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Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]


When the sun goes down...
  • 4,706
    • Seen Jan 20, 2017
    Pokémon Hunts [ENDED]

    [a id]sh_guide[/a id]Guideline and Rules
    Global PokéCommunity Rules and Get-Together Rules apply.

    The organizer posts a WANTED poster along a countdown timer at least one hour before the Hunt.

    Please take note of each Missions and your own Points!

    Participating all hunts are not necessary.

    No one is allowed to hunt before the countdown timer ends!

    The 'Wanted Pokémon' can be a hatched Pokémon or a wild Pokémon with added prerequisites, including but not limited to, Shiny, nearest-IV total, caught location, amount of Pokémon to catch, etc..

    Hunts aren't limited to the core games.

    Hunters are rated under this simple method: the fastest hunter to complete a task on that day gets the most points, 1st runner-up gets some points, 2nd runner-up gets only little OR those who fulfill the requirements get the most points!

    [a id]sh_join[/a id]Hunter Sign Up Form
    Games you own:

    [a id]sh_scores[/a id]Scoreboard

    Spoonacross - 410 Points!
    Congratulations for winning the event, Spoony!

    Sukyandaru - 30 Points!
    Pancham Cutie - 180 Points!
    Lrachelr5 - 30 Points! (Awarded because of my clumsy mistake!)
    OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire - 80 Points!

    Spoiler: Scoring for each mission

    200 Points for the first hunter to complete the mission.
    100 Points for second main hunter to complete the mission.
    50 Points for third main hunter to complete the mission.
    Additional 50 Points for the hunter who excelled the mission (only given in certain missions, Hunters will only get to know they received it when the mission wraps up).
    150 Points for all Bonus Hunts (no particular orders, you get Points as long as the mission is completed).
    40 Points per video proof.
    10 Point per image proof.

    [a id]sh_tools[/a id]Help and Tips
    Make sure you have at least 3-4 games of the following series:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    For example like, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.*

    While these are not necessary, they can help boost your Points for a bit!
    - Image capturing equipment (camera, screen caps)
    You are only limited to upload three image-proofs. - 10 Points/Per
    [S-HIGHLIGHT]Blurry images are not accepted[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    - Video recording equipment (video camera, )
    Only one video per hunt. - 40 Point/Per
    [S-HIGHLIGHT]Cannot be laggy; must be perfect clear[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    Friendly Tips

    Pokémon that are able to inflict any status problems are helpful.

    Moves like False Swipe and Super Fangs are handy!

    Prepare all kinds of Pokeballs.

    Pay attention to Abilities.

    [a id]sh_emblems[/a id]Emblems

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    Winner's Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    1st Runner-up Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    2nd Runner-up Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    Participation Emblem

    [a id]sh_club[/a id]Pokémon Clubs Promotions (PGen)
    If you are a member of at least one of these following clubs. Participating this event will reward you with 7,000 Chips (Contact Sun through PM after the event).

    @Brain Over Brawn@ Psychic-type Club
    The Fighting-type VIP Dojo!
    ☁ Sky High ☁ Flying-type Club

    Additionally, winning this event multiplies the mentioned reward Chips by four, 1st runner up will have his/her Chips tripled and finally the 2nd runner up receives a double instead.

    If you join the aforementioned clubs during or after this event, you will still receive the promotions, just remember to contact Sun.

    *Note: Chips do not stack up in any ways.

    Created by Sun.
    Additional credits to Sheep, Sopheria, Le Pug and Twilight Blade

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    Username: Spoonacross
    Games you own:
    Alpha Sapphire, Y, White 2, Black, HeartGold, Platinum, Ruby (plus some of their counterparts but these are ones I primarily use)
    Ranger 1, 2 & 3
    Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity & Explorers of Time (but not that far into them)
    Plus other spin-offs and earlier generation games, let me know if you need to know

    Looking forward to this!
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Username: Sukyandaru
    Games you own:
    Alpha Sapphire, XY, BW, either B2 or W2 (idr which), HGSS, DPPt, Ranger Shadows of Almia, Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. Also RSE and FRLG but currently can't get access of them, maybe later in the event I'll have access x:.
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Before I sign up, may I ask a question?

    So is the goal of this to hunt Shinys for a set amount of time and whoever gets the them first wins?
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Before I sign up, may I ask a question?

    So is the goal of this to hunt Shinys for a set amount of time and whoever gets the them first wins?

    Not necessarily shiny, for example:
    - I will ask to DexNav a Pokemon with certain moves and/or Ability;
    - it can be also fish for Male Corsola in HGSS and you are only allowed to use Lure Balls;
    - even hatch some Pokemon with certain move sets;
    - even recruit a Kecleon in PMD: Sky.

    *Note that those are examples, not actual tasks.*

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]In a nutshell, it involves catching; more games you own, the faster you complete your task, the more points you'll be able to get![/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    The person who has the highest score in the final day is automatically the winner of this event, of course.
    Not necessarily shiny, for example:
    - I will ask to DexNav a Pokemon with certain moves and/or Ability;
    - it can be also fish for Male Corsola in HGSS and you are only allowed to use Lure Balls;
    - even hatch some Pokemon with certain move sets;
    - even recruit a Kecleon in PMD: Sky.

    *Note that those are examples, not actual tasks.*

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]In a nutshell, it involves catching; more games you own, the faster you complete your task, the more points you'll be able to get![/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    The person who has the highest score in the final day is automatically the winner of this event, of course.

    Ah I see. I only own Y, X, OR, AS. Would I still be able to join?
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Ah I see. I only own Y, X, OR, AS. Would I still be able to join?

