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Anime/Manga 2023 Anime & Manga Challenge

  • 25,778
    2023 Anime & Manga Challenge

    Welcome back to the first PokeCommunity Anime & Manga Challenge that we're ripping off from Video Games along with this CSS. This is a simple challenge where you set your own parameters. Simply select a number of anime and/or manga you intend to watch or read this year, then try to meet those self-imposed quotas. Just remember to keep those numbers separate and track each individually!

    We will be measuring anime completed in seasons and manga completed in volumes. For example, if you're watching Demon Slayer, Seasons 1 and 2 would count as two individual anime for completion, but the movie does not count at all. If you're reading the manga instead, then any given single volume is counted, you don't have to finish an entire franchise just to get one mark down. Four-panel manga (or similar) does not count at all either though.

    To participate, you just need to post in this thread with what your goals are and then keep us updated on your progress throughout the year. While not mandatory, we also encourage you to make a Journal thread to share your thoughts and feelings about what you are watching and reading as you progress through your challenge. It's always cool to see how people's impressions of media change over time as they experience more of it.










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    Oh god, I know I'll fail this miserably, but let's say 12 anime. Since I got Crunchyroll for 3 months for free from previous event, I'm watching anime more often. So I might have actually pull this out.

    Also a question: I'm currently dying from cringe while watching Chainsaw Man. I'm at episode 8. Can I count it towards this challenge, when I finish it?
    Oh man, this is exactly what I needed to get myself motivated again. Once I get past being sick I'm planning on picking some more series up. Will aim for 15 series! Got so, so many I want to watch.
    I'm going to go for a push goal of I'll say... 100 anime this year. With all the things airing each season and an ever growing backlog, it shouldn't be too difficult of a number to hit in the end. And I'll try to read about 20 volumes of Manga, as that should be able to be done in a day or two.
    Oh god, I know I'll fail this miserably, but let's say 12 anime. Since I got Crunchyroll for 3 months for free from previous event, I'm watching anime more often. So I might have actually pull this out.

    Also a question: I'm currently dying from cringe while watching Chainsaw Man. I'm at episode 8. Can I count it towards this challenge, when I finish it?

    Sure, why not?

    I'm going to go for a push goal of I'll say... 100 anime this year. With all the things airing each season and an ever growing backlog, it shouldn't be too difficult of a number to hit in the end. And I'll try to read about 20 volumes of Manga, as that should be able to be done in a day or two.

    What the hell?
    Ooooh, I'll challenge myself to reading at least 200 volumes of manga. I ended last year at around 500 so I think it's doable even if I fall out of this manga phase.
    What the hell?

    Yeahhhh. I usually watch around 10-15 things per season, so a year of watching seasonal stuff puts me around 50ish. Then that's just another 4-5 anime a month for some binging. should be a breeze.
    Ooooh, I'll challenge myself to reading at least 200 volumes of manga. I ended last year at around 500 so I think it's doable even if I fall out of this manga phase.

    Yeahhhh. I usually watch around 10-15 things per season, so a year of watching seasonal stuff puts me around 50ish. Then that's just another 4-5 anime a month for some binging. should be a breeze.

    Are you two even human?
    look sometimes you realize your city is full of weebs and your local library has an astounding collection of manga and you just go a little crazy for a whole year. and hopefully a second full year or you'll fail your challenge.
    At first I was going to go for five because that seemed like a safe number, then I thought of being ambitious and choosing 10 series to watch. However, I think I'll just go with a little ambitious and try to watch 8 this year. Four animes that I'm excited to check out are Jujutsu Kaisen, the new season of Bleach, and Dr. Stone: Ryusui, and Blue Lock!
    I actually finished my first manga volume for the year today since my sister bought me the first couple of volumes of The Promised Neverland for Christmas this year (also the first physical manga I've owned). I'll be setting up a journal thread later where I'll talk a bit more about it. But for now, one down!

    Edit: Finished the next volume. I'm about to order the next few.
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    Will see if I can actually finish a challenge but I've been wanting to get back into watching/reading more.

    For anime I will say 5 series and for manga I'll set a tentative goal of 75 volumes since I tend to read things much faster than I watch. I also tend to read longer series with a lot of volumes so hopefully it will work out? I'm not sure if I'm being overly ambitious but I guess I will find out...

    Will see if I start a seperate thread on PC but otherwise I'll be keeping track on this post/my own MAL :'D

    Okie finally adding this in but I'll be using this post:

    Anime (0/5):

    Manga (24/75):
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    So, this is obviously going to be a year where I read a lot more manga than I usually do so I'm going to bump my goal for that to 12 volumes for now. It will still undoubtedly be more with the rate I'm going, but we'll deal with that later lol.
    I'm signing up a little late but a challenge such as this seems quite fun! I think I will aim for 12 anime and perhaps 10 volumes of manga. I have progressed to the second season of HxH thus far and may watch a shorter series simultaneously.

    So I currently sit at 1/12 anime & 0/10 manga.
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    I finished S2 of Hunterxhunter! So I currently sit at 2/12!

    I definitely preferred the first season to the second, though I'm looking forward to being introduced to the Phantom Troupe in the third season!
    have fully watched and read nothing this month.
    I did catch up on 3 more anime that are currently airing that I hadn't intended to watch at the start of the season though.

    Count is now at 27 for things from this season and 2 from last season that are still ongoing :') this seasonal wrapup is gonna hurt to think about