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Completed Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge

TwilightBlade the Summoner

I am so stoked to replay Gen III remakes with a challenge to shake things up! I've only played through ORAS once, so I am excited to experience it all over again this time with my mud bud here, Mudkip.

Trainer Status: 8 Badges - Game Time 17:19

Active Challenge Clauses
None! All sacrifices were made to the greater gods!

October 9th, 2022:
The intro scene is amazing because my character is playing the original Gen III games on a Game Boy Advance SP. After finishing up moving in and meeting my new neighbor, Brendan, I then make my way towards Route 101. Professor Birch was in a bit of a pickle with Poochyena chasing after him, but I saved his hide. He gifts me with my starter, Mudkip. Afterwards, Brendan is out training ahead.

My first rival battle went very smoothly as the opposing Treecko only used Pound. Brendan gave me a set of Pokeballs and showed me how to use the DexNav to creep up onto unsuspecting Pokemon. I caught a Poochyena through the Dexnav, so it knows a special move, Fire Fang. I also caught a Zigzagoon as it will likely become a future sacrifice. I feel like I spent way too much time looking for Ralts after Wally so easily did so I don't have my first gym badge just yet. I will update once I defeat Roxanne. Until next time...

October 12, 2022:
On Route 104, I caught a Taillow. In Petalburg Woods, I caught a Slakoth. I obtained the Exp Share, which will make training my weaker Pokemon significantly easier.

Gym 1: Rustboro City - No sacrifices offered.
Mudkip steamrolled this gym. Practically Mudkip and Taillow are steamrolling this entire first section with retrieving the Devon Parts. I make my way to Dewford Town to deliver the letter from Devon Corp to Steven.

Gym 2: Dewford Town - No sacrifices offered.
Level 16 Taillow defeated Level 14 Machop (Brawley healing it made no difference to me). Newly level 17 Taillow defeated Level 16 Makuhita. Easy peasy. I make my way to Granite Cave to deliver the letter to Steven. In return, I receive the TM for Steel Wing, which I promptly teach to Taillow.

Clauses Update:
Shooting Star sacrificed Shiftry - Power Limits - You may only use Pokémon with a Base Stat Total of 380 or less. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Pokémon who evolves or has evolved at lv. 25 or less.
Shooting Star sacrificed Farfetch'd - Time limits - You may not switch Pokémon during battle. Offer Requirement: A lv. 10+ Flying-type Pokémon.

October 17th, 2022
On Route 110 north of Slateport, I caught Oddish named Basil. I hope to evolve her into Bellossom if I can find a Sun Stone. I backtrack to Slateport to defeat the several Team Magma Grunts and deliver the Devon Parts to Captain Stern in the Oceanic Museum.
Rival Battle #2 - Taillow defeats Slugma in 3 hits. Oddish defeats Wailmer in 4 hits (with two of those being crits LOL). I used Poochyena for Grovyle, but I forgot it knew Fury Cutter so Poochyena did not last. My level 21 Taillow defeated Grovyle in 2 hits. I evolved Taillow into Swellow.

October 19th, 2022
I continue through Route 110 under the cycling road. Upon reaching Mauville City, I run into Wally. His Ralts did not stand a chance. I evolved my Mudkip at level 22 as I needed a reliable Ground type to take on the next gym. Also, I evolved Poochyena at level 18.

Gym 3: Mauville City - Sacrifices: Mightyena for Option Limit #1
Mightyena and Marshtomp were the MVPs here. Due to the Time Limit clause, I rotated in Oddish and Ralts that had fainted. I obtained the badge and the TM for Volt Switch.

I make my way through Fiery Path to reach Route 112. I catch a Machop knowing Ice Punch with the Dex Nav. Onto Route 111, I continue beating up trainers with my starter. My Zigzagoon and Oddish evolved as well. I reached Route 113 (which has amazing music to go with the soot-covered route). I've now reached Fallarbor Town. I caught up with Team Magma in Meteor Falls and made quick work with them.

October 22, 2022
I chase Team Magma up to Mt. Chimney. Wherever possible, the Team Magma grunts and leaders used Roar to switch up my Team, but it only just helped me get in a couple free attacks. Nothing difficult here. I do some level grinding in Jagged Pass and reach Lavaridge town.

Gym 4: Lavaridge Town - Sacrifices: Machoke for Option Limit #2
Gotta say, this gym's puzzle is creative with the use of hot springs and a lot of fun. I used Machoke against Slugma, Marshtomp against Torkoal, and Swellow against Numel.

