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What mode of transport do you use most often?

  • 41,842
    Is it driving a car, taking a bus, taking a train, maybe walking? Or perhaps you use your bicycle a lot?

    Optionally, do you feel the area you live in is easy enough to get around without needing a car? I imagine this factors a lot into what mode of transport people most often take.
    Pretty much only a car. Unless you live in one of the metropolitan areas, public transport practically doesn't exist, and if you don't live in one of those or some tiny town where everything is contained in a very small area, walking and biking are not options for transport either. The US is almost entirely a car-centric country and I don't really care for that.

    Adding onto what @Nah said, public transport truly is unreliable. For a while, the only way I could commute to my college was the bus. However, it only covered certain routes and didn't take me all the way home. I was always dropped 7 miles from my house.

    Ended up needing to have a second ride arranged after getting off the bus.
    I drive a car.

    Despite public transportation being pretty decent in my area, I've never had to use it. A car was always more convenient. These days, it also means that I can take my dogs around to places whenever I want to. Wouldn't be able to have dogs if I had to rely on public transportation.
    i just drive my car its always there if i need to go anywhere.

    Apparently there is a bus line in my area but i never see anyone wait to ride the bus. I doubt many know that there even is a bus line!
    But there's places that are within walking distances that I can go to.

    I live in an area unserved by public transit. I have taken the bus before, it's not bad, but I don't live in the city now.
    As someone who's never learned to drive I'll typically walk somewhere if I'm able to. I don't mind walking somewhere that would take me an hour one-way if I have the time for it. If I need to get somewhere quick regularly or if I'm unable to make the walk for whatever reason I'll take the train if that's an option. Public transit is really great back home and it meant you could just take a really quick train ride to get close to your destination. If that's not an option I leave it up to buses. Asking people for rides is something I'm usually uncomfortable doing because it's always felt really selfish to me. I'd rather inconvenience myself going where I need to go than take up someone else's time to have them take me somewhere. ;;