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[Challenge] The Solo Challenge

Username: Transwiththeplans
Partner Pokemon: Aerodactyl
Challenge: Single
Game(s): X
Previous Progress: Yes

As of today, Aerodactyl has solo'd Viola, Grant and Korrina.

...but not without some embarrassing losses to a Dwebble, a Lunatone, and a bunch of crits. Grant also took a while, had to do some grinding up to level 30. I also got screwed with the lack of a good defense boosting nature, so that's fun. ;_;

I'm glad the rest of the region loses to Aerodactyl
I've decided to resume my solo Dratini run... with an update!

Koga and its army of Jugglers have just been defeated by my Dragonair. Routes 12 to 15, Silph Co. and Saffron Gym are next.

Since actually playing games in the 3DS is ... slow and I'm not close to my gaming PC let's try something faster in the mean time. Here's an Ultimate-ish, since I'm not comitting to the potentially impossible challenges of the 3DS only games (and I don't have a Switch / can emulate it, so if Galar is needed it wouldn't be an Ultimate anyways)

Username: von Sternen
Partner Pokemon: Porygon
Challenge: Ultimate-ish (four Singles for the purposes of the list)
Game(s): Red, Crystal, Sapphire, Platinum
Previous Progress: No

Edit: Kanto done.

Edit: Johto done
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Making a post for Hoenn's first update because Trojan deserves it. The moral of the story here is that if you want to do a Porygon / Porygon2 solo run, go for ORAS and get Download.


Edit: Hoenn finale.
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I kinda forgot about signing-up and updating one solo run I did back in August. After I finish my Professor Oak Challenge in Fire Red, Mew was the only Kanto Pokémon I've never used in any challenge, so I decided to do a quick Mew solo run.

Username: Janp
Partner Pokemon: Mew
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Fire Red

And I finished it in about 2 days, since there was nothing that could stop Mew. Well, Brock did try, but in the end, the mythical powers were too much for him to handle. I experimented with few movesets and in the end settled with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam (for Lance) and Calm Mind. E4 fights were all about setting it up and sweeping the floor with anything they could sent against me.

Here's Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge

Also look at my good boy:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge
So I have a question. I have two runs that are completed, but I never signed up for. Is it possible to count those as completions for the sake of completion?
So I have a question. I have two runs that are completed, but I never signed up for. Is it possible to count those as completions for the sake of completion?

I think so. If you look at my post above, you can see that I've done exactly that.
Yea, kind of figured. I was doing things like asking people on my discord for challenges, and they were telling me what to play. I guess I'll write it down and see what anyone says.

Game: Gold
Pokemon: Pichu

Game: Brilliant Pearl
Pokemon: Wooper
First Pokemon challenge. Let's hope for the best!

Username: ilyPokemon
Partner Pokemon: Venusaur
Challenge: Single
Game: Fire Red
Previous Progress: No
Username: Panda280
Partner Pokemon: Swampert
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Emerald
Previous Progress: No

I know it's an easy solo challenge, but I love Swampert! Beware of Steven's Cradilly and that female trainer at the bottom of mt chimney. I missed rock tomb. That shroomish leech seeded me, and since it took two attack to faint it, I had to to rely on dire hit to make sure I didn't lose the battle.

Swampert in Sapphire
My image didn't come up.

Muddy, Torrent, Calm, lv. 61 @Mystic Water
-Ice Beam
-Rock Tomb​
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On today's episode of "I love doing runs with mons that get no moves..."

Username: BlissyMKW
Partner Pokemon: Dunsparce
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Gold

Starting with only Rage as an offensive move was a double edged sword because if you got careless, you'd run out of PP, which did happen to me. Once I beat Falkner, Mud-Slap became an addition to the set for a while, but I had already planned on using Dig long term. Miltank almost ripped pour Dunsparce to shreds and I lost to the Elite Four once because Karen's Gengar used Curse, then Destiny Bond on my Dig and killed my Dunspace. With an X Speed, I could outspeed the Gengar, but I also ended up deleting Screech for Thief.

I also had an encounter with a shiny Nidoran F...but because I was abusing the speedup button, I didn't realize it until after I ran from it and encountered a regular one.

Overall, Dunsparce was, as expected, pretty awful. He struggled to kill certain things like during Blue and Red and the lack of moves means Glare + Headbutt was the best strategy I had, alongside some X Item use to make up for poor stats.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge

Segments (Dunsparce) Lv. 80 @ Leftovers
Moves: Headbutt, Dig, Glare, Thief​

Magcargo might be the next one on the list. Another slow mon with poor stats, but unlike Dunsparce, gets completely owned by Misty and Ground types.

EDIT: I did Magcargo. It wasn't fun, and I actually did have to rely on X Items and Sunny Day to get past Water types in the lategame. I also had to make use of Amnesia. It is pretty nice that Magcargo learns Flamethrower by level up, which did help quite a bit.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge

Escargoon (Magcargo) Lv. 81 @ Quick Claw
Moves: Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Rock Slide, Amnesia​
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Username: Typhlosion575
Partner Pokemon: Infernape
Challenge: Ultimate)
Game(s): Platinum (8/8), Soul Silver (16/16) + beat Red, Black (8/8), White 2 (8/8), Y (0/8), Omega Ruby (0/8), Moon (0/8), Ultra Moon (0/8)
Previous Progress: Yes (Platinum)

Platinum was done on my DSi back in 2015, but going forward, all other games will be done on emulator. As an added challenge, I will be doing all of them on randomized roms, with the levels increased for added difficulty. Hope this is ok.
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Username: LonelyYtBoy
Partner Pokemon: Aron
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): Emerald (0/8) | FireRed (0/8) | Platinum (0/8) | SoulSilver (0/16) | White (0/8) | Black 2 (0/8) | X (0/8) | Moon (0/8) | Ultra Sun (0/8) | Shield (0/8)
Previous Progress: No

