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[Free Shop] PokeCommunity CSS Shop [FREE!]

  • 1,505
    • Age 27
    • he/him/she/her
    • Seen Jul 9, 2024
    PokeCommunity CSS Shop
    Managed by Trev



    Hello there, fellow PC user/random anonymous guest! You've stumbled upon the magic that is Trev's CSS Shop. I've decided to open a shop with the goal of providing PokeCommunity threads with glorious, wonderful, colorful, and free CSS. I've been polishing my PCSS (see what I did there? Ha, I'm funny) skills over the past few months and am ready to glamify PC!

    You're probably wondering why I'm doing this. Honestly, I love PC and I think, as a forum, it has a lot of perks that other forums simply can't offer. CSS is absolutely one of those perks (hell, it's the reason I donated). It pains me to see bare-bones threads when there's so many powerful design options right at everyone's fingertips. However, I realize that some people simply aren't willing to learn or don't have the time/patience to test every little detail.

    That's where I come in! I'm a perfectionist in many regards and CSS is no exception. I pay extreme attention to detail, right down to the tiniest missing padding, and I use a lot of unorthodox methods to make my designs look flawless. Give me an hour and I can pull off some impressive feats. I want to offer my skills to the community in hopes that I can help make your thread look stunning.

    [a id]toc[/a id]Table of Contents

    1.) Introductions
    2.) [alink id="rules"]Terms of Use/Rules[/alink id]
    3.) [alink id="thread"]Thread Requests[/alink id]
    4.) [alink id="sig"]Signature Requests[/alink id]
    5.) [alink id="pending"]Pending/Completed Requests[/alink id]

    [a id]rules[/a id]Terms of Use/Rules
    Before you start making requests for me to fulfill, there's a few things I want to talk about. I do have a few restrictions on how my CSS is used. This is required reading, so pay attention! Failure to follow these rules may result in me asking a mod to remove my CSS from your thread/post.

    First, I prohibit any structure edits to my CSS. This includes elements like padding, margin, float, position, etc., especially css-div and cd tags. The reason is because my CSS usually has a very rigid structure that can be easily messed up. My coding is usually long and complex with multiple css-div tags. Messing with elements like these could very easily break the entire CSS altogether. If you want a modification to the appearance of your CSS, please feel free to discuss it with me via PM (which is where all requests will be fulfilled). Modifying it yourself will only cause disaster.

    Second, I will always include a relatively small but noticeable tag on my CSS that links back to this shop. You absolutely cannot remove this tag under any circumstance. I'm considerate, so I'll obviously put it in a place that is not noticeable and will not interfere with the content of your thread.

    Third, I ask that you not request themes designed exclusively for mobile. In order for me to test that, I would have to code the entire CSS on my phone, and I would rather eat hot coals than do that. My best work is always designed for computers and I have no intention of changing that. I will make themes as mobile friendly as possible if requested, but for more complex themes, that will likely not be possible (as you can probably tell by the screwed-up headers/boxes above if you're viewing this thread on mobile). I also ask that you not add-in mobile friendly code yourself.

    Fourth, I ask that you use my CSS following any provided instructions to present it in a manner that does justice to my work. I put my faith in your hands when I hand over the finished code, and failure to follow my instructions may result in a busted theme that would reflect badly on me as a coder. All finished code that has been handed over will be posted in this thread so that everyone knows what it should look like - keep that in mind!

    Fifth, I ask that you not use my CSS for any purpose that breaks PokeCommunity rules and code of conduct. This should be obvious.

    Sixth, I ask that you have content for me to fill the template with. I cannot create a template without words to space it as needed, so either having a thread up already or having the full content written out (and preformatted, if you're nice) is a requirement.

    [alink id="toc"]Jump to top[/alink id]​
    [a id]thread[/a id]Thread Requests
    Please use the following form to submit a request for a thread CSS template. Do not send this form to me via VM or PM. Simply post it in the thread and I will get to it as necessary. I reserve the right to reject any request for any reason.


    Link to Thread: If you already have a thread up, please provide it here. Put N/A if your thread is not posted and you will send me the content via PM after I accept your request.

    Type: This is either simple or complex. Simple CSS is generally defined by little to no image usage, monotone palettes, basic structure, and no/simple headers. Complex CSS is generally defined by heavier image usage, multi-tone palettes, moderate to sophisticated structure, and complex headers. If you don't include specifications, this will guide how I design your template.

