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[Other] Is Pokemon going to continue with their games?

Announced DLC for Scarlet/Violet for Fall 2023 and Winter 2023. Also announced a Detective Pikachu sequel for October 2023. Knows of no other games currently in the works for the Switch. Personally expects a Black/White remake in Fall 2024. (Loves releasing stuff in November, but not always.) Might surprise everyone with something else in the meantime too, like Virtual Console releases or a new spin-off.

Doubts a new generation on the Switch, however. Produces a new generation every 3-4 years. Released the Switch 6 years ago. Usually produces a new console every 6 years. (Goes a little longer for handhelds.) Already lived as long a life as most consoles do.

Or do you mean Pokemon games at all, on any system? Sold 22.1 million copies of Scarlet/Violet as of a few months ago. Ranks 7th among all Switch games. Consistently sells well too, with five Pokemon games in the top 13. Will not end the series there.
We'll definitely be getting more Pokemon games and probably for quite a while too. Pokemon is one of the most lucrative franchises in the world, and the games are what a lot of the rest of the franchise has to wait on in order to put out brand new stuff to sell.

Given the general pattern of their game releases, we'll probably get a new mainline game revealed sometime next year, and so you'll probably not have to wait longer than Q4 2024 or sometime in 2025.
I also am fairly sure we will see Pokemon on the new Switch and any handheld console Nintendo does. It'd feel so weird NOT to see a new Pokemon game on a Nintendo console.
Rule of the video game (or any?) industry: "If it's not broken... continue selling it until it breaks"

The Pokémon franchise is still a gold mine, so there's no way they'd stop making games. Especially in this age, even a mediocre/below average game from a popular franchise is guaranteed to outsell a masterpiece game from a brand new and totally unknown IP. What would Game Freak even do without Pokémon? I mean, do they even have anything else?
With all due respect, it is indeed a silly question. Pokémon is the largest media franchise in the world. They will likely never stop making games (yay!).
Yes, of course.

Just not on the switch after the next console comes out, I guess? Pokemon will never stop making games I guess unless the company they make them with you know goes under. Which is unlikely.
well i doubt a multi mllion dollar(generous) corporation would stop making their high selling games

And the biggest media franchise in the world at that. Pokémon is way too profitable to stop developing more games, it'd make no sense.
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