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Have there been forums that you chose to leave?

I left the Anime wolken forum when the Dutch fakemon scene died out there. I was just a 14 year old boy, and the rest of the site was filled with people in their 20's talking about beer and sex. I kinda lost interest.
I left Marriland after being there for like two years after they pulled some Wacky-Ass Reboot that I vocally hated. other forums I've just kinda fallen out with over time; no weird drama or anything to those. PC is the only forum I'm really active on right now. there's a music one but I lurk there more than anything. I've been there for two years and have like 200 posts, to put it in perspective, but I browse it every day.
I'm still young, but I never "technically" left a forum. I did stop posting on a forum called Between-Talk. It was a kids forum where you we could chat and stuff. I was 9 back then, AnD i WrOtE lIkE tHiS. Ah, good ol' times. I teeachnically "left" because the forum closed fr some reason.
I left BMGf a few years ago for a few reasons that I'm going to try to articulate and probably do a bad job at because I don't think that saying "yeah i left bmgf ok bye" is good enough.

All my friends started leaving. Or getting banned. When everyone I knew started disappearing I found it kinda hard to stick around myself. A lot of them I wish I still talked to, cuz they were mah homies. I hope to have a circle of friends like that again one day.

Mods got too many and too arrogant. I had close friends who I would joke with and be bros with, then they'd get modded and be like NO U CANNOT DO THE JOKE IT R BAD GRR BAN and I'd be like...here's a quote of you doing the same fucking thing...then I'd get banned.

Sudden massive influx of young newbies. Yeah, that's not really a big deal but I found it tough to deal with. Especially since they all thought they fuckin' blessed the ground they stood on.

The lighter-hearted chat thread I literally lived in got shut down and remade in a watered-down, restricted form because the wittle ol babies couldn't handle someone starting shit a few years ago so they had to change to avoid the "negative connotations" of the thread title. Yeah, that happened.

Sooo eventually I got sick of their shit, kinda snapped a lil and made a big "i hate you all fuck you pieces of shit" fuss (i was young and immature back then ok pls forgive me), because I wanted to get banned so I'd be forced to leave. Messaged a mod afterwards to have the ban extended to permanent, and I haven't even looked at the site since. Heard it's kinda just died out these days.

yes i know the OP says not bans but since it was intentional and by my request i figured that's different
if i knew u from bmgf please talk to me
Not counting forums where I never really ended up posting in much

Smashboards is the only one, but I came back for the Smash 4 hype and staying because I follow the competitive community.

I also left PC like two or three years back, came back eventually but was rarely active. Not really as active as I used to be anymore now again, don't have anyone or anything to use as an excuse to come here much anymore.
bulba was chaotic and unkind

serebii was weirdly strict/formal

pokemopolis was boring

neopets was funny for a while

gaia used to be all art, now it's all revolution

& looool all those tiny independent invisionfree forums that were popular back in the day
Woaaah. Really? I always felt the opposite. Not about it being chaotic - it was - but when I went there for like a week, I found everyone to be sooooo nice. It was sickening.
Woaaah. Really? I always felt the opposite. Not about it being chaotic - it was - but when I went there for like a week, I found everyone to be sooooo nice. It was sickening.
idk I went there for pokeani and it was kind of terrifying haha. nobody wanted to enjoy they just wanted to argue. and they were pretty nasty about it
I used to be obsessed with this game on Facebook called Yoville and it had its own forum and man I was obsessed. I played hardcore for like two years and made a lot of friends. I started losing interest in it about this time last year though as the game was being neglected and the forums weren't being moderated well and there were this group on there who were like 40 or something and they just practically bullied people on the forums and publicly attacked them. It was a mess. Then the game just got bought by some company I think and I was too lazy to move onto the new forums that were built as I had fallen out with the majority of my friends anyway. Plus the game itself was boring af.

Then I was on the music forum but they all just talked about adultery like constantly so I just kinda slowly left...
I left a forum for autistic people once. I'm sure it's probably one that's well known, but my reasons for leaving were because I just don't mingle well with them. I've gotten so used to being around non-autistic people that there are times when I forget I even have it too. I don't mind going every now and then to ask a few questions, but other than that... I don't feel as if I belong in a place like that.

