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Chit-Chat: a good ol' fashioned DCC!

I'll have to wait and see. It may not be /too/ bad. Plus his house may be quieter than this one to let me sleep a lil early.

I'm so old...the last time I was grounded was 17 years ago...help
I ground myself too. Sometimes, it can be known as oversleeping so uh idk.

The meeting that was switched to yesterday went well, but it was just...well. Yesterday was fluff. Today, it was the same old song and dance. The vacation helped with my mental health for like....two days. I'm scared to wake up tomorrow. I was handed a big responsibility for something I promised a staff member, but I doubt I could do it now.
I'm grounded, as well. Though, everyone just knows it under the term "work". <_<
I drove my mother around today for her errands while grounding myself in the car. Traffic is tiring but people are even more tiring.
I'm normally pretty okay with crowds, but I get really stressed out when I have to lead super large (>30) tour groups. I get worried that I'll mess up one of my lines and that everyone will laugh at me. Although I guess it's good practice for my public speaking.
I can feel lonely even when there's only few people around. My workplace is kinda like that. It has something I like to call "old man energy". <_<
I have Borderline Personality Disorder, so being alone can be scary sometimes. As for crowds, my autism tends to make that scary too. I am clearly a mess.

I don't get my sleeping patterns these days. I used to be a night owl, but in this new year 2024, I am more of an early bird. Hmm.