life at that point in time. Another forum I left due to boredom and just forgetting about it was Petalburg Woods Network.

Left Slateport City (aka Ever Grande City's reboot) because I got bored and unmotivated, and I didn't really agree with the way things were going then. Plus it just looks like it was on a slippery slope to oblivion.

Left Pokecommunity actually too. In like 2/3 years ago? I can't remember but it was for personal reasons and drama that I was dragged into by other members. I returned with a new account.

I left PE2K to focus on school. By the time I went back, it was six feet under so I hopped aboard its successor.

I think they've closed down and rebooted but I'm not sure what the name of the new forum is now.
It now goes by Pokemon Crossroads. :3
ClickCritters (formerly PokePlushies) was one of my first forums sometime in.. 2005 or 2006, I'd say? I joined right when they opened when the community was tiny with hardly any regulars. It's grown immensely since and although I haven't been around since 2008 or so I enjoy poking around their website and forums seeing how much it changed. Still managed by the same people, too.

BMGf was my first truly active forum where I actually actively stuck around for more than half a year but I eventually lost interest since I constantly felt like I hardly fit in, especially with how immature I was from 2010 to 2012.. looking back on those old posts makes me cringe. That stress of not fitting in well made me move onto PC and I've been here ever since - this is probably one of the only communities I can truly call home with how much work I put into it. Could go on for a while about why I didn't like BMGf but it seems like it's mellowed down a bit since I was last active, or maybe that's just because I grew as a person myself? Dunno but don't have plans to return anytime soon. I check it from time to time but that's really it, haha.

Lake Valor is another awesome little place that I'm currently part of. Very home-y place that doesn't have any of the issues I ran into at other forums.
It's my understanding that Bulbagarden is incredibly mellow and lax. But when you start talking about the fandom, they all of a sudden pull a Serebii and can't stop bickering. Even the staff do it, it's a thing.

The reason I think that is because I idle in their IRC, and played a few trivia games with their ``Drat-Bot``. They're a really fun bunch there and are the most active on SystemNet near as I can tell (sorry #tpc!). :)
I left Serebii and Smogon due to a lack of interest. Serebii's weekly sprite contest did perk my interest but with uni and modding another forum I just vanished. Plus, I hated the rep system + strict avi and sig restrictions. As for Smogon, I just couldn't click with the community. I also left Lake Valor due to personal reasons.

I did leave a lot of forums but I do hope to stay on PC since you guys are cool.
I didn't realise PE2K closed. I was never that active on the forums, but I think I did go there often for the sprites... I think? Pretty sure that was even my 2nd forum I joined after PC.

When I was 11, I joined this forum called Pokemon Nightmare. I "left" for awhile, and then "came back", then the forum was nuked, and then it became Solstice, blah, blah... then both went away... blah, blah... I remember I left Pokelight because I had no choice since my computer was taken away, and my school had it blocked or something.

I left every other irrelevant forum I joined that are dead and gone now. All of them are dead Pokemon forums that don't exist anymore, though, and if I remember those names, so help me. Solstice is one since it's dead and gone, but I didn't leave when it returned into its fourthcoming and then just died again, lol.

So THAT'S what happened to Solstice. I remember I was originally somewhat active on PokeLight which continued on when it merged with and became Solstice. Got busy to go on it for a bit and when I came back it was gone and didn't know what happened to it.
I left PE2K due to losing interest and some unexpected antisemitism. I liked their URPG thing, but it was strict and rewarded certain types of players/judges more than others, which kind of sucked.

I also left PC soon after joining initially due to a general lack of interest and feeling of community.

I left Serebii for two reasons firstly the atmosphere was kinda weird its a very mod led place and the mods aren't afraid to make sure members know this. Secondly the forums visual appearance is poor and uninspiring, its just the v bulletin default layout but green, also you don't get the cool avatars and signatures you find people have here.
Just putting this out there, but Serebii does have a variety of forum skins aside from the hideous green. I've always used a black theme myself.

I have an account on both Bulbagarden and Smogon but I never really got into the community and haven't posted in a long time. Same with EGC/Slateport, but I stuck around for a bit longer before I lost interest. When I first made an account here I wasn't active for like a year, and now I mainly just post on and off now depending on my mood.

The only forum I've ever really been active on long-term is sppf.
I permanently left Bulbagarden because it was too unengaging for my taste, and it didn't feel like much of a community. The only things I like about it are the mascot, the name change system, and possibly the Yu-Gi-Oh thread, but that's about it. I've also left Neo Ark Cradle because all I really did on there was lurk around, not to mention I kinda dislike my username on there.

And I dunno if this counts, but I also left PC for the past 3 years, because there was too much going on my life (and I needed to enjoy whatever was left for me to enjoy). However, now that things are a lot calmer in college, I thought I might give PC one more shot, and I can safely say that I have no regrets. =D
I wouldn't say I ever really 'chose' to leave any, as in there was drama or w/e. I get bored and move on pretty easily though. lol