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News: Starter Pokémon, Legendaries, Region, Release Date for Sun and Moon Revealed!

I am almost 100% sure that the cat will turn into a tiger.

My guess is Fire/Dark, but we thought the same thing of Luxray. So here's to hoping for a Fire/Electric.

I am not 100% sure on how they can balance the starters like they did in Kalos. But we can bet that it may not be the same.

And thank arceus! It doesn't look like there is a fighting type! Please let it be so!.
Details of the starters as shown on the official website:


Abilities are once again confirmed to be Overgrow, Blaze and Torrent.
...November 23rd. 5 days after the US and Japan release.

I literally can't be here right now. I don't think I can do justice to how absolutely furious I am.
I love Litten and Rowlet, IDK which one of them I will pick. Popplio is cute, but thats it really for me. Not a huge fan of water types anyway. The region is beautiful. I love tropical places! We all predicted that the sun legend would be A lion, but it looks more like an electric type than fire type to me. The moon legendary is definitly a bat.

For types, I think this is most definitly a flying type, and maybe for a dual type... Im predicting Psychic type.

The Pokémon theme remix is really good too. Title screen music confirmed
All I know is, in regards to the starters...grass owl. Grass owl. I'm actually a bit excited to see what they would do with such a concept. And based on the things shown here, right now it's probably going to be hard for me to choose between that and Litten. I mean, I seem to usually go for the fire types, and probably still might do so here, but grass owl, man...that's going to be hard to turn down!

/end gushing

This is also the first set of starters in a while where I actually like all three of the designs from the start. And those cover legendaries look pretty awesome as well. Ahhh!
And wow, europe release date after us AGAIN (*cough* Fire emblem Fates *cough*)

Honestly, why do europeans always get left behind to rot for a few more days or months...
There is absolutely no valid reason they can provide for this blatantly unfair treatment. ESPECIALLY when games get released on fucking Fridays in EU regions anyway, and the 23rd is a Wednesday. The 18th? A Friday. That Nintendo region-lock their handhelds only makes it worse.

I don't care how good any of this looks or does not look, I am sick and tired of being treated like trash just because I don't like in the US or Japan. Way to ruin the moment, Nintendo. You fucking useless bunch of bastards.

I am so, so angry right now. I wouldn't put it past them to delay it to the 25th in this country either. This is a joke. A stupid, pathetic joke.
I'm just gonna be blunt here...I am not a fan of those starters .-.
They look kinda dumb to me (Don't get me wrong, an Owl with a leaf bowtie is pretty cool, but I just don't like how it looks)
Hopefully their evolutions will redeem them though.

I do like the box legendaries though. ESPECIALLY the moon one. It just looks so badass, while maintaining a very good level of Majesty.
The Sun one also looks pretty awesome too.
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And wow, europe release date after us AGAIN (*cough* Fire emblem Fates *cough*)

Honestly, why do europeans always get left behind to rot for a few more days or months...

Pokemon wise, I think Gamefreak might still be upset from what happened back in XY.

I really like all of the designs. I am not a fan of cat pokemon, but if it turns into a tiger. Then I will be extremely happy. And please stay a quadruped. It would match Luxray and Pyroar if it is a tiger.
Yeah, I'll be angry too if the U.S. had a later release than the rest of the world. Considering how XY was the last time we all got the games at the same time, and the way it was handled in parts of Europe, I will say that it's very likely it's related to XY's botched release.
can't decide whether to choose litten or rowlet, but i'll choose the litten maybe. i bet it will be a badass tiger or something.
There is absolutely no valid reason they can provide for this blatantly unfair treatment. ESPECIALLY when games get released on ****ing Fridays in EU regions anyway, and the 23rd is a Wednesday. The 18th? A Friday. That Nintendo region-lock their handhelds only makes it worse.

I don't care how good any of this looks or does not look, I am sick and tired of being treated like trash just because I don't like in the US or Japan. Way to ruin the moment, Nintendo. You ****ing useless bunch of bastards.