I also did leave PC for a while though. I was being bullied a little by a member who kept following me in threads. He would make these rude comments to things I have said. Usually twisting my words around, which is something I can't stand people doing to me. However, I couldn't do anything about it because the perosn was an S-Mod at the time. I ended up leaving PC for a long time, and came back not that long ago. There have been other times I have left, but this is the most memorable for me.
I can't remember all of the forums I've left because I used to join so many. Probably only two other Pokemon communities and a dozen roleplaying sites including one supermassive one that's still around now because I was really into RPing when I was younger but I lost interest.
Yeah I used to be an admin at Ever Grande City (Now Slateport Forums) and I lost the spark because I moved across country for school. I used to be a mod at Serebii and also lost the spark, although I still log onto the Serebii IRC every day and keep in touch with the IRC community.

I've never been particularly "Active" here so I wouldn't say I ever really left here. I just come & go with the mood (Especially when I want to procrastinate!)
Where to begin?

I left Serebiiforums for many reasons. I felt the people there were too bitter, too harsh, and the rules were way too strict. I gave up on the forum entirely after 2013 and have barely logged in since then. All my friends there left, moved on, etcetera.The forum is way too big, too, might I add.

I left Bulbagarden because I lost interest in the forum very quickly. There wasn't anywhere I wanted to post, so I just left quietly, changed my name six hundred times, and that was the end of it.

I left Petalburg Woods after I felt bitter when a friend of mine stopped coming there. I lost all my spirit to go there. I was pretty active there when it first opened and logged in every day. Now I don't even go there anymore. I just lurk maybe once a month and that's it. I lost all my desire to go there when all my friends who went there once just stopped going.

I left Pokemon Crossroads because I just couldn't get into the feel of it. I wasn't on the forum long, anyway, and I also felt kind of scared and didn't want to go there? I don't know. I just didn't want to go there and left.

I left Project Pokemon Forums because it was extremely dead there. So dead that there was just... nothing there to talk about...

I left PokeZam because that forum was dead, too, oh and that forum still exists. I can't even imagine why.

I left The Pallet Tribune because by the time I returned, there was no one left, so I was like "screw this. I'm not coming back."

I left Pokemasters because the admin there is a freaking stalker and FOUND MY FACEBOOK JUST BY THE FUCKING FONT COLOR I USED. I was very scared. That made me uncomfortable, so I left right away after that happened.

I left Pokedream forums because the community was terrible there, and everyone continuously called me a "he", and I didn't like that. I was there for quite a while, though, and then decided to leave after the forum became a VB4. It wasn't pleasant.

I left Mangafox forums because there was nothing to do there, and all the people butthurt about characters I like. I got sick of defending them to death, so I just left the forum and stuck with the website part. Then the website took down every single manga known to man, so I went to another manga website to read my stuff...lol.

I left Anime Forums Dot Com because my entire muse for forums died for a while in October and into about November. I joined it to start anew on the Internet and to get away from Pokemon forums, but I couldn't do it and left a month later.

I left Pokefarm Forums because I thought it was very boring after Pokebattlers was gone. This was around the time I had no computer because my parents took it away. But, I found a way to be active there. Then, for awhile, I left because I got extremely bored there. No one would talk to me, and then the entire place reset. So, I was like, lol, I'm not rejoining.

When I was 11, I joined this forum called Pokemon Nightmare. I "left" for awhile, and then "came back", then the forum was nuked, and then it became Solstice, blah, blah... then both went away... blah, blah... I remember I left Pokelight because I had no choice since my computer was taken away, and my school had it blocked or something.

I left every other irrelevant forum I joined that are dead and gone now. All of them are dead Pokemon forums that don't exist anymore, though, and if I remember those names, so help me. Solstice is one since it's dead and gone, but I didn't leave when it returned into its fourthcoming and then just died again, lol.

I've left this forum at least two times because the first time was because my mother took away my computer strip because "my behavior was bad", so I had no choice in the matter. My middle school had this place blocked, so I barely came here at all during the year of 2010. I came back sometime in 2011 because I lied and said "I had to do homework" and just... went on PC sometimes. I was slightly active from 2011 - 2014, but in October I lost interest in forums almost entirely. The only reason I still come here is to see what changes happen daily, to post in my blog and then send some of my friends with messages and then leave, lol.

