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[Life] LGBTQ+ Alliance (◕‿◕)♡

  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    welcome to the new

    LGBTQ+ is a term used to represent the community of people of GRSM (gender, romantic and sexual minorities) all over the world. Allies are welcome to join too!

    In this club, you are free to:
    - Chit-chat
    - Vent (however, remember to not break PokéCommunity's rules regarding content)
    - Invite discussion about your own gender identity or sexual/romantic orientation
    - Share LGBTQ+ related news, events and resources
    - Spread positivity and kindness (including wholesome LGBTQ+ memes!)

    In this club, you are not allowed to:
    - Be toxic
    - Gatekeep (aka try to invalidate somebody's identity or "membership status in the community")
    - Be homo/trans/enby/a-phobic. If you hold those views, we kindly ask you to take them elsewhere.

    To join, simply fill in the form below and post it in this thread. You may skip any parts of the form you do not wish to disclose or don't feel are relevant. This is just for fun and for the sake of kinship - don't feel like you're forced to bare your personal stuff to us in public!

    Romantic orientation:
    Sexual orientation:
    Anything you want to add / general intro! :

    current t o p i c (☞°ヮ°)☞ ☜(°ヮ°☜)

    Planning any goals to reach or wishes to hopefully come through in 2023?

    m e m b e r list ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )ノ

    Ace Trainer Slash
    Hybrid Trainer
    Lady Bisharp
    Neon Pink

    Rose Oni

    Last edited by a moderator:
    Count me in!

    Username: Fairy
    Pronouns: she/her but won't correct a they/them
    Gender: cisgender female but still questioning & learning!
    Romantic orientation: polyromantic
    Sexual orientation: pansexual & demisexual
    Relationship status: long-term heteronormative relationship​

    All these things are a process for me and everyday I learn something new. These answers might not stay the same forever but I know I have some truths: like I know I can and will love anyone of any gender, expression, or lack there of. I know my capacity for attraction is all encompassing. And I know there's no right or wrong way to be a man, woman, or intersex person.

    Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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    Welcome to the club, Fairy!! I shall add you when I am on a computer next.

    I'll make an intro myself too, I guess.

    Username: Adventure (or Astronaut)

    Pronouns: prefer they/them, but I'm ok with he/him too

    Gender: a mishmash of non-binary/agender/fluid exploration. currently liking the microlabel "Genderfrithen", meaning I'm sort of fluid between weak masc and fem genders but never fully man or fully woman. I'd say non-binary unless I knew somebody would understand the microlabels though. Duskian enby, also.

    Romantic orientation: Biromantic, preference for men

    Sexual orientation: Gray ace, any more detail is only my own business imo

    Relationship status: yea
    Last edited:
    Username: Cubism
    Pronouns: They / Them
    Gender: None, agender
    Romantic orientation: Biromantic
    Sexual orientation: Bisexual, Omnisexual, w/ preference for women
    Relationship status: Single
    Last edited:
    Username: Eleanor
    Pronouns: I seem to be ok with both he/his, she/her, and they/them (use this last one when in doubt, I suppose...)
    Gender: cisgender male, but only for now. I'm questioning my gender, but feel like I need more time before actually coming to a conclusion.
    Romantic orientation: Straight
    Sexual orientation: Asexual
    Relationship status: Single

    Here we go 😊
    That's very interesting. I won't ask you to explain further then, but if you ever feel like doing it, I'm here to listen!

    I see gender as a way to relate to and break through the traditional sex roles a certain society has evolved with. By telling the world I'm non-binary or fluid, I reject the man/woman notion and wish to try to show the world that we don't have to categorize each other so binarily.

    Username: Eleanor
    Pronouns: I seem to be ok with both he/his, she/her, and they/them (use this last one when in doubt, I suppose...)
    Gender: cisgender male, but only for now. I'm questioning my gender, but feel like I need more time before actually coming to a conclusion.
    Romantic orientation: Straight
    Sexual orientation: Asexual
    Relationship status: Single

    Here we go 😊
    Welcome :33
    Last edited by a moderator:
    Username: Caite-chan
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Gender: Female but I won't get mad if you call me a guy as I've had it happen many of times.
    Romantic orientation: Straight
    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
    Relationship status: Single

    I'd call myself more of an ally than anything as my best friend is gay. I'm also still trying to figure out what all the different orientations are so I kinda feel more old school and straight forward.
    Username: Caite-chan
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Gender: Female but I won't get mad if you call me a guy as I've had it happen many of times.
    Romantic orientation: Straight
    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
    Relationship status: Single

    I'd call myself more of an ally than anything as my best friend is gay. I'm also still trying to figure out what all the different orientations are so I kinda feel more old school and straight forward.
    Welcome to the club, lovely ally! The world needs more people like you :)
    Username: Janp
    Pronouns: I'm okay with he/his, she/her, they/them. This is internet afterall, so use whatever you feel like using.
    Gender: Non-binary, still sliding between Genderfluid and Bigender
    Romantic orientation: Polyromantic
    Sexual orientation: Gender-blind
    Relationship status: Taken

    I've been lurking in the old club for way too long, so I think I'll join this one.
    Username: Janp
    Pronouns: I'm okay with he/his, she/her, they/them. This is internet afterall, so use whatever you feel like using.
    Gender: Non-binary, still sliding between Genderfluid and Bigender
    Romantic orientation: Polyromantic
    Sexual orientation: Gender-blind
    Relationship status: Taken

    I've been lurking in the old club for way too long, so I think I'll join this one.
    A fellow fluid enby! Welcome to the club <3 I didn't know you had such a wide view on your own gender and pronouns - good to know!
    Let's start with a straight-forward first topic!