I am so, so angry right now. I wouldn't put it past them to delay it to the 25th in this country either. This is a joke. A stupid, pathetic joke.

To be fair, the European release probably needs a bit more time to translate for the other languages besides English.. Shame it's not like XY with the worldwide release in 7 languages - I wonder what's preventing that from happening again.
Pokemon wise, I think Gamefreak might still be upset from what happened back in XY.

I really like all of the designs. I am not a fan of cat pokemon, but if it turns into a tiger. Then I will be extremely happy. And please stay a quadruped. It would match Luxray and Pyroar if it is a tiger.

I'm hoping it stays quadrupedal as well cause that would be a lovely change. Starting as a quadruped and ending as a quadruped. They can do so much with the design even if they leave the base stance alone.

I will pray for all the Litten lovers so that you don't get Fire/Fighting Quadruped. Seeing someone say they hope it becomes Fire/Poison since it has oil coating it's fur.
Nor am I sure what to choose. I love owls and and I usually love flying types over everything. This is the first true grass flying bird type so this might be the first time I start with the grass starter.

I didn't think of Fire/Poison, but that would be amazing. Would also explain the black on its fur if it is oil. It would also be the first Fire/Poison type. I actually like that better than the other.

So maybe.... Grass/Flying, Fire/Poison.... and... Water/Fairy? I am not sure what the seal could have for a second typing. I guess it could stay water. I would love for it to be Ice, but we already have an Ice/Water type with the Spheal line. So it would be a bit underwhelming.
To be fair, the European release probably needs a bit more time to translate for the other languages besides English.. Shame it's not like XY with the worldwide release in 7 languages - I wonder what's preventing that from happening again.
No, there is no being fair about this. That takes a lot longer than five days, and when XY had a worldwide release I refuse to even consider the idea that they'd need any extra time to get it to us on time, as we deserve. Nintendo are more than capable of a simultaneous worldwide release. There is no excuse.

XY was three years ago. For crying out loud, they can't be THAT anal over it. It's ridiculous. From a business standpoint they're not making money, and this does nothing but alienate fans of the series by making them wait for no adequately explored or justifiable reason. I refuse to accept that as an excuse. They're a corporation, not a stroppy kid giving their parents the silent treatment because they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

...also, since I probably shouldn't go on about it - but I am going to, because I will eventually find the right words to express my anger and utter contempt for Nintendo for this - it's a shame the water starter is so ugly when the other two are so damned adorable. I'll use all three on my first run through the game as is my tradition, but the water one is hideous. I hope it evolves into something a little less gross.

Legendaries are nice. Which game I play now depends largely on the exclusives, because that white lion looks so much like the White Tigerzord I can't even deal.
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To be fair, the European release probably needs a bit more time to translate for the other languages besides English.. Shame it's not like XY with the worldwide release in 7 languages - I wonder what's preventing that from happening again.

What do you mean? S/M is being released ww with more languages than X/Y were. Likewise Or/As got the same number as XY. Language translation isn't the reason for this one.
Nor am I sure what to choose. I love owls and and I usually love flying types over everything. This is the first true grass flying bird type so this might be the first time I start with the grass starter.

I didn't think of Fire/Poison, but that would be amazing. Would also explain the black on its fur if it is oil. It would also be the first Fire/Poison type. I actually like that better than the other.

So maybe.... Grass/Flying, Fire/Poison.... and... Water/Fairy? I am not sure what the seal could have for a second. I would love for it to be Ice, but we already have an Ice/Water type with the Spheal line.


Litten can attack with flaming hairballs! Its fur is rich in oils and immensely flammable. Litten grooms itself by licking its fur, and then uses the collected fur as fuel for fireball attacks!

When the time comes for Litten to shed its old fur, it all burns up in a glorious blaze.

The move Ember attacks an opponent by firing a small flame at it. Litten knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!

I swear, Litten better have a flaming hairball attack XD
I'm sure the release date is down to the individual capacity of each regional branch of Nintendo/The Pokemon Company and not some imagined vendetta from Game Freak.