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[PokeCommunity.com] #teamjohto

we did it reddit
i'm pretty sure unova is the only one taking this seriously and that's where the other teams demise will come from. #teamunova

also no, it's too late to try, we're too good. :')
Have some GOOD music V
I got mine chosen automatically, and there doesn't seem to be a way to change it. Curse my not paying full attention to things when I log in :(

My profile may say Hoenn but i'm #teamjohto all the way.
I'm #teamjohto as well, it randomly chose for me :/ But I'm too lazy to ask an admin. That seems kind of dumb they should allow you to change it yourself.
If your account was randomly placed into a team you don't want then I'm just a message away. Feel free to ask. =]

but #teamunova for the win. Such an underrated region but I love it a ton nonetheless. Awesome game story, music, introduced Whimsicott, etc etc. go.
Ohohohoohohoh, I was placed in Sinnoh uwu

This team is full of Sinners.
I am Team Unova. And much like my fellow country men... The only Olympic Event I did well at was watching Pokemon movie streams. #PokeStarStudio