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TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]


  • 9,523
    • Seen Nov 21, 2014
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Egg Swap:
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Gold Rush Edition

    Welcome to Trade Corner's Egg Swap The Gold Rush Edition! Here we have Trade Corner's own egg swap event! Egg swapping is a contest to see who's the best of the best. Trade with as many people as you can, as fast as you can. Only one trader will be crowned champion. Will it be you?


    ● Pokemon X or Y
    ● Any random egg


    Sign up: 3/8 until end of event on the 17th
    Trading: Trading begins 3/10 at midnight EST and ends at 3/18 midnight EST.
    Time Converter: Link

    How it works

    Be sure to have an egg you are willing to trade. It can be any egg you want it to be. Once the sign up period ends, be sure to check back here. I'll announce when the swapping can begin. You cannot begin swapping until a number has been assigned to you!

    All participants are free to approach each other and ask to trade once the event has started. Once you've completed your trade, seek out another participant to trade and repeat the process. Each successful trade you make with another participant counts as 1 point.

    After you complete a trade you and the person you swapped with must post here. More details follow below.


    → All Trade Corner rules apply.
    → Do NOT trade hacked Pokémon. (It's included above, but I'll say it anyways.)
    → You can only trade ONE egg. You cannot swap out the egg either.
    → Do NOT hatch the egg. You may hatch the egg after the event is over, but no sooner.
    → Consecutive trades with the same participant are not allowed. You may only trade with the same participant after you've traded with 2 other participants.
    → Do not spam this thread.
    → To know that you read the rules and how the event works, include the phrase found at the end of the FAQ.
    → To earn your points you must post here after the trade is completed. Points will only count if both users follow the form.
    → You may sign up any time throughout the event, but the earlier you sign up the earlier you can trade!
    → This thread will be moved to Trade Shops after completion. Posts aren't counted there, so when your post count drops, that's why.

    Sign up form


    Swap form

    - If first to post:
    Swapped with: (Participant Number) + (Username)

    - If confirming a swap:
    [Quote of first post]
    Confirmed. Swapped with: (Participant Number) + (Username)


    # ----- | -- pts. | IGN: ---- | FC: ---- ---- ----​
    [a id]stat[/a id]
    • Omicron | 13 | Omicron | 1005-8924-3660
    • Lunis | 7 | lunis | 1762-2896-5559
    • Lilith | 6 | Scarlett | 4699-6539-0670
    • Terabyte | 11 | Calem | 4270-0964-2163
    • RedJ | 51 | RedJ | 1805-2947-4305
    • Minerva | 12 | Minerva | 3153-5326-5448
    • skyluigi2 | 0 | Daniel | 5069-3912-3062
    • Crackle | 38 | Scott | 0619-4289-2312
    • Keiran | 37 | Ranulf | 0705-3333-7308
    • Solace | 8 | Callie | 1693-0582-6924
    • Sukisu | 11 | Skeith | 1719-4578-6110
    • 이큐리 | 0 | ミアカリナ♥ | 0189-8575-2759
    • Sage Ghetsis | 24 | Necrum | 1435-4289-9306
    • ⊗Slenderman⊗ | 21 | Jess | 4484-9484-5833
    • Absol | 44 | EV♥ | 2449-5909-1689
    • tabor62 | 65 | Tabor | 0946-2243-9665
    • Kouzan | 8 | Aaron | 0602-6428-7887
    • Hydrogen | 1 | Dark | 2079-7712-4312

    Points & Prizes

    — Each trade will be counted towards one point.
    The participant with the most points will receive a special emblem. In addition, if the winner manages to have over 100 swaps they will also receive a very special prize - an html usertitle! (The number of swaps may vary depending on number of participants and is subject to change.) Also, if a moderator or someone else who already has access to an html usertitle comes in first, then the highest ranking supporter/regular member will receive the prize.
    — All other participants with at least 1 point will receive a participation emblem.

    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    Participation Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    1st Place Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    2nd Place Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    3rd Place Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    Special Prize


    How do I keep track of my swaps?
    After you swap with someone, one of you posts here saying you swapped, and the other person quotes you to confirm the swap happened. Make sure to follow the format above!

    What if I can't find people to trade with on PokéCommunity?
    You can always go on Trade Corner's irc channel, #TradeCorner. You can find it here.

    What if I get disconnected from a trade?
    You may try to reconnect with said participant.

    What if someone scams me?
    You'll be fully reimbursed for the Pokémon you have lost.

    What if I scam other participants?
    You'll receive an infraction and be banned from future events.

    What is the phrase found at the end of the FAQ?
    Copy and paste this image into your post:
    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Last edited by a moderator:

    Yep I read and I'm mentally copying the happy St pat's day picture here since my.phone is definitely not letting me do it.
    Not really a phrase.

    Also what does the part about "(number)" mean here...- If first to post:
    Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    - If confirming a swap:
    [Quote of first post]
    Confirmed. Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    I did not see an explanation for that

    Yep I read and I'm mentally copying the happy St pat's day picture here since my.phone is definitely not letting me do it.
    Not really a phrase.

    Also what does the part about "(number)" mean here...- If first to post:
    Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    - If confirming a swap:
    [Quote of first post]
    Confirmed. Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    I did not see an explanation for that
    I edited the original post. It's the participant's number that is assigned to them. :)
    Ahhh YES. I've been waiting forever for an egg swap event! <3 Consider me joining. :33

    Username: Minerva
    IGN: Minerva
    FC: 3153-5326-5448

    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Username: 이큐리
    IGN: ミアカリナ♥
    FC: 0189 8575 2759

    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Username: ⊗Slenderman⊗
    IGN: Jess
    FC: 4484 9484 5833

    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]
    Username: tabor62
    IGN: Tabor
    FC: 0946 2243 9665

    [PokeCommunity.com] TC's Egg Swap: Gold Rush Edition [Results posted!]

    Also what does the part about "(number)" mean here...- If first to post:
    Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    - If confirming a swap:
    [Quote of first post]
    Confirmed. Swapped with: (Number) + (Username)

    I did not see an explanation for that

    In case EV was not explaining what you were asking for:

    Basically, if you are the first to post after you have swapped with a person, you post that you've swapped with so and so and also list their participant number. If you see your swapping partner has already posted, simply quote them and confirm that you swapped with so and so and their participant number.

    Make sure you follow the format in the original post though :)
    Last edited: