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News: New Galarian Forms, Pokemon and Team Yell announced

Poison/Fairy, huh?? That one is going to be interesting. >:)

Happy to see a Linoone evolution! Even if it's only Galarian, that's still a very welcome addition. Also Marnie is ADORABLE my lil' goth princess. :')
Galarian Zigzagoon, Linoone and Obstagoon all look like they belong in KISS, oh my goodness. I might have to make room for one on my team...

Marnie is so beautiful ♥_♥ #GalarGirlsAreGoals
Is she going to be a more "edgy" rival, like Gladion? I'd be down with that - I can't think of any female rivals who've fit that character type so far. I love her stoic expression. :D

...Holy muk, Allister has eyes. o.O
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Weezing's new variant is giving off Doug Dimmadome vibes because of it's long funnel hat.

The Zigzagoon line look like hardcore Kiss fans, and it's a pleasant surprise to see Linoone get an edgy evolution on top of that.

Marnie looks like the kind of rival we need right now if she is as serious and rude as her appearance suggests.
YESSSS GALARIAN FORMS. I'm in love with the Zigzagoon line!! Does this mean we can expect more new evolutions for older pokemon? I hope so :)
Also, the new rivals look AMAZING!
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also I think Galarian Zigzagoon/Linoone would take some time to grow on me. they're both ok

I still think it's about time that Game Freak went outside their Gen I comfort zone though for what it's worth when showing off these kinds of things. @_@
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Dude, I think the Galarian forms might be my favorite things in Gen 6 so far. Galarian Weezing is PERFECT for a British region, and as I understand it, badgers are quite a thing over there (see: Hufflepuff, Helga). So taking the badger(ish?) pokemon they have and sprucing it up for the new gen is just a slam dunk to me.

I also think that cross gen evos never quite worked as well as we wanted them to. Gen 2 had some good ones, but Gen 4 went way too far for my tastes, and I think a lot of people's tastes. I think giving regional variants and then giving THEM new Evos makes a TON of sense. I think you get the nostalgia for the old pokemon, but you don't make people feel like the old things they like are ruined if they aren't into the new evo. And if they are, hey, all the better.
This was such a good reveal I love everything about this trailer. Marnie is amazing, the Zigzagoon line is awesome and I am so fucking excited to use Galar Weezing!!
So Galar's evil team is basically just a bunch of sports hooligans? Interesting.

And an evolution of Linoone after five generations, I did not see that one coming. Color me impressed!
The Galarian froms look really cool! Although I think Poison/Steel would've been better for Galarian Weezing. And Linoone doesn't just get a Galarian form, but also an evolution! I'm really happy we're getting new evolutions for old Pokemon again!

Is Morpeko our new Pikaclone? They better give it good stats!

The two new rivals intrigue me. I have a feeling at least one of them will be competitive.
This seems hilariously unfair to the UK. I feel like most evil teams are far enough removed from the real world region, but this is just a poke in the eye.

I actually like the fact that they're tying the evil team's theme in with the sport style Gyms, that's kinda cool. But yeah... I think Team Yell will rise right to the top of the list of evil teams I can't take seriously, haha.
The new pikaclone has to be the worst one yet, lol. That aside, I'm glad the leak about Galarian forms was true. Zigzagoon looks pretty great, and it's even given an evolution which is something we haven't seen since Gen 4.

Smug rival reminds of someone that I can't put my finger on, but he gets points for having a Duosion.
Obstagoon is so awesome! I need it!

Morpeko Hangry form is me when I am hungry!