Once I step outside the Gym, my rival Brendan handed me the Goggles to navigate the desert. He offered to take me directly to Petalburg, so I go. In Petalburg words, I caught a Wurmple that quickly evolved into a Cascoon. I also caught a Seedot if I end up needing to replace Gloom. I also used the boat to travel to Slateport to catch a Voltorb for the Red Pokemon sacrifice.

Gym 5: Petalburg City - Sacrifices: Shiftry for Power Limits #3
Basically I had to reshuffle my team by catching them in three different kinds of Pokeballs. I used Kirlia against Slaking, Shiftry against Vigoroth, and Marshtomp to defeat Norman's Pokemon.

October 23, 2022
Gym 6: Fortree City - Sacrifices: Electrode for Option Limits #3 and Minun for Celeste's Adventuring on Land #2.
I defeated Winona using Electrode, Swampert, Swellow, and Minun. Electrode and Minun were sacrificed.

Gym 7: Mossdeep City - Sacrifices: Bellossom for Time Limits #3
I defeated Liza & Tate using Swampert, Bellossom, and Latios. Bellossom was sacrificed.

Gym 8: Sootopolis City - Sacrifices: Latios for saniachan's Mind Power #3, Swampert for saniachan's No Interference #2, and Gardevoir/Swellow for no particular rules
I defeated Wallace using Gardevoir, Latios, Swampert, and Swellow, all sacrificed!

✦ current party

[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Linoone - Lv. 47
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Black Magic the Absol - Lv. 32

☾ boxed pokemon

[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Slakoth - Level 13
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Nincada - Level 13
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Cascoon - Level 8
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Zubat - Level 16
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Skarmory - Lv. 28

☁ sacrificed pokémon

[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Mightyena - Lv. 19
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Jagermeister the Machoke - Lv. 28
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Blackroot the Shiftry - Lv. 30
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Minun - Lv. 30
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Electrode - Lv. 37
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Basil the Bellssom - Level 39
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Gardevoir - Lv. 46
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Swellow - Lv. 50
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Latios - Lv. 39
[PokeCommunity.com] Divine Offering - GT Pokémon Challenge
Mudslide the Swampert - Lv. 53

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🌹 Name: tenthcompanion
🦴 Team: arqueros
🌹 Game of choice: soulsilver
🦴 Trainer Class: team aqua grunt

🌹 Name: Chr. Draco
🦴 Team: Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Ruby
🦴 Trainer Class: Dragon Tamer

Your deities welcome you and gives you unique powers to tackle this challenge. Check the Player Board for your rules.


I started with Cyndaquil who managed to beat rival Silver with Tackle!

Since I couldn't yet obtain a Pokémon that could learn Protect by level-up, Falkner was defeated with Quilava using Ember. I could then head off to find an Old Rod!

After obtaining the Old Rod on Route 32, I back-tracked all the way to Cherrygrove City to catch a Krabby.

With a qualifying Pokémon by my side, I could finally box Quilava.

Then I grinded, and grinded, and grinded, and grinded, against low level mons to get Krabby up to 23 so it could learn a fourth attacking move before the next gym - more on that in a moment - in which Krabby defeated Bugsy's whole team with Stomp.

I now sacrifice Krabby to the gods since it knows 4 damaging moves (Stomp/Vicegrip/Bubble/Mud-Slap). Goodbye my friend, you have been an awesome companion, but your sacrifice allows me to lift the Divine Shield rule, and I will never forgot what you've done!

Your deity is pleased with your progress. Your Divine Shield is now more powerful than before. Check the Player Board for updated rules.

I started my journey with treecko, which is the only Hoenn starter who has a speed stat higher that def and sp def. Luckily, with MT, it can learn rock slide that can cause flinch. It was def my starter!
Going ahead with the game, I got a zigzagoon (speed > def, sp def) which can learn headbutt. Lastly, quite randomly I was blessed by luck and found a Ralts and got it. Since it can learn Snore with MT, I could use it on my team.
The first gym was pretty easy but I wanted zigzagoon to defeat a pokemon, so that I could try to sacrifice it. Well, the first match didn't go as expected and I lost. Did some calculations and got zigzaggon to level 10 to resist Nosepass' rock tomb. Treecko stayed more than 4 turns because of Nosepass' block and then when Nosepass' life was on red, Treecko went K.O. and it was zigzagoon's moment. it learnt headbutt and used it three times to finally defeat Nosepass, but no low HP, so no sacrifice yet.
Going ahead, I found a Tailow, which I caught since it can learn air slash by leveling up.
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"Major battles are not just Final battles, but also battles against your Rivals, villainous team Admins and Leaders, and Elite 4 / League members in general. For Alola Games, the other Trials that weren't mentioned before (Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle, Mt. Hokulani) also fall in this category"

Does this mean you can sacrifice a Pokémon after a rival battle?

I think my question was missed 😊

Edit: answered by Eleanor on Discord ty!!!

"Nope, the idea is that you can only sacrifice pokemon if they land a KO during a final battle proper. Which is basically, the 8 gym leaders."
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🌹 Name: Count Dracularc
🦴 Team: Shadowed Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Diamond
🦴 Trainer Class: Fisherman
Hello, I would like to participate in this challenge. I just didn't quite understand the rules, like the Trainer class or the sacrifce part. If someone could explain it to me either in the forum or over pm if possible, I would be very grateful! Also how long is the Get together? I've only been here recently this year.


Hello, I would like to participate in this challenge. I just didn't quite understand the rules, like the Trainer class or the sacrifce part. If someone could explain it to me either in the forum or over pm if possible, I would be very grateful! Also how long is the Get together? I've only been here recently this year.



I've tried to rewrite some of the things following the feedback we have received from other players, hopefully now things are a bit better. For some quick answers...
- The Trainer Class is just cosmetic! If you have no preference it's fine, we can just pick something for you ♥
- The Sacrifice Part, hopefully, is explained a bit better now. But essentially, right after you finish a Gym Battle, you have the choice to "kill" some of your Pokémon (and never use them again). Why do such a horrible thing? Because that can be done to upgrade the rules you're given at the start into (hopefully) easier versions, until you're able to get rid of those limitations entirely. Just make sure that the Pokémon you're sacrificing has defeated at least one opponent during that Gym Battle, and that it matches the "offer requirements" near each rule.
- There's a few more complicated things we tried to add for the sake of teamwork- the main thing being, you can sacrifice Pokémon to upgrade your teammates' rules, not just yours! We had to put in place a few limits on this mechanic though, to avoid some weird "did you actually do that in time?" or "I had already upgraded this rule for you, what are you doing!" situations that basically have to do with the timing of it all :sadwick:
- Finishing the game gives some points, sacrificing Pokémon gives some more points. Find a nice balance and take your team to victory by gaining the most points ♥

Hopefully it's a bit less complicated now ^^; sorry once again!
I've tried to rewrite some of the things following the feedback we have received from other players, hopefully now things are a bit better. For some quick answers...
- The Trainer Class is just cosmetic! If you have no preference it's fine, we can just pick something for you ♥
- The Sacrifice Part, hopefully, is explained a bit better now. But essentially, right after you finish a Gym Battle, you have the choice to "kill" some of your Pokémon (and never use them again). Why do such a horrible thing? Because that can be done to upgrade the rules you're given at the start into (hopefully) easier versions, until you're able to get rid of those limitations entirely. Just make sure that the Pokémon you're sacrificing has defeated at least one opponent during that Gym Battle, and that it matches the "offer requirements" near each rule.
- There's a few more complicated things we tried to add for the sake of teamwork- the main thing being, you can sacrifice Pokémon to upgrade your teammates' rules, not just yours! We had to put in place a few limits on this mechanic though, to avoid some weird "did you actually do that in time?" or "I had already upgraded this rule for you, what are you doing!" situations that basically have to do with the timing of it all :sadwick:
- Finishing the game gives some points, sacrificing Pokémon gives some more points. Find a nice balance and take your team to victory by gaining the most points ♥

Hopefully it's a bit less complicated now ^^; sorry once again!

Alright thank you very much! I understood the principe a bit better now, just one more question for the teamwork thing, if I'm allowed. Should I Pm one of my teammates beforehand, if they want me to simplify their rule? Because I had some past problems where I tried to help someone in a different forum and they were angry at me for doing it. Otherwise I understood everything else, so I'll Post my sign up!

Name: Celèste
Team: Shackled Arqueros
Game of choice: Brilliant Diamond
Trainer Class: No preferance, so you can choose for me ♡
just one more question for the teamwork thing, if I'm allowed. Should I Pm one of my teammates beforehand, if they want me to simplify their rule?

Not a Challenge organiser, but to answer your question from a user perspective, yes it would be wonderful to ask first, the other user might be working on that rule themselves, or perhaps don't want their rules lifted at all. Enjoy your journey! 😊
Not a Challenge organiser, but to answer your question from a user perspective, yes it would be wonderful to ask first, the other user might be working on that rule themselves, or perhaps don't want their rules lifted at all. Enjoy your journey! 😊

Okay, thank you very much! I'll keep that in mind! Thank you, I will once I know my restrictions ^^ I hope you'll enjoy yours too ♡
🌹 Name: Count Dracularc
🦴 Team: Shadowed Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Pokémon Diamond
🦴 Trainer Class: Fisherman

Alright thank you very much! I understood the principe a bit better now, just one more question for the teamwork thing, if I'm allowed. Should I Pm one of my teammates beforehand, if they want me to simplify their rule? Because I had some past problems where I tried to help someone in a different forum and they were angry at me for doing it. Otherwise I understood everything else, so I'll Post my sign up!

Name: Celèste
Team: Shackled Arqueros
Game of choice: Brilliant Diamond
Trainer Class: No preferance, so you can choose for me ♡
Okay, got you on the Player Board. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

hehe this time was quite hard and long, but I am very happy with the final results! So, the second gym was the fighting type one and the gym leader was Brawly. I needed to study a plan to sacrifice a pokemon. Well, since it was my second gym and I didn't manage to sacrifice one during the first gym, my plan was to find a way to sacrifice two pokemon. It took me some time but I managed to do it.
I went to the cave and caught myself a zubat and I wasted a lot of pokeballs to finally at some point get an abra, who luckily had Inner focus. Both of them could be chosen as Abra learns Snore and Zubat learns air slash, so they could both be useful. Abra learns no move till level 16 when it becomes Kadabra and it's literally what I have done. That training helped my ralts level up and same thing for my treecko, who became a Grovyle.
So, when I was ready, I challenged Brawly. Using also growl to reduce his pokemon's attack I managed to lend a K.O. with Taillow while it was on 1HP. The rest was pretty easy. Ralts finished its job by defeating Meditite and Kadabra defeated Makhuita.

Hence, oh almighty Decidueye, I sacrifice in your honor Taillow and Kadabra.


Doing that I have fulfilled the requirements of Steadfast and Prepare the battlefield

Your sacrifices were appreciated and your rules have been updated!

Since my rules now state that half my team must know protect, I am Pokémonless! Back to using my starter, and finding headbutt so I can use it to obtain the only pokemon in the entire game that I can use under this rule - Pineco!!! I catch 3 of them so that I can have three non protect mons on my team :)

With that done, I hatched and boxed the day care egg, then I went to find an Abra for an in-game trade for a Machop, which would help greatly against the next gym. I also picked up a Drowzee while I was there.

After getting both a Pineco and my Machop up to Lv. 20+, I was ready to take on Whitney. My team consisted of 3 Pinecos, Quilava, Machop & Drowzee.

Pineco beat Whitney's Clefairy with 3 damaging moves in a row (Tackle, Tackle, Self Destruct), so I can now sacrifice it towards Divine Shield 2.

Machop defeated her legendary Miltank to earn itself a place in the sacrifice box alongside Pineco towards Fair Play (it can learn Thief).

Let's see what the gods expect from my team for the next part of my journey!

Edit: I will try to upload the pic I took of Machop finishing off Whitney when I get home if I get a chance 😊
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Oh Tuesday with no lessons, how I miss you during the rest of the week... updated the rules btw!

Just wondering, is my requirement to clear the first rule the same as before, or am I imagining it? 🤔

No and no... that was definitely my fault for not getting that edited in... sorry :'(
🌹 Name: Aldo
🦴 Team: Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Omega Ruby
🦴 Trainer Class: Team Aqua Grunt RSE
🌹 Name: Aldo
🦴 Team: Guerreros
🌹 Game of choice: Omega Ruby
🦴 Trainer Class: Team Aqua Grunt RSE

Rules added to the board- welcome in! You shall be our Scout
Update #1:

I started my journey with piplup, which I found to be not only my favourite, but also my best choice of starter. Piplup turned out to be a sassy nature (Sp. Def +/Spd. -)
Moving on with the game, I got a Starly (Spd. +/Sp. Atk -) and a Bidoof (Sp. Def +/Sp. Atk -). Lastly, I got a Shinx (Atk +/Def -)
The first gym was slightly difficult, because I wanted Bidoof to defeat a Pokémon, so that I could try to sacrifice it. I started of with my Piplup to get some dmg on Roark's Pokèmon, so I defeated Geodude and got Onix's HP down to 1HP, because of Sturdy and switched into Bidoof. Since BDPS don't really have HM's, since the Pokètch has the Hidden Move function. So I just decided to use the TM's that usually are HM's in other games. I teached Rock Smash to Bidoof and defeated Onix with the use of it.

So with this in mind, I would like to offer my Bidoof to the gods. Goodbye my loyal friend, you have been an awesome traveling companion, but your sacrifice allows me to lift the Adventuring on land rule and I will never forget you! ♡


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