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Completed Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

alright, lets do this.
🌹 Name: soulzzii
🦴 Team: Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Black 2
🦴 Trainer Class: Eevee user from gen Gen. VII.
🌹 Name: 5qwerty
🦴 Team: Shadowed Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Emerald
🦴 Trainer Class: Baker

Update #1 - Milo


- Started the game, picked Scorbunny as the starter since:
1. I'm a Fire Maniac
2. I can use Raboot

- I got Nickit on Route 1.

- I got Rookidee and Chewtle on Route 2.

- After a very, very, very long early game we got to the Wild Area.

- I got some Pidoves, Gastly, Ralts, Budew, Seedot and Wooper on the Wild Area
Most of those were immediately boxed, but I made sure to check if the ones I did use matched the BST rule.

- Got registered, beat up Team Yell, beat up Hop.

- Scorbunny evolved! Raboot has exactly 60 base def but the rules say I can't use Pokémon with "more than 60" so it's allowed.

- Beat up Bede

- Corvisquire evolved!

- Completed the gym puzzle

- Nickit evolved, but Pidove did not.

- vs Gym Leader Milo

Thievul spammed Snarl to get rid of Gossifleur, becoming Worthy
Raboot came in to soak up the Dynamax and prime Eldegoss for Pidove.
I let Raboot die, thus making him ineligible for sacrifice until after Nessa.
Pidove came in so I could use cheap strats, because Super Luck + Air Cutter means 50% chance to crit.
It took a couple of tries, but Air Cutter crit, I finished Eldegoss and Pidove became Worthy

Badges: 1 / 8

- Thievul for Burn Up! (It learns Parting Shot by Level Up)
- Pidove for Heat Up! (Landed a critical hit during the battle in which it became worthy)
Updating here!

Pokémon Emerald

- Can only use low (< 40BP) moves.
- Each Pokémon in party must be capable of learning moves that inflict status (which includes confusion) except Toxic. I'm also assuming this doesn't include moves that have secondary effects that may cause status, as Freeze wasn't listed since there's no move that only causes Freeze.
- Each Pokémon in party must be capable of learning priority moves.

My Progress:
So I definitely started by looking at which Pokémon in my game fit the bill. I had to go with Treecko or Torchic, since they could both learn Quick Attack and Treecko gets Grasswhistle from somewhere (in another Gen) and Torchic gets Will-O-Wisp from Gen 4 TM.

After looking through the wiki, I arrived at the following team (before Roxanne):
- Treecko lv14 [Grasswhistle, Quick Attack] - (Pound, Quick Attack, Leer, Absorb)
- Poochyena lv12 [Swagger, Sucker Punch] - (Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack)
- Wingull lv12 [Supersonic, Quick Attack] - (Water Gun, Growl, Supersonic)
- Zigzagoon lv8 [Thunder Wave, Extremespeed] - (Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip)
- Skitty lv8 [Thunder Wave, Fake Out] - (Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Attract)
- Seedot lv4 [Swagger, Fake Out] - (Bide, Harden)

Seedot was traded for with a Ralts that I caught but never used. I'm also assuming that I can't use Shroomish since it doesn't actually learn a priority move, but rather its evolution does. If I somehow can use Shroomish, I will definitely pick one up later.

As for the battle with Roxanne...
For the first Geodude, I Growled with Skitty a few times, then with Zigzagoon a few times, sacrificing them in the process. I also managed to get a Bide off with Seedot to get off some damage. Then I sent in Poochyena and used my X Defends. I used Sand Attack and Howl while the Geodude attempted to do damage to me. I ended up getting a critical hit with one of my Tackles (I used like 20), but I would have stalled out its PP anyway.

For the second Geodude, Wingull was able to make quick work of it with one Water Gun.

For the Nosepass, I sent out Treecko to use some more X Defends on. I then just tanked through its damage and defeated it with Absorb.

I sacrifice my Poochyena (it landed 3 attacks in a row on the Geodude and ended up knocking it out) to level up the Daggers restriction.
I sacrifice my WIngull (it knows Supersonic) to level up the Nasty Tactics restriction.
I sacrifice my Treecko (it knows Quick Attack) to level up the Surprise Hit restriction.
Update #1: Viola

Randomized the trainer. Got 2 for gender (female) and 3 for skin tone (darkest). Named the trainer "Barb".