Pre-planning notes: brainstorming this solo challenge yesterday was what made me rejoin PokeCommunity and I am putting all my chips on the table with this one. My end goal isn't so much as to defeat the Champion as I intend to defeat every kind of Pokemon in every applicable generation at least once (386 in Gen III, 493 in Gen IV, and so on...) just to prove my partner can do it.
It's still in the planning stage as I know how to record all the Pokemon my partner can encounter in Gen III - using I Made A Website's Pokedex Tracker - but not so sure about the others. Also research the poke I may not actually get the chance to battle (like the mythicals) but I'll cross that bridge when I get near to it. For now I'll start off with Emerald and think about adding the other Gen III versions after seeing some results from Emerald and FireRed. I'm so stoked.
Okay, since this is the Spotlight Challenge now, let's do a Christmas-themed run:

Username: Janp
Partner Pokemon: Smoochum
Challenge: Single
Game(s): Fire Red
I'm going to join up too! Once I finish up my Type Mastery Challenge in my Monotype thread, I'm eventually going to want to play a Ghost Ultimate Challenge there... but Kanto has only one Ghost line, so I may as well do a solo challenge instead for Kanto's only Ghost.

Username: Explorer of Time
Partner Pokemon: Gengar
Challenge: Single
Game: Yellow*

*I used the Universal Pokemon Randomizer to change my starter to Gastly, let Haunter evolve into Gengar at Level 37,and update the crit rate and type chart to Gen 2's mechanics. No other changes were made.
Solo Challenge my beloved

Username: Kostucha
Partner Pokemon: Delibird
Challenge: Single
Game: Platinum

This is probably a bad idea
Pokemon Yellow
Solo Gengar - Master Trainer Genji
Update 1 (Pallet Town -> Pewter Gym)

First update! This is pretty easy so far since Gastly's immune to Normal, and has Night Shade and Confuse Ray to hit Normal types. The only trainer to even hit it was Blue with his Spearow, using Peck. That battle actually came close to beating Gastly because I was underlevelled and had to use both my potions, though. Brock went down super easily since Geodude only knew Tackle and Onix never used Bide. I taught Bide to Gastly right after the battle, but it probably won't stay for long since it's a terrible move for a solo run.

EDIT: Also, when Oak caught my Gastly, it still made Pikachu's "Pika" cry, and Oak referred to it as a Pikachu once. I'm headcanoning this Gastly as the ghost of a dead Pikachu.

Solo Pokémon:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge
Gastly | Ghost/Poison | Level 15
Moves: Lick, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Bide
Stats: 39 HP / 19 Atk / 17 Def / 32 Spe / 38 SpC
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Pokemon Yellow
Solo Gengar - Master Trainer Genji
Update 2 (Route 3 -> Cerulean Gym)

Wow, it was really fast to go through the next gym with only one Pokemon. Then again, Kanto does have shorter routes between cities. I evolved my Gastly into Haunter when fighting my rival in Cerulean, then fought Misty and beat her easily. Both times, I kept my opponents' Pokemon constantly confused, and used Night Shade or Lick to KO them. No moveset changes, though. Haunter still has the only four moves that are available right now, and I'm planning to ditch Bide ASAP once I can get another TM it can actually learn.

Solo Pokémon:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge
Haunter | Ghost/Poison | Level 26
Moves: Lick, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Bide
Stats: 71 HP / 40 Atk / 36 Def / 61 Spe / 72 SpC
Username: SteCisGreendog
Partner Pokemon: Aron
Challenge: Ultimate
Game(s): Emerald (8/8), FireRed (5/8)
Previous Progress: Yes

Ah, this thread exists. :> Emerald was started in the summer and the challenge was completed, but I stopped short of an ultimate challenge of my own by beating the Hoenn Pokédex with my solo Aron (still got 30 more different Pokémon to KO on Battle Frontier). I debated about continuing that but settled on beginning a now solo run on FireRed. So far I'm up to Silph Co. in Saffron City. My solo's Struggle could only get me so far.
I do document my solos in the Travel Log - in my signature below. It's part of the ultra ultimate goal of beating every single Pokémon with my beloved Aron.
Pokemon Yellow
Solo Gengar - Master Trainer Genji
Update 3 (Route 24 -> Vermillion Gym)

Another easy and uneventful update. My Haunter evolved into Gengar, and I went up Nugget Bridge, got the S.S. Ticket from Bill, then headed down to Vermillion and the S.S. Anne, evolved my Haunter into a Gengar there, and easily 2HKOed Lt. Surge's Raichu with Body Slam. Surge did nothing but use an X Speed on his first turn which was useless because he still got outsped on the second turn.

Gengar got three new moves: replacing Bide with Hypnosis via level up before it was even used once, replacing Lick with the vastly stronger Body Slam as soon as it evolved in the S.S. Anne, and replacing Night Shade with Thunderbolt right after I beat Lt. Surge. Three of its attack moves are likely going to stay on its final moveset, but I plan to replace Hypnosis with Psychic once I reach Saffron City. (I don't like low-accuracy moves, and I want to keep Body Slam to cover the Champion's Exeggutor, which has a high Special and is the only Pokemon in Gen 1 to resist both Psychic and Thunderbolt.)

Solo Pokémon:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Solo Challenge
Gengar | Ghost/Poison | Level 39
Moves: Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis
Stats: 116 HP / 73 Atk / 68 Def / 106 Spe / 121 SpC