    How many layers?: Options are single layer, double layer, and triple layer (Cardstock) if you're ambitious. Single and double will usually suffice - triple layer is really complex and may not always work.

    Split Boxes or Solo Box?: Example of split, example of solo. Split works better with single layer and solo works better with double layer, but vice-versa works just a fine too.

    Section Headers?: Yes or no. I can create thematic section headers to help you separate different parts of your thread/post. Specifications can be added below.

    Mobile Friendly?: Yes or no. Mobile-friendly simply means that your CSS will be perfectly readable and generally attractive on both desktop and mobile. Not mobile-friendly templates are still readable and don't expand the page unreasonably but may not look very pretty.


    Primary Background: The background for the body of your template. Primarily useful for double layer. If you want an image, provide a link. Otherwise, specify a color or colors you'd like me to use. I can do flat color, gradients in various directions, etc. The more specific, the better it'll look. Hex colors preferred.

    Inner Background: The background color of your box(es). I recommend white, black, soft pastels, and dark shades for most readability. Again, hex preferred. If you want transparency, provide the rgba and desired transparency instead. If you put an image here, it will become the primary background.

    Text Color: Typically, I'll choose a color that matches the inner background, but if you have a color you really want to use, leave it here. Hex preferred as usual. If the color affects readability, I reserve the right to reject it.

    Borders: You can specify color, effects, curvature, style, size, etc. Remember that less is more.

    Headers: Anything you want for your headers if you want headers. Yes, I can make shaped headers like the ones on this post. Yes, I can do floating headers like the ones in my hack thread. Do I want to? No, but if you really want them, I'll do it.

    Anything Else?: If you want some unique thing that falls outside of those categories, explain it here. Detail will get you the closest results. If what you want breaks margins or site spacing on PC, it'll get rejected.

    [b]Link to Thread[/b]:
    [b]How many layers?[/b]:
    [b]Split Boxes or Solo Box?[/b]:
    [b]Section Headers?[/b]:
    [b]Mobile Friendly?[/b]:
    [b]Inner Background[/b]:
    [b]Text Color[/b]:
    [b]Anything Else?[/b]:

    [alink id="toc"]Jump to top[/alink id]​
    [a id]sig[/a id]Signature Requests
    Please use the following form to submit a request for a signature CSS template. Do not send this form to me via VM or PM. Simply post it in the thread and I will get to it as necessary. I reserve the right to reject any request for any reason. All fields are required.

    Links in Signature: If there are any links in your thread, I absolutely need to have them. If you signature doesn't have any links, put N/A.

    Link Styles: Either "Icon" or "Text" can be put here. If you choose Icon, I will use the Font Awesome icons available to the forum to find a corresponding icon for whatever your link is about. You can also use this section to specify colors and designs for the links.

    Flexibility: Either "Flexible" or "Rigid" can be put here. If you choose Flexible, I will design your CSS to be flexible and modifiable enough to handle multiple links and to be easy to edit yourself. However, these signatures will usually be simpler in design. If you choose Rigid, your signature will be harder to edit yourself and will have a set number of links it can handle, but will usually look better. While you can put an option here, I may change it to Flexible if you have too many links.

    Image Links: If you signature includes an images or images, provide the link(s) here. Remember that the size limits for signatures are 600x350, so choose your image(s) accordingly.

    Sidebar Position: Options are left, right, top, bottom, and center. All are possible, but left and right tend to look the best, and center tends to look... weird. But again, all are possible. Sidebars are mandatory if you have links - if you don't and don't want a sidebar, put N/A here.

    Anything Else?: If you want some unique thing that falls outside of those categories, explain it here. Detail will get you the closest results. If what you want breaks margins, site spacing, or signature spacing, it'll get rejected.

    [b]Links in Signature[/b]:
    [b]Link Styles[/b]:
    [b]Image Links[/b]:
    [b]Sidebar Position[/b]:
    [b]Anything Else?[/b]:

    [alink id="toc"]Jump to top[/alink id]​

    [a id]pending[/a id]Pending Requests
    This section lists all requests that I am currently working on and planning on fulfilling. Due to the difficulty of coding Complex templates, I've limited them to 2 requests at a time. Simple templates have no request limit, but I will typically only work on 4 at a time unless they're ridiculously easy. Queued requests will be automatically added once a spot opens up and they're the first on the list.

