I hate the fact that just because I'm a girl I'm expected to have children when I'm older. I always hear people say things to me like "So when you have children..." or "what do you think you'll name your kids?" or "You'll make a good/funny/whatever mother". I wish they'd all stop. I hate it. I mean no offence to people who have or like babies and children, but I personally cannot stand them. It's almost like a phobia where if I hear or see them, I feel very uncomfortable and distressed. Hearing baby sounds (even sounds of happiness and not just screaming and crying, mind you) literally makes me cover my ears and feel like I want to die. I'm going off on a rant here, so I'll stop but yeah. I hate how people expect children of me because I'm female and when I explain I don't want them, they seem confused or say the classic: "You'll change your mind when you're older". No, no I won't change my mind.
Other things I dislike are things like clothing and make-up. Some girls I know always seem bothered or confused that I don't have an interest in it. Make-up takes too much time, and excessive clothes is a waste of money.