Chose FireFriend, a Fennekin. Never picked Fennekin before.

Has pretty straightforward rules: Use your strongest attack. Never switch. Do not use status. Essentially, faceroll everything.

Blazed through the forest. Went past the town. Wandered around for the two bounties: Farfetch'd and Dunsparce. Almost wiped to Dunsparce (Defense Curl + 5 turn Rollout). Eventually captured both FoodBird and SleepChild.

Leveled them both up to 10. Must choose Pursuit for SleepChild and Aerial Ace for FoodBird.

Spoiler: Gym 1 Battle Log

Turn 1: Surskit: Water Sport / Dunsparce: Pursuit (25%)
Turn 2: Surskit: Bubble (36/43) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (30%)
Turn 3: Surskit: Quick Attack (32/43) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (25%)
Turn 4: Surskit: Potion (heal to 80%) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (30%)
Turn 5: Surskit: Bubble (25/43) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (25%)
Turn 6: Surskit: Water Sport / Dunsparce: Pursuit (the rest)
Turn 7: Vivillon: Trackle (18/43) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (10%)
Turn 8: Vivillon: Infestation (12/43) / Dunsparce: Pursuit (10%)
(Infestation damage to 7/43)
Turn 9: Vivillon: Harden / Dunsparce: Pursuit (8%)
(Infestation damage to 2/43)
Turn 10: Vivillon: Tackle (0/43)
Turn 11: Vivillon: Infestation (29/32) / Farfetch'd: Aerial Ace (40%)
(Infestation damage to 25/32)
Turn 12: Vivillon: Tackle (critical, 15/32) / Farfetch'd: Aerial Ace (40%)
(Level up)

Perfection. Scored a knockout on both. May have missed something in the logs. (Forgot to turn Battle Effects back on. Moves very fast.)

Sacrifices the following Pokemon:
- FoodBird the Farfetch'd. Level 11 with Inner Focus. Strikes down Count Dracularc's "Power" rule.
- SleepChild the Dunsparce. Level 10 Normal type. Removes Mewtwolover's "Generosity" rule.
Update Gyms 1&2:

My plan was to get the old rod as quickly as possible so that I could fish up a tentacool and expand my type options as fast as possible. However I couldn't access the old rod until after the first gym so I just used totodile to water gun everything that Falkner had. Since totodile was my only Pokémon, I didn't sacrifice him at this point.

We ran into a couple trainers with woopers or poliwag with water absorb so we had to use physical moves for the first time since after learning water gun. Finally on route 32 I caught a tentacool which meant I could go back to dark cave to get zubat since they share poison type.

While leveling up tentacool to learn acid (so I could have a second viable damaging move), I caught some more Pokémon including pidgey and hoppip (shares flying type with zubat) among others.

The rival fight that gatekeeps ilex forest was incredibly tedious. I made sure toxic spikes were out when bayleef came out and then used sand attack over and over again so it couldn't k.o. my weaker Pokémon. Eventually it fainted from poison damage. Then I could get into ilex first and catch a paras and level it up to 10.

Fighting Bugsy, I poison powdered scyther with paras and stalled out with stat moves from croconaw. Barely surviving a u-turn, Bugsy send in metapod. In the end, metapod died from poison damage from poison powder making paras worthy. Tentacool finished off the red health scyther with acid and also became worthy. Finally, croconaw took out kakuna with water gun and became worthy.

I am now able to sacrifice croconaw and paras to advance "stick to what you know" and "strike from a distance". Godspeed, good friends 🫡 I choose not to sacrifice tentacool.
I'd like to do this!
🌹 Name: apro
🦴 Team: Shadowed Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Black
🦴 Trainer Class: Janitor
I'd like to do this!
🌹 Name: apro
🦴 Team: Shadowed Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Black
🦴 Trainer Class: Janitor

Welcome! Click your nickname on the Player Board to see your rules.

