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Self Esteem

Self Esteem Level?

  • High. I love my life, and I'm just great!

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Medium High. Well, my life isn't perfect, but it's pretty good, and so am I!

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • Medium. Life is okay. I'm okay. Yay! :D

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • Medium Low. My life is not good! And I'm not happy with my appearance. DD:

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Low. God, Life sucks. I am an ugly, pathetic fool. EVERYBODY IS BETTER THAN ME!!! *cries* ;_;

    Votes: 8 14.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm content. I wouldn't say 100% percent cause things can always be better. I'm very content with how things are in my life right now. No self esteem issues at all. If you don't like me that's your problem. I'm not going to change to make you happy. :\
I've always had pretty high self esteem. I guess I'm not exactly like I want to be, but I don't let those things get me down XD; I guess I'm sometimes not confident about telling people my age, since I'm often mistaken for older, buuut, I've been getting over that <3
Recently took a survey for online school... One of the selections was "Exceptionally High."

That right there, describes my self-esteem. My life is excellent and what I do with is doing just... Great, I'm an upbeat guy and a happy one at that. Yes, of course there are things that I could have better, but heck I don't worry if I can't do something about it. I'm fine with how everything is going and don;t have self esteem issues thankfully.

Went said:
Very high. I know that my life could be better, but I'm pretty happy with how it is right now. I'm a quite cheerful person n_n
I try to solve everything I can, and if something can't be solved, then it's not woth worrying about it.

What I was trying to say. XD
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It's not perfect, but meh what are you gonna do? I'm happy with what I have, appart from my job but I will be getting rid of that soon enough ^_^ Going back to college is going to make my life that little bit sweeter I think, especially since its art college =D
I have to say my self-esteem is medium bordering on medium-low. I have days where I feel absolutely usless and terrible about myself. I've never sunk to low but I do tend to get depressed now and again. especially when something happens that takes a chunk out of my self-esteem

On a good day I'm medium-high
On an average day I'm medium
and on a bad day it's medium-low to low-high

I'm lucky though, I have friends that'd drop what they were doing and try to cheer me up if they knew I was depressed.
Mine is pretty low most of the time as I rarely have very many noteworthy moments, and I am stuck living overshadowed by others.

Medium, mainly because I dont feel the other options would fit me. Life is not perfect, but it could be if I'd make an effort (something that is not like me). Life is not a disaster because I know there are people in a worse situation than me (specially in this country). So, medium it is.
Medium-High at the least.

I'm not what I'd consider useful or attractive or skilled at much, but when I look at society, I can't help but feel I'm glad that I am who I am and not the cocky/arrogant youth that wanders the streets.
Medium, for now...

It's just that I guess I'm not that happy, and not that sad as well... Life's not perfect, after all... Though I always think that I could be better but I'm just afraid to be... I've got no problems with physical or mental things, though I have some emotional problems from time to time, too... I'm not emo, BTW... I mean, I've got a lot of things to be happy about, so let's just forget all worries! :)
I'm pretty sure I don't look that bad, but I do get that 'useless' feel sometimes. Most of the time I'm just firmly convinced my life is trash though.
Yeah, I'm pretty happy with my life. I have great friends, a brilliant school and I live in a really nice area, so I'd say my self-esteem level would be pretty high.

Of course, I'm against these sort of polls lke I am with online personality tests because I believe that a lot of people answer untruthfully to make themselves feel better.
My self-esteem is pretty high. Like, I'm not one of those people who goes around everywhere thinking they're cooler than they actually are, but I'm fairly happy with myself and my life.

My life sure as hell isn't perfect, but whatever. Everything I'm going through right now can probably be worked out eventually, so I'm not too worried about it.

As for my looks, umm...I'm remarkable average. In every aspect. Aside from the fact that I'm like, 15 lbs overweight XD;

I voted High-Medium.
Mine is sort of smack dab in between Medium and Medium High. Sure, there are aspects of both my life and myself I wish to better and thus I'm slowly working on them. Nobody got anywhere by mopping around and feeling sorry for themselves.
Mine is low ;;
I'm really depressing for some reason...
But, any day now I could turn my self-esteem high :3
My life isn't perfect and it sucks. Because being rich is a bit cool but feeling with my Grandpa an me we're just alone. My parents are dead and I never had a chance to see their face [maybe ugly because I'm ugly too XD]. I don't know my cousins and being unlucky makes my life sick. Also living in a 3rd World Country kills your personality.
My life isn't perfect and it sucks. Because being rich is a bit cool but feeling with my Grandpa an me we're just alone. My parents are dead and I never had a chance to see their face [maybe ugly because I'm ugly too XD]. I don't know my cousins and being unlucky makes my life sick. Also living in a 3rd World Country kills your personality.

I'm quoting this because some of this applies to me.

Although I am not all that rich, (I'm middle class), most of the rest applies to me. Just last month (April 14th), my mother passed away suddenly from what I believe was either a stroke or sleep apnea. Ever since then I've been getting up and looking at myself feeling worse and worse about why I'm here. To be honest, many things this year have happened before that that made me feel like this, so this isn't the first time, and surely won't be the last. This year was so far the worst year of my life with so many bad things happening to me.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and ask why I look the way I do. I'm not really all that "bad looking", I think it's just me worrying why nothings good happened to me for a while. However, I tend to be a shy person, and I'm rather low on the student "reputation" chain we have at our school. Although it isn't written out, I know for a fact seeing how I don't really talk much and hang out with people who are usually looked upon negatively. Although, that didn't seem to mind. I used to have a really high self esteem, but not lately.

So, I'm going to leave my vote open for now and place it when things start to change, which should be soon.
A lot of times, when I do something stupid and completely pointless, I get a very low self esteem issue.
Like when I do a minor mistake on the forums, I feel like I'm retarted. ._. And then I stay away from the forums for a few days. XD