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News: Marshadow discovered!


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979
    [PokeCommunity.com] Marshadow discovered!

    Make way for Marshadow! The Pokémon Company reveals the event-exclusive legendary hitting Sun and Moon soon!

    Read all about it!
    I am so excited that I am screaming aaaaa! ITS SO CUTE
    Marshadow's official art looks very good, yet I didn't expect it to be officially revealed so soon considering how long it had been since this generation officially started.

    That said, hopefully we'll get it as a Mystery Gift or QR Code event and not another stupid serial code. Magearna being a QR Code distribution worked very well and I'd love to see another mythical event work that way.
    Dates Pokemon were announced vs. dates they were available in the games:

    Diancie - Date Announced: 02/14/14, Date Available: 10/27/14
    Volcanion - Date Announced: 12/14/15, Date Available: 10/10/16

    We better not have to wait this long to get Marshadow!

    marshadow is actually more adorable in battle than the art. :O
    Finally? I'd say it is far earlier than expected!

    We knew of three seventh gen event Pokemon from leaks and datamining - Magearna, hat-Pikachu and Marshadow. It's five months since SM and they're all officially announced. This hasn't happened since the likes of gen 1, maybe 2 (if only because idk when Celebi was revealed). Extraordinarily fast. Are there more Pokemon who aren't yet in the games data-wise? Or is this it for the generation?
    It'd be nice if for the event we get a special item via Mystery Gift that we then use to encounter Marshadow in battle. Y'know, like how they used to do it back in the day.

    But that probably won't happen. Last time I remember them doing that was with the Liberty Ticket+Victini on B/W release day
    Finally? I'd say it is far earlier than expected!

    Are there more Pokemon who aren't yet in the games data-wise? Or is this it for the generation?

    Your post summed up most of my thoughts on Marshadow's reveal, it does seem unusually fast, unless that is that Marshadow's giveaway is multiple month's (years?) after it's actual reveal.
    The question of other Legendary pokemon that are not in the game data wise, I was wondering about that a lot as well. I want to believe that if there was a game capable of updating the current game data for new pokemon to be added out of the blue, I would want to believe that Su/Mo would be the games capable of doing this, but I don't know if these games would be capable of taking on new pokemon data, especially since these games are really pushing the 3DS to its limits already. Plus they learned their lesson 20 years ago about what happens when you add new pokemon data to an already full capacity pokedex.

    Still, I have no idea why they would reveal Marshadow so early knowing they will be spending their last legendary giveaway. Has there been any mention of a new pokemon movie? That could have something to do with it.

    It'd be nice if for the event we get a special item via Mystery Gift that we then use to encounter Marshadow in battle. Y'know, like how they used to do it back in the day.

    But that probably won't happen. Last time I remember them doing that was with the Liberty Ticket+Victini on B/W release day

    So I was thinking... I can't really remember, but was Magearna revealed in the fashion that Marshadow was before the movie came out with the QR code reveal?
    I'm only asking because the message that the official website stated sounded very weird to me. Particularly this line:
    "Marshadow cannot be encountered in normal gameplay"
    Do they always announce their event give aways like that? I don't know why (I could just be reading too much into it...), but it sounds to me that they're trying to hint about something different about obtaining Marshadow within the game. I'm only thinking this because I can't really recall them ever mentioning their other give aways in this fashion.
    This Pokemon was officially revealed a lot earlier than I anticipated...but regardless, it's nice to see it made official so early!
    Finally? I'd say it is far earlier than expected!

    We knew of three seventh gen event Pokemon from leaks and datamining - Magearna, hat-Pikachu and Marshadow. It's five months since SM and they're all officially announced. This hasn't happened since the likes of gen 1, maybe 2 (if only because idk when Celebi was revealed). Extraordinarily fast. Are there more Pokemon who aren't yet in the games data-wise? Or is this it for the generation?

    Yeah it seems really early to me. Marshadow is the last Pokemon in the pokedex currently so it seems like they'll have no more event mythicals after this....very strange.

    It makes me think gen 8th could be coming sooner than expected OR they intend to include other event mythicals in the second set of gen 7 games. (like how they added new megas in ORAS)
    It makes me think gen 8th could be coming sooner than expected OR they intend to include other event mythicals in the second set of gen 7 games. (like how they added new megas in ORAS)

    Woah, woah woah... no. It's waaaaaaaay too early Gen 8...

    I think it's too soon for the third game... maybe D/P/PT remakes which will relate to Marshadow?
    Back in my day, you had to actually physically drive to a certain location to get legendary Pokemon. Nowadays, I'm glad Mystery Gift is used as much it has been. I don't care if it's by serial code or by Wi-fi. If I don't have to leave my house to get it, it's fine by me!

    /waves cane

    I know what you mean. In the past, if you want a mythical Pokémon you needed to go to the other side of the country or another country, just to get it. I don't mind going to a shop in the neighborhood, but I won't do anything crazy thing that isn't worth it. I hope they make it easy to get Marshadow.
    I think it's too soon for the third game... maybe D/P/PT remakes which will relate to Marshadow?

    If there's going to be a sequel to Sun/Moon, then it would likely center around Necrozma, not Marshadow. Necrozma has the same theme, mysterious backstory, ect. Kinda like Giratina in Diamond and Pearl. However, it's only been a few months since the release of Sun/Moon. It's WAY too early to be expecting an announcement or hints of a new main series game. A spinoff game including Marshadow would make me happy too, though.

    As for it relating to Sinnoh, that would be very interesting to see. The 20th anniversary movie's 3rd trailer has Sinnoh and Alolan pokemon in it. Maybe Marshadow has a connection to Sinnoh? That would be interesting to see. I doubt they're going to yell "Sinnoh remakes!" (if they're even planned) just for an event pokemon though. I'll say they'll have a distribution of it for a few weeks, let everyone grab it via code, internet or whatever, and if it's more connected to Alola, put it in a sequel to sun/moon. If it's more connected to Sinnoh, maybe the Sinnoh confirmed people will get their wish and see it there.