Updated your cards.
Sacrifices the following Pokemon:
- FoodBird the Farfetch'd. Level 11 with Inner Focus. Strikes down Count Dracularc's "Power" rule.
- SleepChild the Dunsparce. Level 10 Normal type. Removes Mewtwolover's "Generosity" rule.
Just a note: I'll update their cards with new versions of Power and Generosity once they made their update. This way they don't lose access to the current version.
Spoiler: The rules as of now
  1. Mind Power: You may only use Pokémon whose highest base stat is Sp. Attack or Sp. Defense.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who knows both a physical and special move.
  2. Know your enemy: You may only use Pokémon who know or can learn Bide, Counter, Mirror Coat, Magic Coat, Mirror Move, or Snatch.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Psychic-type Pokémon.
  3. No interference: You may not use Fighting, Poison, Bug, Dark, or Rock-type Pokémon, unless they're also Psychic or Ghost-types.
    • Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who knows or may learn Focus Punch, Mind Reader, Lock-on, Miracle Eye or Foresight.
This is a tale of a boy named Robin right after he moved to Alola from Plegia Kanto. He went to Iki Town with Professor Kukui, met Lillie, got Shigure the Vallite singer Popplio from Hala (I wanted a Rowlet but its maximum stats are on attack and defense, so...), the local kahuna, and battled his grandson, Hau, twice -- once when they first met, then again during a festival the next day. From there, the catchathon ensued throughout his journey:

Spoiler: Robin caught

  • Yukimura the Hoshidan tactician Magnemite (finally, a usable mon)
  • Ricken the Ylissean "I'm not a child" mage Abra
  • Miriel the eloquent scholar Drowzee
  • Henry the dark jokester Misdreavus
  • Tharja the possessive dark mage Gastly
  • Frederick the Wary Growlithe (officially replacing Shigure in the party)

And then the first gym trial came. A bit unnerving since the supposedly normal-type totem Pokemon turned out to be half-dark, but still...

Spoiler: Normal totem battle log
Turn 1
  • Totem Raticate: Tail Whip
  • Yukimura: Thunder Wave

Turn 2 (ally Rattata summoned)
  • Ally Rattata: Focus Energy
  • Yukimura: Thunder Wave on Rattata
  • Totem Raticate: Scary Face

Turn 3
  • Totem Raticate: Bite (critical hit)
  • Ally Rattata: Tackle (critical hit)
  • Yukimura: Thunder Shock on Raticate

Turn 4
  • Yukimura: Super Potion
  • Ally Rattata: Paralyzed
  • Totem Raticate: Bite

Turn 5
  • Totem Raticate: Bite
  • Ally Rattata: Paralyzed
  • Yukimura: Thunder Shock on Raticate

Turn 6
  • Yukimura: Super Potion
  • Totem Raticate: Paralyzed
  • Ally Rattata: Tail Whip

Turn 7
  • Totem Raticate: Bite
  • Ally Rattata: Tackle (miss)
  • Yukimura: Thunder Shock on Raticate (Raticate down)

Turn 8
  • Yukimura: Switch to Miriel
  • Ally Rattata: Tackle

Turn 8
  • Ally Rattata: Quick Attack (miss)
  • Miriel: Brick Break on Rattata (Rattata down)

With that out of the way, Robin had to sacrifice his two MVPs, Yukimura and Miriel, to the gods.

Spoiler: Proof of journey
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

Spoiler: Robin's sacrifices
Yukimura (Mind Power)

Miriel (Know your enemy)

Spoiler: Robin's remaining squad



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Notable events:
Started with Oshawott in hopes of being able to sacrifice it to the 1st gym leader, since it meets the requirement of being a water type.
Caught a Lillipup and a Patrat on route 1
Caught another Lillipup on route 2, because at level 7 it looked really strong.
Ended up using both Lillipups
Lost to Cheren in the Trainer School on 1st try, because after playing fangames for a while I got the prejudice of official games being easy and underestimated him.
Grinded all 4 Pokemon to level 10 in the grass before the gym
Sad that I couldn't take the free Pansear, because its a fire type... Should've started with a Snivy instead...

Gym Leader fight:
I started with Oshawott expecting a lead that I may be able to beat at a type disadvantage and wasn't let down: Oshawott won against their Lillipup.
There was a twist however, Lillipup used Work Up! This changed everything because I had a slight hope of being able to sacrifice 2 Pokemon!
At the last moment I switched to Lillipup (level 11) to finish it off and kept Oshawott in the back to potentially lasthit the gym leaders second Pokemon.
I used Patrat (level 10) and the other Lillipup (level 10) to wear down their Pansage (level 14) and heal back Oshawott with Potions.
Unfortunately, my level 11 Oshawott couldn't tank even one supereffective STAB Vine Whip from Pansage, so in the end I had to use Lillipup (level 11) to finish it off and only one of my Pokemon became worthy of a sacrifice...

