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FireRed hack: Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

Hey everyone, hopefully this thread is still somewhat active cause I really need someone to help me with this.

So I'm trying to breed an alolan vulpix with a ditto that has some pretty nice IVs but those two aren't compatible enough for an egg to produce. Is there something I need to do first so they can breed?

I just recently finished the third gym and I just reach Fallshore City, I'm still early on the game so I thought that some sort of wallblock is enable so that I can't breed these guys. I'm also on expert too in case this difficulty is relevant to this problem.

Anyway, can anyone help me on this? Major thanks in advance.

Possibly they will say that they don't like each other very much. In that case, they will eventually lay an egg, but this will take some time. Walk around 2-3 minutes and talk to the old man outside; if he says "Ah it's you!" and leave it at that, you will get at least one egg. If he still says that they don't like each other much, walk 2-3 minutes around again. Rinse and repeat and you will get the egg. You can also understand the old man has the egg if you exit the Day-Care and came back; he will move one square closer to the outside. And also, the game difficulty and your location / story progress is irrelevant in this case.

I have been planning to replay Unbound, and I wanted to ask if the it runs bug/crash free on the GBA emulator Pizza Boy.

MyBoy! and Pizza Boy are equally fine.
Quick question regarding the difficulty:

1. I'm only getting Vanilla and Difficult for my difficulty settings, but I'm seeing more choices than that according to the threads. Are the other difficulties supposed to be unlocked after some progress?

2. I'm playing on Difficult difficulty and taking on the second gym badge. I got wrecked the first time, so grinded some levels, and the gym leader's Pokemons are actually adjusted to be higher than my Pokemons again (+1~3 levels above my highest level Pokemon in the party). Is this the intended mechanism? If so, that's cool.

3. I experimented this through save state/load. It's again on difficult difficulty. So, there was an instance where the opponent's Pokemon's Astonish move did 4 flinches in a row. I was lucky enough to save a state before this happened and confirmed that the flinch RNG sequences happens again if I go back and commit the same battle. Same goes for certain critical chances, too. If I use a certain move in that certain turn, the opponent will land a fixed (guaranteed) critical hit. Are these RNG's favorable of the opponent intended also (I assume only on difficult+ difficulties)? In that case, that's not fun :(. If I'm already facing a smarter AI, fixed level of the opponent's team to be higher than mine, and decent movesets equipped on the opponents. Idk why would I have to deal with an unfair RNG, too. I'd understand if this was a thing for insane or the highest difficulty available in this game, but this is happening for the only available difficult difficulty for me now.

Thanks to whoever answers me in advance!
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Quick question regarding the difficulty:

1. I'm only getting Vanilla and Difficult for my difficulty settings, but I'm seeing more choices than that according to the threads. Are the other difficulties supposed to be unlocked after some progress?

2. I'm playing on Difficult difficulty and taking on the second gym badge. I got wrecked the first time, so grinded some levels, and the gym leader's Pokemons are actually adjusted to be higher than my Pokemons again (+1~3 levels above my highest level Pokemon in the party). Is this the intended mechanism? If so, that's cool.

3. I experimented this through save state/load. It's again on difficult difficulty. So, there was an instance where the opponent's Pokemon's Astonish move did 4 flinches in a row. I was lucky enough to save a state before this happened and confirmed that the flinch RNG sequences happens again if I go back and commit the same battle. Same goes for certain critical chances, too. If I use a certain move in that certain turn, the opponent will land a fixed (guaranteed) critical hit. Are these RNG's favorable of the opponent intended also (I assume only on difficult+ difficulties)? In that case, that's not fun :(. If I'm already facing a smarter AI, fixed level of the opponent's team to be higher than mine, and decent movesets equipped on the opponents. Idk why would I have to deal with an unfair RNG, too. I'd understand if this was a thing for insane or the highest difficulty available in this game, but this is happening for the only available difficult difficulty for me now.

Thanks to whoever answers me in advance!

1. You can choose Expert difficulty in addition to Vanilla and Difficult at the start of the game. But if you choose Expert and wish to lower to Difficult, you cannot increase it back to Expert until you finish the Pokémon League and start the postgame. There is also an Insane difficulty, but to activate it, you need to say Yes to one of the questions. It was "have you played this hack before?" or something.

2. Yes, this is intended, and this is why it is mostly recommended to play this hack with level caps on. Especially on Difficult and higher difficulties all AI's mons scale with yours.

3. In the CFRU hacks, the RNG is set. This means that saving state and/or loading state does not affect the secondary effects of the moves. If Astonish flinches your mon and you save stated before it, and if you loaded state, Astonish will flinch your mon again. This is unfortunately normal.
Quick question regarding the difficulty:

1. I'm only getting Vanilla and Difficult for my difficulty settings, but I'm seeing more choices than that according to the threads. Are the other difficulties supposed to be unlocked after some progress?

