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PC: PokeCommunity Get-Together 2022

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  • 25,778
    Get-Together 2022 Event Organiser Recruitment
    It's that time again. Once more the annual PokéCommunity Get-Together is upon us - a little later this year, coinciding with our forum's anniversary. As always, we staff can't do this alone and are asking for you guys to help us out by signing up to be event organisers and host the various events that will make up this year's Get-Together.

    So... what's the Get-Together?

    The Get-Together is a long running and annual event we run on the forums. It's a purely online thing, named for people across the different parts of the community coming together and interacting in a bunch of fun events rather than for physical proximity. The Get-Together has taken many forms over the years, but the most recent incarnations have typically been competitions between two or more big teams with points being earned through participating in the different GT events. Typically, each Get-Together will have its own theme, story and lore to go along with it to add to the fun - more on that below.

    This year's Get-Together will be running from October 9 until October 23.

    The Lore

    There is a special time for the PokéCommunity. Every 19 years, on the anniversary of the PokéCommunity's formation, the barrier between the world of the spirits and the mortal realm is at its thinnest. It is only during this time that people can pass from one side to the other. It is only during this time that higher beings can reach beyond the veil and impart their blessings upon us.

    Of course, such blessings are not free and these entities will not give such boons if enough spirits do not pass into their waiting grasp. Furthermore, not everyone wishes for the same blessings and only so much can pass through the barrier, even at this time. So it was that a festival was established - the Get-Together, where mortals can ask for blessings and give themselves to the world of spirits to obtain them.

    Every 19 years, the clans of PokéCommunity compete for the honour of having some of their membership ascend to join the spirits and beseech their deity for its blessings. The Shackled Arqueros ask for the wrongs of the past to be righted, while the Shadowed Guerreros ask for good fortune in the future. Neither will concede to the other. So it is that the competition begins anew as a new Get-Together is upon us.

    Where do you come in?

    The Get-Together itself is composed of many small events and participating in those events earns points for the team you are placed in. But, those events need people to run them. What events are run changes every year, although there are certain things that have become staples. Really what it comes down to is what you guys want to run. We're looking for a good mix of longform events that last throughout the GT (Pokémon or gaming tournaments, writing or RP events etc) and shortform stuff that can run daily or every few days (Jackbox, Pictionary etc).

    If you're interested in being an Event Organiser, simply comment in this thread to register interest and let us know what event(s) you'd like to run and GT management will review it. You can also ask any questions you have here, or direct them to myself, Arcaneum or Fairy. We'll be accepting submissions until September 11.

    Use the following format to submit your event:

    Name of event:
    Type of event (longform/shortform):
    Brief description of event:
    Any co-hosts:

    Events and Event Organizer List

    Small Writing Contest (gimmepie, Bay, bobandbill)
    Fortune Cup (gimmepie and Dragon)
    PMD&D (gimmepie and Lycanthropy)
    Forum Games and Pokemon Trivia Spotlight (Aldo)
    Paint and Describe (Aldo)
    Eevee's Arcade (Mewtwolover)
    Pictionary (Shooting Star)
    Fakemon Design Contest (Shooting Star and Cubeth)
    Spot the Difference (ReKoil)
    Pokemon Challenge (Janp and Eleanor)
    Pokemon Choose Your Own Adventure (Janp)
    Battle Bash (Wolf)
    Mind Read the Room (Devalue)
    Speed Art Challenge (Chr. Draco)
    Video Games Trivia (Arcaneum)
    Jackbox (Arcaneum and Fafrir)
    Entertainment and Media Trivia (Arcaneum and Starlight)
    Animal Crossing Costume Challenge (Arcaneum)
    FFXIV Cosplay Glamathon (Arcaneum)
    Egg Swap (Kip)

    Art by the amazing Fairy!
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    Going to get in early and chuck my own events in here

    Name of event: Small Writing Contest
    Type of event: Longform
    Brief description of event: A themed short story contest.
    Any co-hosts: Bay and bobandbill

    Name of event: Fortune Cup
    Type of event: Longform
    Brief description of event: A Showdown-based Pokemon tournament where luck determines the team you have to work with.
    Any co-hosts: Dragon

    Name of event: PMD&D
    Type of event: Longform (Technically?)
    Brief description of event: A custom built Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tabletop RPG.
    Any co-hosts: Lycanthropy
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    Name of event: Forum Games & Pokémon Trivia Spotlight
    Type of event: Shortform
    Brief description of event: Participate in chosen games from the Pokémon Trivia and Forum Games sections to earn points

    Name of event: Paint & Describe
    Type of event: Longform
    Brief description of event: Players get a description to turn into an image or an image to describe, from another player in a chain. At the end, the result may or may not be drastically different from the starting image.
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    Name of event: Eevee's Arcade
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform
    Brief description of event: An arcade event featuring 4 games, you should know the rest.
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    Name of event: Pictionary
    Type of event: Shortform
    Brief description of event: Participate in Pictionary sessions across the Get Together
    Co-hosts: None right now, but if anyone wants to help, let me know!

