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Requests Small Request Thread

Hello, I was wondering if someone could sketch my professor. I understand if no one wants too! Thank you. She's very assertive, and focused. [PokeCommunity.com] Small Request Thread
I want Pokemon gym and Pokemart tileset like theses, please dismiss the gym one as it is not compatible with Rpgmaker XP. Please bear that mind that tiles should be compatible with Rpg Maker XP.

Link is here https://imgur.com/CoELrhq
Thanks in advance
Credit will be given
I can probably help ya, Sapphiox! What kind of non-Pokémon signature were you looking for? Any ideas? :)
I need an early Christmas avatar! The theme is him, the one and only true King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men: the Slayer.


Ignore the dude on the right, I have no idea of who he is and what he was thinking of when he ruined that beautiful shot.
Heya, can someone make me a Cover Title for a Fan Game I'm working on, Pokemon Genesis?
Requesting some art of some Pokemon jumping in puddles or the mud whilst wearing both a raincoat and rubber wellies/rain boots. Pokemon like Braixen, Chikorita, Oshawott, Torracat, Raichu and even Greninja would be nice.
Somebody can make an 3gen sprite of this ? thanks to kitty for suggesting me this forum.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Small Request Thread
    Chumecho evolution.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 2
Regrettably, I have never been to good at graphics, photoshop etc. etc. That's why I am here...

I am hoping someone can squeeze some time to create a Non-Pokemon Themed signature. (Luigi and King Boo Theme, preferably a dark theme containing images from Luigi's Mansion as an example)

If anyone is interested please send me a Private Message so we can discuss this more. :) (Just so we don't implode the thread of back and forth posts)
Last edited:
Regrettably, I have never been to good at graphics, photoshop etc. etc. That's why I am here...

I am hoping someone can squeeze some time to create a Non-Pokemon Themed signature. (Luigi and King Boo Theme, preferably a dark theme containing images from Luigi's Mansion as an example)

If anyone is interested please send me a Private Message so we can discuss this more. :) (Just so we don't implode the thread of back and forth posts)

I may not be an artist, if you're looking for something custom drawn, but I'd be happy to oblige if you're after existing pictures of Luigi's Mansion! It would be good practice for me (I want to open a shop here) and I'm reasonably handy with CSS. Just let me know via PM if you're interested! :)
I was told to move this post here:

Hi there! My name is Alex and I am currently making a Pokemon Fan-Game. I am woefully bad at sprite art, but I need some original trainers for the game, so I thought I might ask here.

For the game I would need:
2 Rival Battle/Overworld sprites.
8 Gym Leader Battle/Overworld sprites.
4 Elite Four Battle/Overworld sprites.
1 Champion Battle/Overworld sprites.
2 Major Story Character Battle/Overworld sprites.

The style of the game is GBA/Gen 3.

Any and all help is appreciated as I'm working with a limited budget of 0$.

Thank you for your time. ❤️
So I am in need of some help for VPP. I am in need of 18 badges in different sets to be colored in Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum/Crystal. I'll give out gifts to anyone in VPP that helps. :D Feel free to send me a PM for more info and the list.
Can someone make the sprites of Galarian Darmanitan and Barraskewda in gen 3 style pls ?
I have a somewhat weird request to ask.

Would anyone have a handy resource for creating nice CSS stuff? I'd love to update my flair or actually start working on my Trade Shop, but I awfully hate bothering people. Bonus points if it's step-by-step or something of that kind; I'm all about following instructions!
I have a somewhat weird request to ask.

Would anyone have a handy resource for creating nice CSS stuff? I'd love to update my flair or actually start working on my Trade Shop, but I awfully hate bothering people. Bonus points if it's step-by-step or something of that kind; I'm all about following instructions!

if by resource u mean guide...?

and https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/200899 is still pretty handy tbh

but not totally updated

if not hgkjsfdlka ill have to check my bookmarks
Thank you! It's nice to know which properties I'm working with (and which ones are even there). I've been using XAML more often for work and I can already make the connections between the two!
hi, i would like to know if anyone can make sprites for gba rom from magikarp patterns (Magikarp Jump)
thank you and good Easter