    Are you out, IRL? How did you "come out", if there was such an event?

    If you are an ally - has someone come out to you?

    I haven't come out... yet. I'm pretty sure my mom suspects I'm bi and maybe my stepdad does too, and I'll probably tell them at some point. Totally won't tell my actual dad, though, at least not until I make sure I won't see him again lol. He isn't the kind to tolerate that kind of stuff.

    Now, I've had people come out to me. My best friend from hs told me she was bisexual and another friend from hs too told me he was ace. The only reason I haven't come out to them is because I don't have any kind of contact with any of them and still thought I was straight at the time being.
    I don't think I've had anyone come out to me as they've already gotten that far by the time I knew them. I know I've had people tell me they thought I was a lesbian because I always dressed like a guy. (Can't help they have pants with POCKETS in them and shirts that don't feel like your boobs fall out if you bend over.)

    Though I'm still trying to get all of these straight. It seems like there's just so many different things.
    Hi friends :D

    Username: Aslan
    Pronouns: she/her
    Gender: cis female
    Romantic orientation: gay
    Sexual orientation: ^
    Relationship status: single

    Re: Experiences with coming out
    (going to spoiler, am on phone and not sure if it is a big wall of text!)

    My impression is that, at least here, any topic related to lgbtq+ is discussed very rarely in real life, even on the news (except for the occasional Pride Month stuff or the World Congress of Families). While most of my friends seem supportive in general, I feel like there are many other people who would be at the very least skeptical of me even being nothing more than an ally. Being quite insecure myself, I've never tried bringing up this topic by my own initiative either.

    I've also never met any lgbtq+ person irl, meaning that no one ever came out to me... save for one man I found myself spending some time with for my traineeship and just forgot of soon after.
    I had a cute 'girlfriend' in 8th grade. She was the absolutely best, inspired me to draw, got me into anime, did homework together... we talked and talked and talked on the phone constantly. She'd send me gifts of her art with rose petals in boxes and I'd buy her (albeit cheap) jewelry from a store she liked. We'd write love notes and poetry and everything you'd expect a young couple to do!

    It.. didn't take long to realize that I was feeling more than just a friendship. I was head over heels in love with this girl! But, I had noooo idea what to do with these feelings or how to talk to her about it, so I asked a mutual friend who was bisexual. And she told me to just talk to her, ask her, and worry about the details later.

    So I did. I told her I loved her. She said she's been waiting for me to say something for weeks now. We kissed and held hands and were inseparable! ..Until a month later she moved away and I never heard from her again. :(
    Hi, I'm joining as an ally! :)

    Username: Hyzenthlay
    Pronouns: She/her
    Gender: Female
    Romantic orientation: Hetero romantic
    Sexual orientation: Demisexual
    Relationship status: In a relationship

    I only recently discovered that "demisexual" existed—before I identified as heterosexual but that didn't feel quite fitting? I knew I was only attracted to men but never in a sexual way... more of a "he seems nice to have a relationship with" kind of way. I'm a hopeless romantic. <3 In fact, before I grew really close to Revise, I thought maybe I was asexual, because my sexuality is not a prominent part of my life at all. But things definitely changed once I got into a relationship. So demi it is!

    If you are an ally - has someone come out to you?

    Nope! In my town, people are not openly LGBTQ+ and I don't know anyone that way in real life. :o I try to be as supportive as I can so that people would at least be comfortable with coming out to me, if that ever happens!
    Are you out, IRL? How did you "come out", if there was such an event?
    Not really, but people around me, like my girlfriend or my friends, know about my stance regarding genders (video related, but please don't take it seriously).

    I also don't know anyone from LGBT+ community in real life and my country isn't really LGBT friendly, so that also makes it harder for me to come out.
    I haven't come out... yet. I'm pretty sure my mom suspects I'm bi and maybe my stepdad does too, and I'll probably tell them at some point. Totally won't tell my actual dad, though, at least not until I make sure I won't see him again lol. He isn't the kind to tolerate that kind of stuff.

    Now, I've had people come out to me. My best friend from hs told me she was bisexual and another friend from hs too told me he was ace. The only reason I haven't come out to them is because I don't have any kind of contact with any of them and still thought I was straight at the time being.
    Suspect it? I'd be surprised if my family had ever even considered the leanings of my attractions. But I suppose it depends on how close you are and how you socialize also. Sorry to hear your dad will likely not be tolerant ); I hope your mum and stepdad will take it better <3

    I don't think I've had anyone come out to me as they've already gotten that far by the time I knew them. I know I've had people tell me they thought I was a lesbian because I always dressed like a guy. (Can't help they have pants with POCKETS in them and shirts that don't feel like your boobs fall out if you bend over.)