TL;DR, I've left over 50 forums. Try me.
I have an account with Serebii, and posted for about a month or two, but I've just stopped. It didn't hold my interest, and the community seemed really formal to me. I mean, I like formal and everything, but I enjoy being the more formal person while everyone is going crazy around me, haha. It makes everything more laid back and fun. But being surrounded by formal people just made me feel a bit out of place.

I have a few accounts on a few smaller forums, but I don't really frequent those either. Honestly, I'm surprised I stayed on PC. My interest in forums seems to be dwindling or non-existent as a whole, but PC seems to be the exception.
Woaaah. Really? I always felt the opposite. Not about it being chaotic - it was - but when I went there for like a week, I found everyone to be sooooo nice. It was sickening.
My experience is the closer you get to things the more you "get" Bulba. Also, avoid the shipping anything like the black plague. People there are nuts, I used to be one of them.
I used to be active on PE2K, Pokemasters, and Bulbagarden, but I left mainly due to real life stuff. Bulbagarden is probably the only one where its culture really threw me off.

Serebii I still lurk, though mainly the fanfic forums over there. I used to be active in the other sections but lost interest as time went by.

I was very active on PE2K as well (esp. in the graphic and sprite forums but otherwise I usually hang with the members on MSN Messenger) back in 2006-2009. It was a great place but I fell off because of loss of interest. I came back around 2 years later and all of my all friends had left; it was very depressing. I think they've closed down and rebooted but I'm not sure what the name of the new forum is now.

I was a member on all the main Pokemon forums, PC included back then, but I'd always come back to PE2K and its laid-back community.
ClickCritters (formerly PokePlushies) was one of my first forums sometime in.. 2005 or 2006, I'd say? I joined right when they opened when the community was tiny with hardly any regulars. It's grown immensely since and although I haven't been around since 2008 or so I enjoy poking around their website and forums seeing how much it changed. Still managed by the same people, too.

BMGf was my first truly active forum where I actually actively stuck around for more than half a year but I eventually lost interest since I constantly felt like I hardly fit in, especially with how immature I was from 2010 to 2012.. looking back on those old posts makes me cringe. That stress of not fitting in well made me move onto PC and I've been here ever since - this is probably one of the only communities I can truly call home with how much work I put into it. Could go on for a while about why I didn't like BMGf but it seems like it's mellowed down a bit since I was last active, or maybe that's just because I grew as a person myself? Dunno but don't have plans to return anytime soon. I check it from time to time but that's really it, haha.

Lake Valor is another awesome little place that I'm currently part of. Very home-y place that doesn't have any of the issues I ran into at other forums.
That really depends on how you define leaving a forum. If it's just not being active on a forum you've joined, then I've left tons of forums, because there was a period where I joined every little Pokemon forum I could find. But there's never really been another forum that I've been as active on as PC, so in terms of leaving a forum that I've been actively posting in, there honestly haven't really been any. I did leave PC once in the past however. Well technically I did leave it twice, but I was never really active around the time that I joined, so I don't consider myself to have really been part of the forum at the time. However I was really involved with the ROM Hacking community and the IRC channel in the early to mid 2011, but stopped around July-August I believe, when most of the people in my ROM Hacking team disappeared. RIP Team Rumble Rock ;'( But yeah, I would occasionally check PC for notifications and the likes, but I didn't fully return until December 2011, and despite not posting around a lot ever since I quit staff, I haven't left since.

So yeah, PC is the only forum I ever really truly left, and it still managed to draw me back in again shortly after :D
Gaia left due to boredom because the forums that I liked changed so much that they weren't really noticeable anymore. Started gaia way back in like 2004 or 2003 all I know is I was in Jr. High.
Was a memeber of the marijuana.com forum but once weedmaps took over the site it literally died no one ever posted there anymore. Which really sucks because the topics there got very very interesting sometimes.
Not counting forums where I never really ended up posting in much

Smashboards is the only one, but I came back for the Smash 4 hype and staying because I follow the competitive community.

I also left PC like two or three years back, came back eventually but was rarely active. Not really as active as I used to be anymore now again, don't have anyone or anything to use as an excuse to come here much anymore.
Wait just noticed I missed Shoryuken there.

Left that after Street Fighter x Tekken got released cuz people would rather be salty than push the metagame forward. (Although SFxT is a shitty game so eh)