    Name of event: Fakemon Design Contest
    Type of event: Longform
    Brief description of event: A themed Fakemon design contest
    Co-hosts: None right now, but if anyone wants to help, let me know!
    Name of event: Spot the Difference
    Type of event (longform/shortform): shortform, daily.
    Brief description of event: Two daily pairs of images that have differences between them. The images will be done using screenshots as the base.
    I was initially going to do a Pokemon only version, but I got hundreds of screenshots on Steam and could incorporate other games too.
    Any co-hosts: None.
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    Name of event: Pokémon Challenge
    Type of event (longform/shortform): longform
    Brief description of event: A traditional event, in which participants will play through a mainline Pokémon game of their choosing and will have to beat, while following certain rules.
    Any co-hosts: Eleanor

    Name of event: Pokémon Choose Your Adventure
    Type of event (longform/shortform): shortform, daily
    Brief description of event: Players will be presented with a story. They will vote to move the story forward.
    Any co-hosts: None so far
    Name of event: Battle Bash
    Type of event (longform/shortform): longform
    Brief description of event: A tournament where players get points for battling on Showdown. Certain formats will provide extra points (e.g., formats that require team building), but random battles will still be welcome. I plan to add a special random format like Spooky Random, considering how close it'll be to Halloween. Fortune Cup battles could also count towards this tournament, though there may be concerns about that being unbalanced for the Get-Together's team competition. If Fortune Cup battles become the most common, both tournaments might end up with the same winners.
    Any co-hosts: None, but I'm open to co-hosting if anyone's interested.
    Yes, one thing I will mention is that if you think you will need co-hosts, make sure to mention it like some have already and for anyone that wanted to host something but didn't have an idea, feel free to contact the poster and set something up!
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    Name of event: Fakemon Design Contest
    Type of event: Longform
    Brief description of event: A themed Fakemon design contest
    Co-hosts: None right now, but if anyone wants to help, let me know!

    Just mentioning that Cubeth is now a co-host for the Fakemon contest.
    Name of event: Mind Read the Room
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Shortform
    Brief description of event: Answers survey questions on Pokemon things. Earns points by predicting what everyone answered.
    Any co-hosts: No
    Name of event: Speed Art Challenge
    Type of event (longform/shortform): shortform (I guess)
    Brief description of event: Draw as fast as you can within the time limit
    Any co-hosts: No (for the moment)

    PD: Will there be a pokemon unite event this year? Would be nice for this get together.
    Name of event: Video Games Trivia
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform - one round of questions each day/every other day for the duration of the Get-Together
    Brief description of event: Spam everyone with trivia across several areas of a subject until their heads explode, the subject in this case being Video Games.
    Any co-hosts: None currently, but a spot is open!

    Name of event: Video Games Music Trivia
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform - same as above
    Brief description of event: Same as above, although identifying video game songs/sounds as opposed to all areas.
    Any co-hosts: None currently, but a spot is open!

    Name of event: Jackbox
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Errrrr, techincally shortform? There will be a fair few sessions, but each a few hours max.
    Brief description of event: Hosting Jackbox games on the Discord server, just lots of banter and fun!
    Any co-hosts: Fafrir

    Name of event: Entertainment & Media Trivia
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform - same as Video Games Trivia
    Brief description of event: Same as Video Games Trivia, but encompassing categories across the E&M section (Books/Music/Film/TV/Sport)
    Any co-hosts: Potentially Starlight, otherwise a spot is open!

    Name of event: Animal Crossing Costume Challenge
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform - users have the full two weeks
    Brief description of event: Similar as previous Animal Crossing challenges - create something based on the given theme. This year for accessibility, users will design an outfit rather than a room and it will be available across any Animal Crossing game.
    Any co-hosts: None currently, but I will need 1-2 judges!

    Name of event: FFXIV Cosplay Glamathon
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform - same as above
    Brief description of event: Users put together a glam outfit in FFXIV based around a loose theme. Theme is loose to encompass as many users as possible and not restrict things to certain raids etc.
    Any co-hosts: None currently, but I will need 1-2 judges!
    As is tradition, I emerge from my cave for the GT.

    Name of event: Egg Swap
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform (hopefully)
    Brief description of event: Swap eggs, earn points.
    Any co-hosts: none yet.

    Last time I ran this was early in the Switch era and we didn't get a lot of participation, probably because using online features were no longer free, and we had to resort back to the 3DS games a few days in.

    Do we know if using Sword/Shield has picked up since then?
    As is tradition, I emerge from my cave for the GT.

    Name of event: Egg Swap
    Type of event (longform/shortform): Longform (hopefully)
    Brief description of event: Swap eggs, earn points.
    Any co-hosts: none yet.

    Last time I ran this was early in the Switch era and we didn't get a lot of participation, probably because using online features were no longer free, and we had to resort back to the 3DS games a few days in.

    Do we know if using Sword/Shield has picked up since then?

    From what I've seen there has been a bit more, but not sure if enough to warrant sticking to just that. Would it be worth considering SwSh and BDSP? Something we can discuss in more detail when making the event though I guess.

    Hi everyone!

    Just letting you know that as the submission period has closed, we've now opened up the Event Organisers section for you to start planning these events. You'll find it over here - https://www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?fn=eo_22

    For those new to hosting events, there is a guide in there, along with info on Discord roles for your events and a loose summary of this year's theming should you wish to use it.

    If you can't access it please let me know - please can you also pass this onto any co-hosts you have, as they should also have access to the section too.
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