    Simple Requests:
    Complex Requests:
    • Empty
    • Empty
    Queued Requests:
    • Empty

    [alink id="toc"]Jump to top[/alink id]​
    [a id]completed[/a id]Completed Requests
    If you're looking for a completed request, you can find links to my posts in this thread that contain the finalized template. I'm just going to say this now: do not under any circumstance use a template that does not belong to you unless you have permission from the person who requested it. If I catch that, I will absolutely call you out. Just request your own - it's free anyway.

    Completed Requests:
    Last edited:
    Link to Thread: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/398598

    Type: Simple or Complete , all creativity goes to you on this typing

    How many layers?: not sure what this means....

    Split Boxes or Solo Box?: not sure which would do better to show off the game

    Section Headers?: Yes

    Mobile Friendly?: No


    Primary Background: Bright Green

    Inner Background: No clue

    Text Color: Black

    Borders: blue?

    Headers: I need a spot to put the logo at

    Anything Else?: I want something that would make the game pop! Bring people attention to the videos and features.
    How many layers?: not sure what this means....

    Split Boxes or Solo Box?: not sure which would do better to show off the game

    Click on the links to view examples of each. Single layer is what your thread is right now. I'm going to throw your request in the queue and move it accordingly once you decide. Also, you have to choose split or solo. These are required for the request.
    Last edited:
    Click on the links to view examples of each. Single layer is what your thread is right now. I'm going to throw your request in the queue and move it accordingly once you decide. Also, you have to choose split or solo. These are required for the request.

    Okay so i would like the Single Layer - Split
    Completed request for Zeak6464. Do not use or duplicate without permission from thread owner and me!

    Last edited:
    Link to Thread: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/398134

    Type: Complex

    How many layers?: Single layer or double i guess confused there

    Split Boxes or Solo Box?: Split Boxes

    Section Headers?: Yes or no. Yes

    Mobile Friendly?: Yes or no. Yes( if you can't its fine)


    Primary Background: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1e/7b/43/1e7b433e6920c816f93c42ce2572c8e7.jpg

    Inner Background: Grey or Black whatever loks better

    Text Colors: You Choose idk Purple or maybe Aqua

    Borders: Aqua

    Headers: YES and a spot for the logo

    Anything Else?:I would just love something that makes my game seem interesting enough for people at least hit that download button also i saw how u said youll put a little thing that credits ou i dont mind where yo pu and how big as long as its not in the way because for you to do this and only have one request i think you need more exposure thx's for this
    Last edited:
    I would ask for one but I don't see much point in me having a CSS when I never get any comments on my things.
    I would ask for one but I don't see much point in me having a CSS when I never get any comments on my things.

    You can still request one. I don?t care how many people see it. Also, please don?t self-loathe on my thread. Also also, having CSS usually attracts more people
    As I'm currently a senior in uni with three jobs, I'm very busy, so obviously things like these are low priority for me. Once I have some free time, I'll get your request handled. I will absolutely, at a point in time, fulfill your request, so don't stress.
    Completed request for Venomous_Zero86. Do not use or duplicate without permission from thread owner and me.

    Last edited:
    Completed signature request for AdorbzFangirl. Do not use or duplicate without permission from signature owner and me.



    So, as you might be wondering, I'm now providing the option to request signatures. This option was technically always there, I just... didn't have a form up for it. But now I do! So, definitely request signatures if you've been wanting one.
    HTML Code:

    Link to Thread:https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/375757

    Type:Fangame Dev Thread! Complex

    How many layers?: 2

    Split Boxes or Solo Box?: I think split!

    Section Headers?: Think simple is good

    Mobile Friendly?: Don't really care either way!


    Background: I'll give you some creative freedom, this is a post-apocalyptic fangame, so I want a dullish camo green to be a theme. Possibly brown patina texture?

    Inner Background: Light grey/white for dark text background

    Text Color: Black, dark grey, or dark, dull green

    Borders: something that works with the theme!

    Headers: dark!

    I'll give you some creative freedom, but I have a lot of picture to display so remember that! Thank you!
    Last edited:

    I'm accepting your thread request. There's really nothing fancy I can do for your signature since it's literally just a single link, so here ya go:

    [PLAIN][CENTER][div="border-radius: 100%; border: 10px double orange; padding: 30px; width: fit-content;"][title="Pokemon Biege Version"][URL="https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=9944731"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="7"][icon]wrench[/icon][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL][/title][/div][/CENTER][/PLAIN]

    Nobody use this without permission from me and the sig owner blah blah blah.
    Last edited:
    Completed thread request for juliorain. Do not use or duplicate without permission from me and thread owner.



    Completed thread request for raichu. Do not use or duplicate without permission from thread owner and me.