I sacrfice my (now level 12) Lillipup to the gods to improve my "Crystalline" rule to tier 2.
I'm just gonna put this out here, but if anyone is able to sack a lv. 10+ Pokémon that has or may learn the move Acrobatics that would be fantastic 😅

My only realistic hope to do this myself was with zubat but because of my updated rules I can't have it on my team (it knows a 55% accurate move (supersonic) and I don't have a way to unlearn it without leveling it up which is impossible if it can't be on my team)

Edit: ok technically I can advance if I catch a pineco or hoothoot and level it up to 20 and sacrifice it since they can learn take down. Then I'd be able to put zubat back on the team after getting rid of the accuracy rule. Dear bird Jesus that's a lot of grinding 🙃
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I'm just gonna put this out here, but if anyone is able to sack a lv. 10+ Pokémon that has or may learn the move Acrobatics that would be fantastic 😅

My only realistic hope to do this myself was with zubat but because of my updated rules I can't have it on my team (it knows a 55% accurate move (supersonic) and I don't have a way to unlearn it without leveling it up which is impossible if it can't be on my team)

Edit: ok technically I can advance if I catch a pineco or hoothoot and level it up to 20 and sacrifice it since they can learn take down. Then I'd be able to put zubat back on the team after getting rid of the accuracy rule. Dear bird Jesus that's a lot of grinding 🙃
Y'know what, I just got a Drifloon here for the Acrobatics thing. He should be at level 10+ by the time I get to Hala. Will it work?
Y'know what, I just got a Drifloon here for the Acrobatics thing. He should be at level 10+ by the time I get to Hala. Will it work?

Yeah, I think that will work! If I'm understanding correctly, if drifloon becomes worthy during your fight against Hala then you can sacrifice it to remove my "count on your own strength" rule. Then I can have that rule updated once I'm done my next segment.

(Admins please let me know if this isn't quite right)

P.S. I love the fire emblem names!
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Notable events:
Off to a rough start: though I can now use status moves, the rule to start every major battle with a Special Attack came at the wrong time, Oshawott Water Gun is the only such move in my arsenal.
I do place it as a lead and get through the grunts, but Cheren wipes the floor with me... Having sacrificed my strongest pokemon in segment 1 and basically letting him kill my starter for free.
I had to use up the Oran Berries I've gotten earlier.
On route 3 I caught a Pidove and a Blitzle asap to extend my team with more special attackers.
Instead of tackling the gym, I Immediately headed Pinwheel Forest to train.
Caught a Tympole expecting it to fit the water-type sacrifice role in the gym battle, as well as a Timburr for its type advantage against the 2nd gym, then hunted wild Audinos to train my team to at least 16.
Checking the Grass Knot page on bulbapedia revealed that both Patrat and Timburr is eligible as a potential sacrifice due to their ability to learn Grass Knot. Had I looked that up earlier, I may have had been able to sacrifice Patrat to gym 1.
Lillipup (not the one I sacrificed) evolved and learned Take Down, which will help with the gym battle immensely.

Gym Battle:
Although I thought I'm more than prepared for this, their level 20 Watchog was nearly oneshotting everything. Should've trained more, but since I'm already here I'm determined to do it no matter what.
On my 3rd try I remembered I have Chesto Berries to counter their Hypnosis so victory was finally in sight.
Leading with Pidove Air Cutter to follow rule #3 and following up with Patrat to further weaken enemy Herdier.
Since its in the red, sending in Tympole to finish it off, but they heal up with Super Potion.
With 3 of my Pokemon down, I've few options left, sending in Timburr and successfully knocking out Herdier.
Against Watchog, switching to my Herdier. ITs not eligible as a sacrfice but Intimidate comes very useful here and Take Down can wear it down a lot.
Watchog just barely manages to win the matchup, as planned, so Oshawott can take the kill. Though I wished to keep it for longer, I'm just glad I won and have 2 Pokemon eligible to become a sacrifice.

Level 17 Dewott is sacrificed to reach tier 2 "Brittle".
Level 17 Timburr is sacrificed to reach tier 2 "Light".
Ok, session 2!

