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Virtual Pokémon Pet ~ Detective Pikachu Version

  • 11,780
    • Seen Feb 9, 2024
    Virtual Pokémon Pet ~ Detective Pikachu Version

    Put on your detective caps, grab your magnifying glass and join together to raise a Pokémon. What Pokémon are we raising? Detective Pikachu of course.​

    How It Works:
    You will have 3 days to reply with your current post count. I will then take 5,000 and then divide it with however many people joined in. That will be the number of posts you need to make to complete your task. Then you just start posting around the forums until you've reached your post count. The faster the better.

    Form To Fill Out:
    Current Post Count:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Virtual Pokémon Pet ~ Detective Pikachu Version

    50 GT points for all who complete their part of the event
    250 VPP points for all who complete the event
    1st: 250 + 200
    2nd: 250 + 175
    3rd: 250 + 150
    4th - 6th: 250 + 100
    7th - 13th: 250 + 75

    The Detectives:
    Janp: 3,280 @ 3,665
    The_fast_reader: 54 @ 439 -- 2
    Cid: 3,018 @ 3,403
    SorveteQuente: 1,451 @ 1,836 -- 1
    Sheep: 26,323 @ 26,708
    Pudding: 373 @ 758
    TheAlmightyBlaziken: 71 @ 456 -- 3
    Treecko: 5,955 @ 6,340
    Hyzenthlay: 5,620 @ 6,005
    Ash: 13,361 @ 13,746
    WizardOfOdd: 127 @ 512
    Lycanthropy: 10,707 @ 11,092
    Caite-chan: 4,245 @ 4,630

    Q: What if I'm not apart of VPP yet?
    A: No worries, gotta start somewhere right. You can always join VPP during and after the event.

    Q: Can Detective Pikachu be used for challenges and other requirements?
    A: Detective Pikachu can be used like any other VPP it's just not one you can request.​
    Last edited:
    Name: the_fast_reader
    Current post count: 54
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    Name: Cid
    Current Post Count: 3,018

    I guess my shiny Pichu is going to have a big brother soon!
    Name: Pudding
    Post Count: 373
    Last edited:
    Alrighty, I'm going to close down the sign up's and I will tag everyone as soon as I get the numbers together.
    Janp: 3,280 @ 3,665
    The_fast_reader: 54 @ 439
    Cid: 3,018 @ 3,403
    SorveteQuente: 1,451 @ 1,836
    Sheep: 26,323 @ 26,708
    Pudding: 373 @ 758
    TheAlmightyBlaziken: 71 @ 456
    Treecko: 5,955 @ 6,340
    Hyzenthlay: 5,620 @ 6,005
    Ash: 13,361 @ 13,746
    WizardOfOdd: 127 @ 512
    Lycanthropy: 10,707 @ 11,092
    Caite-chan: 4,245 @ 4,630

    Oh wow thats a pretty big challenge for me , but it gives me a reason to post on here more so I'm up it. 😊
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    When you've guys hit your mark post here and let me know and I'll cross you off the list.