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When did you fall out with the anime or stop watching?

Stopped watching during Black and White.
They really pushed Ash's progress backwards.
Stopped before the Hoenn series began mainly because I forgot about the series after the Johto run, lol
I think I dropped it at the start of Diamond and Pearl. I just honestly lost interest. And plus, right around the time it truly started in the US, I was about transition into my sophomore year of high school, so I aged out of it and started watching other animes.
Lost interest sometime during Hoenn. I rarely woke up early enough to catch them on 4Kids TV, and I remember not being a fan of a lot of the Gen. III designs (I imagine that the updated art style/saturation, also threw me off, making it feel more generic somehow). I still watched all the movies though.

Picked the series back up as of Sun & Moon, and I plan on watching all the seasons I missed out on eventually.
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I haven't lost interest, just lately since it's on Netflix, I just watch it whenever I feel up to it. I try to catch up before new episodes release, but back when it aired on tv, I'd watch it every week, usually without fail. So, I haven't "fallen out" I just don't always watch the new episodes the second they release on Netflix.
Huh, well it was after the gen 4 part. I started watching and even following the first part of gen 5 episodes, but it never really got me. I used to watch some episodes sometimes, but I have never been followed it as a series. I followed the League part as it was quite exciting for me to see how it was going for Ash. Then I watched like the first two episodes of the gen 6 anime, but when I knew Team Rocket wasn't there I just stopped watching it. Since then, I haven't really watched episodes at all. Only the League, when everyone was like "yeah maybe this time Ash will win", but then nothing. I haven't watched anything of gen 7 and gen 8.
For me, it was around the S/M era. At that point, I was beginning to find other interests beyond Pokemon and drifting away as a result. I also noticed that the anime was a bit flawed and lost interest as a result. Plus, I suppose the change to most of the action being centered around a singular location, the change in art style, and the change in setting to be mainly school-oriented didn't help.
Being pretty much a newbie to the Pokemon Franchise all of these series are new to me so I am enjoying all of this like it is new. There is so many shows to watch it will take me a long time to ever watch it all but I watch I have watched so far in the Black & White series, XYZ, Sun & Moon, & Journeys has all been really good.
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^ love that for them.

For me, hmmm, I think I stopped after XYZ. I loved that one, but Sun/Moon changed a bit too much for me. I do plan to catch up on the movies soon though! So maybe that will change my point of view on the newer anime seasons? I'm not closed off to them, just didn't much care for the art style switch and the school settings.
For me, it was around the S/M era. At that point, I was beginning to find other interests beyond Pokemon and drifting away as a result. I also noticed that the anime was a bit flawed and lost interest as a result. Plus, I suppose the change to most of the action being centered around a singular location, the change in art style, and the change in setting to be mainly school-oriented didn't help.

Yeah completely agree with this. If there is going to be an anime with Pokemon, they need to actually travel. They rarely went off of MeleMele other than when Ash was doing his Trials. When I think of pokemon, I think of Adventure not stay in one spot for over 80 episodes. Yu-Gi-Oh GX did well with the School Theme and they just had one island. Far better than Pokemon. Aside from the art style, this was a massive reason I didn't enjoyed SM Anime.

Many animes do very well with school themes, but pokemon is one series that should never attempt it unless they did it like Paldea.
I mean I was never really invested in the anime. I watched random episodes from random seasons here and there as a kid and never really got into it.
I stopped at beginning of Black and White. More just life stuff/school. I still played all the games and once in awhile rewatched original eps. I got back into with first season of Journeys which reminded of the charm. Went back watched XY which was as good as the hype and Sun & Moon. Kinda going through Black and White rn only season haven't finished. Been watching on pokemon TV, already one of my fav characters in all Pokemon haha. Pokemon might not have the best plot or character development etc of other anime, but it's a great feel-good show that puts me a peaceful mood before bed😄
I stopped watching the show when I could not find the episodes on Youtube anymore because I did not have cable. I got as far as like episode 53-ish of the 1st season. Now I'm older and lack interest in continuing the show.
I grew up with the OG Series, but it was not long into Johto that I really stopped watching as I simply grew out of it. Saw the odd episode here and there over the years, but whilst in lockdown for COVID I had plenty time off so I watched through the series again. Watched all of Kanto, Orange, Johto and Hoenn along with all the movies associated with those regions. Started watching Sinnoh but I only got a few episodes in before I got burnt out and haven't watched it since but I do plan to watch them all. Dunno about Unova given all the bad things I've heard about it.
Honestly, I never got into the anime even as a kid, I mean, I watched the original series and the Diamond/Pearl era movies but I was more interested in the video games, online animations on newgrounds/youtube and various other forms of media. Idk what it was, I just wasn't too big of a fan and honestly I thought it was kind of lame as a kid lol.
My situation is pretty similar to RadEmpoleon's. I skipped around quite a lot and was never super interested in the series to start with; eventually dropping the series all together as I moved on to other things.
I've not watched many episodes after Diamond and Pearl. I still think they should have had Ash win the Sinnoh League and then run with a new main character from Unova onwards instead of just throwing Tobias in out of nowhere and subsequently dragging Ash's story out for four more seasons.

I've yet to watch any full episode of Horizons, mainly because I'm not a big fan of what I've seen from the clips I've watched so far. Maybe if it improves somewhat I will think about getting into it.