- Can't use moves with more than 60BP.
- For the Gym Battle only, half my team has to have status inflicting moves. If any of those mons are sent out, I have to go for the status move at least once.
- For all Trainer Battles, I have to lead with the priority move.

My Progress:
First I needed a Pokémon that could learn a priority move as soon as possible. I picked Taillow since it learns Quick Attack at level 8 - I'm not sure why I didn't pick one for the previous segment, but it was probably because I didn't realize it could use Supersonic. I also picked up a Shroomish since it gets Stun Spore and also gets Mach Punch when it evolves.

I wanted to look for other Pokémon that I could sacrifice. The best option for a Dark-type was Sableye, so I went over to Granite Cave to catch one. I also needed a Ghost, Dark, or Poison-type with a status inflicting condition, so I picked Oddish. After I delivered the Letter to Steven, I went straight to Slateport without fighting Brawly so that I could catch an Oddish. I also went back to Rustboro after the Slateport shenanigans to get the Exp. Share. Through it all, my Taillow was QAing the first turn of every battle.

I actually didn't grind nearly hard as I had to, only a bit in the beginning to get Taillow's level a bit higher. After my Pokémon were > lv 20, I went to challenge Brawly. This was my team:
- Swellow lv23 (Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Peck, Focus Energy)
- Shroomish lv20 (Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Tackle)
- Sableye lv20 (Night Shade, Astonish, Fury Swipes, Scratch)
- Gloom lv21 (Absorb, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder)

The fight itself went like this:
- Swellow QA'd the Machop, then knocked it out with Wing Attack.
- Gloom Poisonpowder'd the Meditite, then Absorbed it to death (it has only one attacking move - Focus Punch).
- Sableye used its Ghost-type advantage to defeat Makuhita (it only has Fighting-type attacks).

- I sacrifice my Sableye (Dark-type) to level up the Daggers restriction.
- I sacrifice my Gloom (Poison-type with status-inducing moves) to level up the Nasty Tactics restriction.
- I sacrifice my Swellow (knows Quick Attack) to level up the Surprise Hit restriction.
I'm on session 3 and will be battling Wattson.

- Cannot use moves with BP over 80.
- In the Gym Leader Battle, must make at least one Pokémon faint from indirect damage.
- In the Gym Leader Battle, must use priority attacks at least 3 times.

My progress:
Ok so I left off in Dewford and the only Pokémon I am training is a Shroomish. I ran out of balls so I went to Slateport and got some, then I caught a Gulpin and a Makuhita. I also withdrew the Seedot from before and started training that. Yadda yadda, I battle all of the Trainers near Mauville and dread the amount of grinding that I have to do. Then it hits me: I can use the Daycare. So I put Makuhita and Gulpin in the Daycare (making sure to take them out at around level 20 to shift their moves around so the moves I want are kept) and bike away. Biking on 1500% frame skip is broken and somehow faster than grinding (which I only remembered afterwards). Meanwhile I'm Exp. Sharing my Nuzleaf (it evolved) while fighting weak Pokémon on Route 111 with my Breloom (which also evolved). I never even had a move that exceeded 80 BP.

After everyone leveled up to 30 and evolved, I had the following team before taking on Wattson:
- Breloom lv26 (Mach Punch, Leech Seed, Headbutt, Mega Drain)
- Swalot lv30 (Yawn, Toxic, Sludge, Encore)
- Hariyama lv31 (Fake Out, Vital Throw, Knock Off, Smellingsalt)
- Nuzleaf lv30 (Thief, Growth, Fake Out, Nature Power)

The fight went like this:
- For the Voltorb, Nuzleaf used Fake Out, Growth, then Thief to knock it out.
- For the Electrike, Swalot used Toxic and I stalled it out by spamming Encore and Yawn.
- For the Magneton, Hariyama used Fake Out and knocked it out with Vital Throw.
- For Manectric, Breloom Leech Seeded it and Mach Punched it to death.

I completed the Gym battle and followed the restrictions I was given.

- I sacrifice my Nuzleaf (can have Pickpocket in later Gens) to remove the Daggers restriction.
- I sacrifice my Swalot (knows Yawn and Toxic, which is 2 status-inducing moves) to remove the Nasty Tactics restriction.
- I sacrifice my Hariyama (knows Fake Out, a +3 priority move in later Gens) to remove the Surprise Hit restriction.