2. I'm playing on Difficult difficulty and taking on the second gym badge. I got wrecked the first time, so grinded some levels, and the gym leader's Pokemons are actually adjusted to be higher than my Pokemons again (+1~3 levels above my highest level Pokemon in the party). Is this the intended mechanism? If so, that's cool.

3. I experimented this through save state/load. It's again on difficult difficulty. So, there was an instance where the opponent's Pokemon's Astonish move did 4 flinches in a row. I was lucky enough to save a state before this happened and confirmed that the flinch RNG sequences happens again if I go back and commit the same battle. Same goes for certain critical chances, too. If I use a certain move in that certain turn, the opponent will land a fixed (guaranteed) critical hit. Are these RNG's favorable of the opponent intended also (I assume only on difficult+ difficulties)? In that case, that's not fun :(. If I'm already facing a smarter AI, fixed level of the opponent's team to be higher than mine, and decent movesets equipped on the opponents. Idk why would I have to deal with an unfair RNG, too. I'd understand if this was a thing for insane or the highest difficulty available in this game, but this is happening for the only available difficult difficulty for me now.

Thanks to whoever answers me in advance!

You already got answered above me, but I'd like to say the RNG is not in favor to the AI. It's just RNG. In your one case of Astonish, it was unlucky for you. With the fixed RNG, where is doesn't change on every frame, it's still in essence, random (as much as programming allows "random"). If you don't abuse save states, you will experience how pokemon games are supposed to be, where a lot of it is left up to luck. If you refuse to accept playing how Pokemon should be, and still want to abuse the game to be in your favor, the best you'll get with Unbound is to change up your actions, as that changes the RNG seed to be different from one action to another.
1. I'm only getting Vanilla and Difficult for my difficulty settings, but I'm seeing more choices than that according to the threads. Are the other difficulties supposed to be unlocked after some progress?

If you tell the game that it's your first time playing it, you'll have fewer settings and options to choose from. This is likely to keep things simpler and not to overwhelm players new to the game with too many things to configure and think about.

Expert is mostly fine for a first playthrough, but get ready to bite the dust multiple times and approach certain battles as if they were more like puzzles, especially if Difficult is already giving you some challenge. Alternatively you can also pick Sandbox mode, which is an optional feature you can add to Expert difficulty (I think for Insane it's enabled by default) that removes all the grinding, but I personally wouldn't recommend it for a first playthrough since it renders many side-quests obsolete and the game experience less rewarding overall.
Possibly they will say that they don't like each other very much. In that case, they will eventually lay an egg, but this will take some time. Walk around 2-3 minutes and talk to the old man outside; if he says "Ah it's you!" and leave it at that, you will get at least one egg.

Thanks a lot man, looks like I wasn't stubborn enough to realize you just need to be a bit more patient. The old man saying "they don't like each other" made me think that no egg is gonna produce. Welp there's my problem solve!
Thanks for the answers, guys! Loving the game so far. I can't play much daily, so I'm only at the third gym now, haha.

You already got answered above me, but I'd like to say the RNG is not in favor to the AI. It's just RNG. In your one case of Astonish, it was unlucky for you. With the fixed RNG, where is doesn't change on every frame, it's still in essence, random (as much as programming allows "random"). If you don't abuse save states, you will experience how pokemon games are supposed to be, where a lot of it is left up to luck. If you refuse to accept playing how Pokemon should be, and still want to abuse the game to be in your favor, the best you'll get with Unbound is to change up your actions, as that changes the RNG seed to be different from one action to another.

Just to clarify, I'm not into abusing save states. I was just able to experiment stuff as I had the save state. However, I do think they are convenient as I'm playing this game on my phone while I wait to pick up my lunch order at drive-throughs and times like that. For the Astonish incident, I tried a completely new game and confirmed it's the first Snorunt battle with the villain grunt at the mountain north of the starting town (I didn't know exactly which trainer/opponent it was, when I was writing my original comment). It flinched multiple times in a row again! If it's not a specific RNG configured, I guess it's King's Rock or something? Even then, that's a still low chance numerically.
Thanks for the answers, guys! Loving the game so far. I can't play much daily, so I'm only at the third gym now, haha.

Just to clarify, I'm not into abusing save states. I was just able to experiment stuff as I had the save state. However, I do think they are convenient as I'm playing this game on my phone while I wait to pick up my lunch order at drive-throughs and times like that. For the Astonish incident, I tried a completely new game and confirmed it's the first Snorunt battle with the villain grunt at the mountain north of the starting town (I didn't know exactly which trainer/opponent it was, when I was writing my original comment). It flinched multiple times in a row again! If it's not a specific RNG configured, I guess it's King's Rock or something? Even then, that's a still low chance numerically.