    Though I'm still trying to get all of these straight. It seems like there's just so many different things.
    It's funny to me how people assume one's orientation from one's clothes. I think pants with pockets sounds like a great style B-)

    Yeah there's a lot of small labels made up for people to find others that are almost just like them, to bond over shared experiences and views. It's really nice to find others who share your small microlabel :3 but not something everybody feel they need to do. When it comes to gender, for example, many are happy saying they're nonbinary and not go into detail.

    Hi friends :D

    Username: Aslan
    Pronouns: she/her
    Gender: cis female
    Romantic orientation: gay
    Sexual orientation: ^
    Relationship status: single

    Re: Experiences with coming out
    (going to spoiler, am on phone and not sure if it is a big wall of text!)

    Welcome to the club! Awww that's such a sweet history you have! It sounds like you've had many good experiences with supportive friends. I hope it will always be like that for you :3

    My impression is that, at least here, any topic related to lgbtq+ is discussed very rarely in real life, even on the news (except for the occasional Pride Month stuff or the World Congress of Families). While most of my friends seem supportive in general, I feel like there are many other people who would be at the very least skeptical of me even being nothing more than an ally. Being quite insecure myself, I've never tried bringing up this topic by my own initiative either.

    I've also never met any lgbtq+ person irl, meaning that no one ever came out to me... save for one man I found myself spending some time with for my traineeship and just forgot of soon after.
    I don't think LGBTQ+ is discussed much around me IRL either. People seem comfortable in their cis (and usually het) identities so, yey for them!

    I had a cute 'girlfriend' in 8th grade. She was the absolutely best, inspired me to draw, got me into anime, did homework together... we talked and talked and talked on the phone constantly. She'd send me gifts of her art with rose petals in boxes and I'd buy her (albeit cheap) jewelry from a store she liked. We'd write love notes and poetry and everything you'd expect a young couple to do!

    It.. didn't take long to realize that I was feeling more than just a friendship. I was head over heels in love with this girl! But, I had noooo idea what to do with these feelings or how to talk to her about it, so I asked a mutual friend who was bisexual. And she told me to just talk to her, ask her, and worry about the details later.

    So I did. I told her I loved her. She said she's been waiting for me to say something for weeks now. We kissed and held hands and were inseparable! ..Until a month later she moved away and I never heard from her again. :(
    D'awww cute that you got to have a cute gf tho :3 I hope you feel it was a nice experience after all.

    Hi, I'm joining as an ally! :)

    Username: Hyzenthlay
    Pronouns: She/her
    Gender: Female
    Romantic orientation: Hetero romantic
    Sexual orientation: Demisexual
    Relationship status: In a relationship

    I only recently discovered that "demisexual" existed—before I identified as heterosexual but that didn't feel quite fitting? I knew I was only attracted to men but never in a sexual way... more of a "he seems nice to have a relationship with" kind of way. I'm a hopeless romantic. <3 In fact, before I grew really close to Revise, I thought maybe I was asexual, because my sexuality is not a prominent part of my life at all. But things definitely changed once I got into a relationship. So demi it is!

    If you are an ally - has someone come out to you?

    Nope! In my town, people are not openly LGBTQ+ and I don't know anyone that way in real life. :o I try to be as supportive as I can so that people would at least be comfortable with coming out to me, if that ever happens!
    Welcome to the club! It's nice to see that you're an open ally <3 the world needs you. Also, it's nice to hear that you are so happy with Revise!

    Are you out, IRL? How did you "come out", if there was such an event?
    Not really, but people around me, like my girlfriend or my friends, know about my stance regarding genders (video related, but please don't take it seriously).

    I also don't know anyone from LGBT+ community in real life and my country isn't really LGBT friendly, so that also makes it harder for me to come out.
    lool @ movie. Yeah, gender shouldn't affect how someone is treated when it comes to the important things imo. like who gets punched by Barney

    Personally I started exploring my gender a couple of years ago now, I think. I "came out" on PC by asking people to use they/them for me, and it still feels the very comfiest. As for sexuality, i'm still confused to this day. But I'm pretty sure I'm biromantic (or panromantic to be specific but idk) and i'm kind of flaunting it wherever i can online with emoji and whatnot d: Only one person irl knows I'm bi and nonbinary, unless you count PC user Went lol whom I have met irl and actually also told i was nonbinary, when he sat next to me on a train :3 and when i almost sneezed my eyes out due to being sick af iirc (pre-corona, ok!).

    I think a friend came out to me at a party (vague memories) as bi, and I remember that being very cool. I also had a very blatantly bisexual friend in high school and know/have known several gay/lesbian people over my life. It isn't a big deal here (to most), which feels great.