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News: Some extra cool new bits from Sun/Moon's July 1 update

  • 159
    • Seen Mar 5, 2016
    So yesterday Japanese footage showed seven new Pokémon — and now the U.S.-based Pokémon Company International has one-upped them with some extra cool bits too.

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    Thanks to Ben for paging me about it. Constantly. Like a Ben would Ben.

    Posted by Jake
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    Bruxish getting Strong Jaw... o: Ice Fang?

    I wonder Charjabug's Battery does. Vikavolt's Levitate was pretty much expected, nothing too broken since it was neutral to Ground to begin with. Iron Barbs on Togedemaru is another predictable one; let's hope its stats allow it not be outclassed by Ferrothorn.
    Great to finally get the English names for Rockruff and Komala. Some interesting extra tidbits too with the new rideable Pokemon and the mystery behind the powerful moves.
    Iron Barbs is such an interesting ability for Togedemaru. What if this is our first bulky Pika-clone? That'd certainly be interesting! I have to say that I am very pleased with all of these abilities so far. Cutiefly's abilities are kinda boring but maybe it will have an evolution with something better to make up for that.
    I just want to say that Tapu Koko looks pretty epic, especially by design!

    Also, I kinda expected Grubbin to be like the Caterpie of this generation, which seems obligatory for any Pokémon generation at this point. :P
    Vikavolt is like a fortress that zooms through the forest, firing a beam of electricity from its mouth. Its huge jaws control the electricity it blasts out.

    Vikavolt is adept at acrobatic flight maneuvers like tailspins and sharp turns. It can fly at high speeds even as it weaves its way through the complicated tangle of branches in the forest.

    Vikavolt clasps Charjabug with its legs and uses it as an extra battery. Even if a battle drags on, it can use the electric power from Charjabug to continue firing off powerful moves. When Vikavolt is engaged in a fierce aerial fight, it releases Charjabug to make itself lighter and increase its mobility.

    I am loving this bug type all the more now. Giving me post-cyberpunk bug mecha vibes.
    Sooooo hyped for the return of Riding Pokemon, by the looks of it the feature is being expanded to more Pokemon which will be really cool. I'm pretty sure Game Freak won't make some riding really tedious like it was back in XY and I look forward to seeing it in SM.

    Please bring back soaring...
    I find it fascinating that they have already revealed a full evolution line.
    Will this gen's generic fish and Pikachu clone actually be good this time? They both got two really useful abilities. Vikavolt having levitate seems unnecessary as it's already neutral towards Ground types due to being part Bug type.
    I am so relieved to see "Komala" and "Rockruff" confirmed, I was starting to feel really skeptical about them being legitimate pokemon since their reveal was taking so long. Glad to know they are definitely part of the roster because they do look like interesting pokemon.
    Oh man, I am so excited to see what Bruxish can do! I just know this fish is probably packing a lot of possibilities. I really could see it still being a great pokemon even if it doesn't have amazing stats. Immunity to priority is quite a powerful immunity, knowingly walling off priority moves easily makes up for less than fantastic stat coverage.

    Plus I really do enjoy how Bruxish looks! I don't care what anyone says, it fits exactly what I imagine a tropical pokemon to look like, Vibrant and Bizarre. Normally in nature, the brighter colored a creature is, generally the more dangerous it is, bright colors on a creature is usually a warning sign to others to not attack, it is attracting attention to itself because it knows that attacking this creature will ultimately result in it's attacker's death.
    Bruxish's appearance says to me, "HEY! I'M SUPER VIBRANT AND BRIGHT BECAUSE I'M DEADLY! COME AT ME BRO!"
    I am so relieved to see "Komala" and "Rockruff" confirmed, I was starting to feel really skeptical about them being legitimate pokemon since their reveal was taking so long. Glad to know they are definitely part of the roster because they do look like interesting pokemon.
    Oh man, I am so excited to see what Bruxish can do! I just know this fish is probably packing a lot of possibilities. I really could see it still being a great pokemon even if it doesn't have amazing stats. Immunity to priority is quite a powerful immunity, knowingly walling off priority moves easily makes up for less than fantastic stat coverage.

    Plus I really do enjoy how Bruxish looks! I don't care what anyone says, it fits exactly what I imagine a tropical pokemon to look like, Vibrant and Bizarre. Normally in nature, the brighter colored a creature is, generally the more dangerous it is, bright colors on a creature is usually a warning sign to others to not attack, it is attracting attention to itself because it knows that attacking this creature will ultimately result in it's attacker's death.
    Bruxish's appearance says to me, "HEY! I'M SUPER VIBRANT AND BRIGHT BECAUSE I'M DEADLY! COME AT ME BRO!"
    They had been revealed days ago in Japan, but for some reason they delayed the reveal elsewhere.
    "We also get to see official art for Tapu Koko, the first Pokémon we know with a space in its name"

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the phrasing of the sentence, but are we already forgetting our favourite mimes?


    Neat! I do wonder why Drampa has the Sap Sipper ability though...

    Also, gonna be that person and say:

    Mr. Mime? Mime Jr.?

    Greninja'd. :(
    Will this gen's generic fish and Pikachu clone actually be good this time? They both got two really useful abilities. Vikavolt having levitate seems unnecessary as it's already neutral towards Ground types due to being part Bug type.

    I think it is for irony sake since Grubbin derives from a ground based bug.. and I like that it goes from being a bus bug to having levitate...lol
    [PokeCommunity.com] Some extra cool new bits from Sun/Moon's July 1 update
    [PokeCommunity.com] Some extra cool new bits from Sun/Moon's July 1 update
    Here's some screenshots you'd guys missed :3
    Nothing too special, just evolution & trading scenes
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