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News: Zygarde Event available now in Europe, America

Shoot, when I saw "Zygarde event", I was hoping it'd be some of the other formes. Maybe this is some kind of teaser for a future event where we can get the remaining Zygarde formes?
Wow this year is throwing events at us left and right. Not that I need a Zygarde, but it's definitely still worth it.
I'll probably get this event sometime tomorrow. I don't really need it but an extra Zygarde is always nice :)
Would be more exciting if we at least got Zygarde's other formes. As it is... well, anyone with X or Y can get a Zygarde already.
Would be more exciting if we at least got Zygarde's other formes. As it is... well, anyone with X or Y can get a Zygarde already.

I can understand this, and it is redundant when you think about it. It's like we'll all be stuck with 50% Zygarde for the time being since the other forms don't exist in 6th Gen coding, although they could be in the 7th Gen coding for Sun & Moon.
I can understand this, and it is redundant when you think about it. It's like we'll all be stuck with 50% Zygarde for the time being since the other forms don't exist in 6th Gen coding, although they could be in the 7th Gen coding for Sun & Moon.

Bit of a shame really. All the great wi-fi events we've had so far and then we get this. Wish we could've at least seen something a little less easily captured in-game.

I'll hold out on the hope that we can send this Zygarde to S/M and have it change formes, but I wouldn't be too surprised if that wasn't the case either.
Not the most exciting of events, but still a nice surprise considering it came completely out of nowhere. Since I'm looking to rebuild my collection of Pokemon, I'll take whatever handouts they see fit to give me. Lovely stuff.
A Zygarde event is nice and all, but it would have been cool, if it actually had one of its unreleased moves.
That came out of nowhere, but at least it shows we could still get a Volcanion event here in the states while the Mythical Event is still happening.
Hey, guess I can scratch that off my list of things to catch once I finally complete this slow playthrough of Pokemon X.
Just learned about this today, along with the distribution of shiny Xerneas and Yveltal later in the month! Really excited to be getting these event Pokémon, especially since I do not have Yveltal and also these will be my first shiny legendaries.
Serebii has now mentioned the dates this event will expire on. It'll be ending on May 8th for North America, and May 26th for Europe/Australia.