    Of course you can! (:

    Additionally you can borrow a friend/family's games that you do not own, restarting their save file is not required. (:

    Welcome aboard! Despite the limitation, I'm still hoping you'll love and have fun with this event! (:

    EDIT: Please don't forget to fill in the sign up form for an official sign up! ;)
    • Like
    Reactions: Z25
    I'll go ahead and sign up.

    Username: - Pancham Cutie
    Games you own: - FireRed, Emerald, SoulSilver, Platinum, White 2, X, and Omega Ruby
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    Of course you can! (:

    Additionally you can borrow a friend/family's games that you do not own, restarting their save file is not required. (:

    Welcome aboard! Despite the limitation, I'm still hoping you'll love and have fun with this event! (:

    EDIT: Please don't forget to fill in the sign up form for an official sign up! ;)

    Ah cool! I look forward to it:

    Games you own:
    Alpha Sapphire, Omega ruby, X, Y, and emerald(which I just saw is allowed.)
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    You know, why not? I might miss a couple (read: most) of these games, but I'll see which ones I can find. This should be fun!

    Username: Lycanthropy
    Games you own: FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Emerald (I think Sapphire also) and Black 2.
    Additionally, I can perhaps borrow my brother's Platinum, HearthGold and White 2.
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Username: Wiicked
    Games you own: Trading Card Game FireRed, Emerald, HeartGold, Platinum, Black 2, X, Omega Ruby
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Sign ups are not gonna be close, but those who joined late cannot pick an expired mission.

    Spoiler: Notifications


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    On this mission:
    - You can only use 100 Standard Pokéballs OR Premiere Balls1, 2.
    - These following games can participate (Let me know which game you are participating with; you can only participate with one and CANNOT change midway):

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    - Pokémon with the following Ability cannot participate:
    Color Change, Cute Charm, Effect Spore, Filter, Flame Body, Fur Coat, Gooey, Grass Pelt, Hyper Cutter, Ice Body, Intimidate, Keen Eye, Magic Bounce, Moody, Multiscale, Multitype, Poison Heal, Poison Point, Poison Touch, Prankster, Pressure, Protean, Rough Skin.

    The following moves are banned:
    False Swipe, Hold Back and all status moves except: Confuse Ray, Grass Whistle, Heal Pulse, Leech Seed, Perish Song, Sing, Supersonic, Teeter Dance, Transform.

    Created by Sun. Text credit to Sopheria

    Background image source: web image

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]Catch as many Aipom as you can with those 100 Pokéballs/Premiere Balls!1

    You aren't allow to buy more Pokéballs/Premiere Balls after you've began the hunt (make sure you are counting properly; in your case you need 99 Pokeballs, no more or less).2

    The Bonus Hunt will be posted as soon as three hunters have completed the mission. But I need to be online, haha.
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    I'm using pokemon X and have caught a level 30 Aipom in the Friend Safari with the moves Fury Swipe, Swift, Screech and Agility and it's a bashful nature
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    I'm using pokemon X and have caught a level 30 Aipom in the Friend Safari with the moves Fury Swipe, Swift, Screech and Agility and it's a bashful nature

    OMG, I'm so sorry for missing the important info: I knew something was off, I was wondering why did someone reply that fast.

    [S-HIGHLIGHT]Catch as many Aipom as you can with those 100 Pokéballs/Premiere Balls!

    You aren't allow to buy more Pokéballs/Premiere Balls after you've began the hunt (make sure you are counting properly; in your case you need 99 Pokeballs, no more or less).

    I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. @_@ Oh and you will need to make a separate post after you're done with the mission.
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    I'm gonna use Alpha Sapphire. Will you be wanting photos of all caught Pokemon as proof?

    I would be happy to see them and they provide extra points.~
    But please take note of this:

    Original Post said:
    While these are not necessary, they can help boost your Points for a bit!
    - Image capturing equipment (camera, screen caps)
    You are only limited to upload three image-proofs. - 10 Points/Per
    [S-HIGHLIGHT]Blurry images are not accepted[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

    The image quality you have shown from Shuffle Showdown: Winter Edition is perfect.

    All ya gotta do is take pics of:
    - A Box of Aipom and
    - At least 2 screenshots of 2 different Aipom.
    For example like
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pok?mon Hunts [ENDED]
    Username: OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
    Games you own: Sapphire, Emerald, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, White, White2 (why wasn't this included in the list, or did I miss it? Ps: Emerald and Platinum are mentioned as if they're a pair xD), Y, and Omega Ruby. I also own Shuffle (3DS), Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon World Rumble, and Pokemon Picross.
    Last edited:
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun
    Username: OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
    Games you own: Sapphire, Emerald, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, White, White2 (why wasn't this included in the list, or did I miss it? Ps: Emerald and Platinum are mentioned as if they're a pair xD), Y, and Omega Ruby. I also own Shuffle (3DS), Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon World Rumble, and Pokemon Picross.

    Wow, you saw through me. I mentioned Em and Pt like that on purpose. XD

    I missed it on purpose, I forgot to include the 'etc, etc...' or 'and so on', hahaha. But that reminds me, I should update that part along your participation.
    Hunt complete! (At least I think it is, hope I did it all correct!)


    I was going to play some Pokemon whilst listening to podcasts before bed so just happened to be perfect timing for me!

    Caught exactly a box full! Thought it would've been nearer the 50 mark at least but there were a few who were really stubborn! Used a Heracross and Cut btw.
    • Like
    Reactions: Sun