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How much time do you spend on your devices/PC per day?

  • 41,842
    Electronics are a major part of our lives now, and most of us spend quite a bit of time on them I'm sure.

    How much time do you spend on yours? This can be your PC, phone, tablet, gaming devices, anything tech really!
    WAAAAAAAAAAAY to much because of the fact that I can't leave the house without the need of someone else.
    Toooo much.

    Rarely ever sleep and only sleep for about fraction of time.
    Yeah, too much as well. I think at least something like 10 hours and more. Well, me studying on my computer doesn't help.
    i don't monitor desktop time, but my phone regularly sees 8-9 hrs SoT daily, and it's only my secondary device. that's why i wanna go out on weekends bcs i'm literally glued to screens the rest of the week.
    From the time I wake up to the time I pass out, pretty much. Unless I am out. So, idk. From 11 am to whenever I sleep... I don't keep track.
    Basically all day long.
    I work on PC and almost all of my hobbies involve PCs in a way or another. Even when I go out, it's probably to go to a friend's house and play some couch multiplayer or something like that. I'm considering reducing my online time but it's hard to break a routine that has been established for the last 15 years
    I'll just go with "all day every day" - I'm on the same one for work and then basically on it all day until I'm off to bed anyway.