shadowmoon522 said:
that "ethics and code of conduct" doesn't really mean much in a country that has legalized inhumane actions & conditions to mentally ill on multiple occasions due to the fears & blind prejudice of multitudes of people & is still doing so to this day.
most of the ones who break the rules either don't realize their doing so or do so in a manor that they can't get in trouble for it.
in the 90s, 2000s & even now days hundreds of kids where/are misdiagnosed with ADHD and autism. "oh look, that kid can't sit still in a classroom, it can't be that their just bored like any kid would be, lets throw a label on 'em & give 'em sedatives" mindset has taken over the minds of various psychiatrists.
most of the ones who do get misdiagnosed don't even realize they where misdiagnosed due to the nature of the drugs that get shoved down their throats.
i've seen many kids who are outright brain dead & can't even think for themselves due to these medicines. the pyschs & their very own parents don't even see it.
what i said ticks you off? why? pride?
cause you think that haven't read though all the data? you didn't say anything that i didn't already know. still not enough information to even tell how much of the research was made by biased people.
do you think that your judgements are always right?
or are you reading what i say with tone other then a monotone thus reading it out of context?
that wouldn't be to surprising if you where, a series of questions with 2 being answered is usually enough to trick the mind. various people have misread what i say as being far from what i said it as.
The problem with this post, and your others in this thread, is coming down to a "I'm right because I say I'm right" which simply doesn't work. What you're saying conflicts with years of research, studies, and trials that can be easily found on Google. There is no such thing as a bias in academic research and when a study has the slightest possibility of being biased, the results are considered invalid and they have to start from scratch again. If you doubt what I'm saying, take the time to do research instead of spouting off blatant ignorance and pseudoscience.
As far as ADHD diagnoses in children, it's still considered controversial, but that goes with the majority of psychiatric diagnoses in children and young adults. With that being said, I want you to read what's known as a scholarly article. If you don't know what this is, read
this first. After doing that, read
this. Do some basic research before you spout off nonsense.
Now, I will say this. In the United States, while being held under APA's guidelines, all mental health professionals are not created equal. However, this is the same case with other professions, especially in the medical field. This is not just limited to psychiatry and psychology like your posts lead people to believe. You
have to have alot of heart to work with the mentally ill and some get into the profession without realizing what exactly they're in for. Needless to say, these professionals don't last long in the field.
I'll also say that psychiatry is only one side of a coin. Treatment requires both talk therapy and medication, one without the other is ineffective in treating mental illnesses. I'd stress the importance of therapy but this is a bit off topic and will require a completely new post.
The reason this hits a nerve with me is because people like you who hold superstitious beliefs and flat out lies prevent those who suffer with mental illness from getting the help they deserve. Your opinions are pseudoscience and are not academically supported. You
cannot wish away clinical depression. You
cannot wish away schizophrenia. You
cannot wish away an episode of psychosis. They are caused by physical problems within the brain which is why medication is needed to correct that.