Agreed, save states are very convenient. King's Rock only grants some flinch on non-flinch moves. That being said, Astonish has a relatively high flinch chance.
How easy is Casual difficulty? I'm two gyms into this game and I started it 1.5 years ago on Difficult but then forgot about it. Coming back to it makes me realize that despite having played these games for 20+ years, I am not great at Pokemon. I had initially hoped that Difficult raises levels but that it would just require grinding (or being smart when it comes to Pokemon) to beat. I've realized everybody scales with my pokemon and so I end up relying heavily on healing items to get through any kind of boss battle. This obviously isn't fun as I don't feel I've "earned" the win, but I'm not good enough to approach these battles like puzzles and think hard about movesets going into each big battle.

Anyway all that rambling is just a long way of asking how easy is Casual? The whole point of choosing Difficult was for more of a challenge but it's obviously been too hard for me and I've been thinking of switching the difficulty. Unfortunately you can't go back after doing so. I'm worried going down to casual will be too easy and then I'll be "stuck" possibly enjoying the game even less. My only other thought is turning off the "smart battling" (don't remember the actual name) option to see if that's more in-line with what I'm looking for, despite my dislike of level scaling. Not sure how big of a difference that would make, or having it on but moving down to Casual.
Anyway all that rambling is just a long way of asking how easy is Casual? The whole point of choosing Difficult was for more of a challenge but it's obviously been too hard for me and I've been thinking of switching the difficulty. Unfortunately you can't go back after doing so. I'm worried going down to casual will be too easy and then I'll be "stuck" possibly enjoying the game even less.

You can check that info in the FAQs. I didn't play Easy/vanilla or however it's called myself but it's supposedly a similar difficulty to what you get in the main games.

Which difficulty mode should I play?
• Vanilla: More in line with official game difficulty. Play this if you like over leveling or just want to play a game without worrying too much about the battles.
• Difficult: You're looking for something slightly harder than default Pokémon games, and don't mind losing boss battles once or twice to force you to rethink your strategy with the same team.
• Expert: If you're running a fully EV trained team, this is probably going to be as hard as Difficult early on. You also probably won't need to change up your team in between major battles. Late game will get harder, though, but still nowhere near as hard as Insane.
• Insane: This should be the hardest hack you've ever played. Period. Items can't be used in Trainer battles, and bosses all have a team with competitive movesets and full EVs. If you're ready to rage quit after the first Gym, this difficulty is NOT for you. It was designed to be inherently unfun for most players.
You can check that info in the FAQs. I didn't play Easy/vanilla or however it's called myself but it's supposedly a similar difficulty to what you get in the main games.

Thank you! Yeah the part you pasted was what I found on Reddit as well. I actually misunderstood how it works. Because I was able to flip between "difficult" and "vanilla" and assumed you can not go back up a difficulty after going down, I thought those two options were additional settings to further customize your difficulty. I have been able to freely switch between the two and I guess the "can't go back" rule only applies to people playing on expert and/or insane. I only played for maybe 30-45 minutes but it was more enjoyable on Vanilla. I'm just not cut out for strategic Pokemon battling and prefer brute forcing via grinding if anything. I'll leave it on Vanilla and just turn of Exp share and call it a day. Thank you again!
disclaimer if this replies to the first post of the thread i'm sorry but i cant fhange that.

Anyways, i was playing unbound happily, chilling in victory road about to face the pkmn league, until a few weeks ago when i opened my save file (playing on 44VBA on a school chromebook), and it randomly says "your save file is not compatible with the current version of the game, please enter the HoF on any version before 2.0 before continuing" I started this game in late April when the latest version was out, so I have no idea why i am getting this error, and all the save data on my gba file is gone just like that. I obv can't enter the hall of fame cause i havent beaten the main game yet. is there any way to restore my lost game
Good day everyone! And special salutations for Skeli and the Dev Team!

I've been delving a bit more deeply into the Rom Hack and now that I'm 3/5 Starts on my way to get a Black Trainer Card on Expert Difficulty, but also after reading the latest Unbound Discord News, I must leave this small innocent question here (which i also shared on the Pokémon Unbound Subreddit).

"Do we know if the Cube Corp and Glimmer Isle additions will be the FINAL update to the game?"


