Anywaays to my opinion on this...This is looking like a D&D Thread...And I hate that place...
As long as the person radiates the power of Darkness, it's fine.
I feel like a douche for saying no, I wouldn't want to date a trans.
I have nothing against them, however. It just isn't my preference.
This is an extremely too common argument used against trans people. In the case of a trans woman: "They're not really a woman, just a really feminine man." Sometimes they add in "gay" for good measure. As if gender identity and sexual orientation are the same thing. The opposite for trans men. While I am feminine, I'm not hyperfeminine by any means. I don't wear makeup or skirts. I only rarely feel in the right mood for a dress. I like pants and shorts, although my tops usually have a wide range from feminine to masculine. I'm okay with both. But what does that have to do with gender identity? Nothing, actually. It's called gender expression and it also isn't linked to gender identity or sexual orientation. Neither are gender roles.
I don't feel a need to go over the top with my gender expression because I know what I am. I don't have to prove it to anyone. Despite my slightly masculine dress, people never refer to me with male pronouns. I have the voice and attitude down pretty pat. How? By allowing myself to be who I really am. After overcoming confidence issues, it was pretty easy from there. It was all already inside of me. Not every trans woman is so lucky, though. Point is that I'm trans because I'm a woman, but my body was born male. It sucks, but it honestly isn't that big of a hindrance in my life. Most people judge trans people harshly until they meet someone who is trans. Experience is the best teacher.
You asked for our honest opinion but when you get it and it says "no" you seem to instantly go offensive to defend who you are, against no attack. We have a right to say no and give a explanation on what we think, the same way as you have the right to say yes and explain things how you think. we have to respect your opinion and the same goes the other way around.
ohh...and my honest opinion is no.
You can't seriously use that as an excuse can you?hmmmm....this is a VERY complicated question. would I? I cant say no but I also cant say yes. for one thing think of how embarissing that would be if someone found out and it spread. Society can be cruel. lol. this reminds me of traps now. lmao.
You can't seriously use that as an excuse can you?
Yeah, valid point. I understand where xseed is coming from ultimately, it's just my initial impression is that a transgender person has accepted that negative societal views are going to be a way of life, why should you be the one worried about something like that, especially if that's one of the only things standing between you and a potential relationship.
Look, your ex friend is a douche but not everyone out there is as narrow minded as that.This conversation actually reminds me of when I came out to one of my friends. He was okay with me being transgender, but not a lesbian. He didn't understand that if I liked women, why I should transition to become one. Later he told me, just before he cut me out of his life, that I was only transitioning to have an excuse to have sex with lesbians--as if that's all the justification I needed to make a life-changing decision to transition to opposite sex. I found this scenario humorous, to say the least, because I couldn't imagine anyone doing something so silly to have a chance--I stress chance--at getting a lesbian in bed. Your scenario is the exact same but the opposite, so I can't help but not take it that seriously.
Are there people that are deranged enough to go through what I have just to get guys? Not saying there aren't. I'm just pointing out that most of them shouldn't get through qualifying for transition. Let me make this clear: you can't just walk into a psychologist and tell them you want to be the opposite sex and just get some hormones right there. No, you need to go through rigorous therapy, sometimes many group therapy sessions on top of individual for three months. Every therapist qualified for treating transgender patients will have certain criteria that every patient has to meet before they'll get a referral letter for a doctor. Some may be able to trick their therapist and doctor--I don't doubt it, but transition isn't for the faint of heart.
I didn't transition to female because I thought that it was better to be a woman. I already was a woman and I wished for my body to express it.
I said you have a world of extremes because you don't believe in anything but male and female, even though it completely ignores intersexed people and people who have more than two sex chromosomes. Also, women who are born with XY chromosomes but have fully functioning female reproductive systems and vice versa for men. The world is not that simple. Plugging your ears and pretending doesn't make it go away. It's still there whether you believe it's there or not. It's like telling me you don't believe in the sun. Sure, you're welcome to believe it, but it doesn't make it true.Sorry for my late reply. I completely forgot about this thread to be honest. But awhile back you said something about "my world of extremes". Which I pretty much just took as you calling me an extremist. You mind telling me how you came to that conclusion? I clearly stated in my first post that I don't mind if they go ahead and do it, it's their lives. I just don't like it. Does that sound extreme to you?
Are you even reading my posts? I said I don't believe the whole 'women trapped in a man's body' mentality. Because that's all it is, a mentality. I don't believe just because you think your a women then that makes you a women.