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Chit-Chat: a good ol' fashioned DCC!

i've had to lower my fluid intake a little with my new job because i don't have easy access to a restroom (only during breaks)

lower as in instead of guzzle, i have to sip on my one bottle and then have my second bottle at home
I got a nasty sore throat the other weekend that has since devloved into a persistent cough, though that seems to be going away slowly. It has been affecting my sleep though, so I'm gonna take a nighttime cough syrup and see if that helps.

Ever since getting sick though, I've drank nothing but water and it really helps.
I went to an urgent care center a while back, because my left ear kept shutting out.

Apparently its fluid build up which is likely a result of allergies. If this might happen again I'm not looking forward to spring. They did give me some medications and care stuff for it.
I went to the dentist today. It was fine for the most part. But now I have an appointment for next week in preparations for future wisdom teeth removal.

And to think that all this stuff could have already been over if 2020 had happened differently. <_<
[PokeCommunity.com] a good ol' fashioned DCC!

I uhhhh... kinda sorta maybe haven't been to any kind of medical appointment in years... I was supposed to be in the process of finding a new doctor and everything after I moved out but there was too much going on and one thing led to another and now I'm left pretty much unable to right now..?
Wishing you all the best with any sicknesses!
i need to see what insurance options my new employer has with me so i can go to the doctor for my semi-annual checkup
I uhhhh... kinda sorta maybe haven't been to any kind of medical appointment in years... I was supposed to be in the process of finding a new doctor and everything after I moved out but there was too much going on and one thing led to another and now I'm left pretty much unable to right now..?
Wishing you all the best with any sicknesses!

Huh, same here actually. After my old Doc retired, I never really bothered to find a new one, and haven't had any serious issues to warrant searching for one either lol.
Many folks here don't have a doctor. Urgent care clinics overrun in mere minutes, the ED is always packed. It's super sad but the government doesn't care.
I'm in the process of getting a doctor, hopefully. I just need to get some blood work done, but I've been putting it off as I haven't been feeling well the last couple weeks. I'm hoping I can get it done Monday though.
I didn't have a doctor for years either >.< I was in the ER and they were like "when was your last general appointment". uhhhh over a decade ago.

Thankfully, I was quickly set up with one.
Had an appointment today in regards to my wisdom teeth. Next one is in April when the final appointment for the surgery is going to be made. Until then I have to decide whether I want to remove theme one after another or if they should be removed at the same time. I think I'd prefer the latter. Even though, that one comes with an additional price tag; being done under full narcosis.

I honestly just want this stuff to be done rather sooner than later. ^^"
Had an appointment today in regards to my wisdom teeth. Next one is in April when the final appointment for the surgery is going to be made. Until then I have to decide whether I want to remove theme one after another or if they should be removed at the same time. I think I'd prefer the latter. Even though, that one comes with an additional price tag; being done under full narcosis.

I honestly just want this stuff to be done rather sooner than later. ^^"
Waaaay back in the day I had all mine out at once and even if the recovery was kinda rough for me, I think I ultimately liked that more than I would have if I'd had to go in several times to suffer through it. (Though admittedly I was still on my parents' insurance that covered most of it anyway.) I also tend to prefer just getting things over with and out of the way... seems easier than trying to schedule in a bunch of procedures.
I didn't have too much trouble with my wisdom teeth, but I got them out pretty early. Mine were impacted so they performed it in the hospital under general anesthetic.
My mouth has always been too small for all my teeth, so there was no way the wisdom teeth were gonna have room. I got them removed well before they even attempted to come in. I think I also had to have one of my top row teeth removed to help deal with an impacted tooth when I was young? So the top row feels comfy but the bottom row is all crowded and too-tight when i floss.