"Perhaps, we could get a small hint about the upcoming updates? Something to give us a Glimmer of Hope and build up the hype"


Not only that, but throughout my playtime in the game I also came across some assets I'd love to see improved in the future, like:

Improved Lightning! [Reddit Post]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

Some minor nitpicks[Again, reddit post can be found here]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

Which I know are minor, barely noticeable, but I feel like they're very, very impactful and can bolster the game's looks and give an extra layer of polish.


And talking about the Cube Corp Interior (future update), I have a pretty nifty suggestion. As always, [here's the Reddit Post].

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

So in essence, Cube Corp (with all their technological prowess and Hoopa's Power) managed to bring back all enemy leaders from previous Regions (Kanto - Alola), but not only that, now with the power of the "Black Horizon" they have a brand new team of legendaries and dynamax pokémon, which are bound to be an insane challenge. These enemies will be:

- Gen 1/2: Giovanni (sprite already in game) - Team: Mewtwo - Mew - Kangaskhan (Mega) - Nidoking - Dugtrio - Gengar (Dynamax).

- Gen 3: Archie (sprite can be found here) - Team: Kyogre - Regice - Sharpedo (Mega) - Politoed - Wailord - Kingler (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 3: Maxie (sprite can be found here) - Team: Groudon - Regirock - Camerupt (Mega) - Torkoal - Crobat - Coalossal (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 4: Cyrus (sprite can be found here) - Team: Dialga - Palkia - Houndoom (Mega) - Honchkrow - Weavile - Corviknight (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 5: Ghetsis (sprite can be found here) - Team: Kyurem (B) - Kyurem (W) - Sableye (Mega) - Cofagrigus - Hydreigon - Grimmsnarl (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 6: Lysandre (sprite can be found here) - Team: Xerneas - Yveltal - Gyarados (Mega) - Noivern - Malamar - Centiskorch (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 7: Guzma (sprite can be found here) - Team: Xurkitree - Necrozma - Scizor (Mega) - Golisopod - Vikavolt - Toxtricity (Dynamax).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

Alright, so that does it for the Enemy Leaders and their Teams, but once you defeat them (In a 6v6 Gauntlet Battle) you unlock the option to bring the different Champions from other regions (up to Gen 7), these champions are:

- Gen 1: Red (sprite already in game).

- Gen 1: Blue (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 2: Lance (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 3: Steven Stone (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 3: Wallace (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 4: Cynthia (sprite already in game).

- Gen 5: Alder (sprite can be found here) Note: although it's from Gen 3, it can be used as a base model.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 5: Iris (sprite can be found here). Note: although it's from Gen 5, it can be used as a base model.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 6: Diantha (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]

- Gen 7: Prof. Kukui (sprite can be found here).
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]


As for the battle modes inside Cube Corp:

- Streak Mode: Just keep racking up wins, every 10th Trainer you'll face one of the Champions or Evil Team Leaders (exclusive to this facility) this can be done in Single or Double battles on a 3v3 or 6v6 Formats.

- Gauntlet Mode: 8 Random Trainers (between Champions and Enemy Team Leaders) giving plenty of possible combinations, some being harder than others.

- 1v1 or 2v2 Mode: Similar to Streak Mode, you keep racking up wins until you Lose or Retire, every 10th Trainer defeated a Special Encounter will happen, however, the Enemy Pokémon will be Chosen Randomly, and you don't have a way of knowing what you'll be facing.

*Note: Similar to the Antisis Ring Challenge, you can Rest between fights if you wish to do so, that way you don't have to give up your streak if you want to take a break.

But this, this is just a primer, you can find the rest of the prediction in the reddit post from above.


Last but not least, for those of you guys looking for an Amazing Game Cover for your Emulators, remove the current ones you own, this is the Cover you've been looking for! (which is reminiscent of Pokémon Platinum Cover, given this game could be easily considered Gen 4 as well).

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]


And that's it for today, I really hope my message reaches you Skeli, you're changing lives here and the whole Pokémon Community is indebted to you for giving us Unbound, so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Have a great weekend everyone and see you around!

Edits: I Added some pictures, took me a while haha.

Edit 2: I thought about what the Cube Corp Interior may be hiding inside, so I'm adding my prediction into the post.
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First I want to give my regards to maker of this rom hack
And I have some questions and suggestions
Question : when can we aspect to see pokemon gen 9 in the game?
Suggestion: making your pokemon follow you around like pokemon heart gold,you can make it so it can be changed in the setting if someone wants it or not
Thank you again
Question : when can we aspect to see pokemon gen 9 in the game?

We weren't even supposed to see Gen 8 Pokémon, as mentioned in the FAQs. And as far as I know the few available Galar & Hisui Pokémon were given through Mistery Gift, but are not normally obtainable in the game or featured in any trainers' teams. IF Gen 9 Pokémon are even added, it will be likely in a similar way.