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News: Gigantamaxing revealed alongside new trainers and Pokemon


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979

    I'll spit out a Daily article for... when the site server is done and we can make Daily articles again. :V

    Anyways, new Pokemon! New characters! 'Big gimmick only bigger'!
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    Alcremie is cute, and Duraludon and Rolycoly interest me too. Rolycoly has an interesting new ability, and I think Duraludon may be a pseudo-legendary.

    Oh hey, we're getting version exclusive Gym Leaders again. But this time, they specialize in different types. In Pokemon Black and White, we had Drayden and Iris, who both specialize in Dragon types.
    Version exclusive Gym Leaders is interesting (technically we've had this before, but they used the same type/team/gym puzzle) and Duraludon has my interest.

    Really don't know why they made both Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing a thing though
    Visible for like two frames after Chairman Rose throws his pokeball is a new pokemon:

    Hard to make out specifics of it though.
    Alcremie turns into a cake!! Oh my goodness!!
    ...Aside from that, though, Gigantimaxing is not impressing me. :|

    I love Carbink, so I'm willing to give Rolycoly a shot. :D Duralodon...uhh...honestly, Duralodon could easily pass for an Ultra Beast. (I like the Ultra Beasts, but the whole point is that they have non-standard designs, so...) Probably not adding any of the new Mons to my team.

    ...I thought I'd decided on Sword, but looking at Allister makes me wonder if I could learn to love the awkward shield-face dog...
    The ghost gym leader is my fave, but I am loving all gym leader characters. This is giving some real attraction to storyline.

    The cream pokemon is cute, but gigantimaxing seems a little too much.

    The serebii.net video doesn't give the animation of the characters and pokemon credit.. watch the japanese footage.. Yamper's playfulness is really cute. And the ghost gym leader's awkward creepy walk is fantastic.
    Oh yeah, haha, guess I should've mentioned the Gigantamaxing in my last post instead of fawning over Alcremie.

    I hope this isn't meant to replace proper evolutions. It looks like a fun gimmick and all (though, I fail to see how this differs from the other maxing mechanic) but I'd rather not have this at all if it means Pokemon like Alcremie or Drednaw see no evolutions. That sorta messes with the fun of training the Pokemon, for me.
    Alcremie looks adorable alright, but I have no idea it can turn into a (literally) huge cake when Gigantamaxing... This will be one interesting 'mon for me to keep an eye out to. And after knowing the Gym Leader roster difference, I might be more sure to pick on the Sword version by now.
    About time! I was really getting tired of this drought of news in addition with this whirlwind of negativity lately. Time to take this apart piece by piece, starting with the Pokemon:

    The Pokemon

    Alcremie - Probably one of my favourite Pokemon of this generation so far, alongside Wooloo. At this point I'm getting kind of excited for these games!

    Yamper - I love it, it's adorable, what more can I say? I wanna own a hundred of them. Okay, maybe that wouldn't be a great idea, but still!!

    Rolycoly - I'm not quite sure what to make of this. Initially I was kinda unimpressed, but I feel like this was meant to be the Geodude of the region. But playing the trailer the second time around, I actually don't really mind it. I think the concept is nice, at least. And the ability is crazy, too! Even if its base speed is like...30 or 40, having Speed rise by that much is nuts.

    Duraludon - I feel like this is a mixed bag for me. This might be one of those Pokemon that might grow on me with time, so we'll see. Holding off actual thoughts until then, but first impressions are that it's ok. I think it has a really interesting design, but that's about it. Also I keep hearing comparisons to a toilet because of what it resembles when it's on all four legs which probably doesn't help things. Either way though, I'm giving it time.

    The Gym Leaders

    ok so starting off I already love the new Gym Leader theme. I'm biased here of course since I like EDM/trancy-like stuff, though.

    Olena - She definitely looks... interesting. I've heard a few peeps here and there about her possibly being affiliating with the antagonists of the games? Or possibly being one herself? I don't know if I'd personally agree, but she definitely does give off that kind of vibe!

    Bea - I've heard of comparisons to Maylene here, but I dunno, I just don't see it beyond both of them being very young-looking Fighting-type Gym Leaders? I like her pose, though!

    Allister - I LOVE ALLISTER'S DESIGN OK. Not gonna lie, this is going to make it even harder to choose between the two for me. ;__;

    Other Stuff

    Gigantamaxing - Even after watching this trailer twice, I really can't figure out how I feel about this. Part of me thinks it's really cool, but part of me is wondering how useful it would be, how to go about Gigantamaxing, and like... all the other itty bitty details, haha. Gigantamax Alcremie certainly looks amazing though!! Kinda floored me that we get a Pokemon that's a literal cake -- I thought Game Freak forgot about that kinda stuff when they made Slurpuff, but apparently not!


    So far I like what I've seen in the trailer! Although I wouldn't say it got me super hyped or anything (mostly because I'm still on the fence about Dynamaxing as a whole and Game Freak seems to be pushing that to be the Main Thing pretty hard), it's certainly gotten me a lot more curious to see what SwSh has to offer! Hopefully there's a future trailer that expands SwSh beyond the Gym Leaders and Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing (that's not the Wild Area), because that's what I'm excited about more than anything.
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    I know we all already knew about Yamper , but now we got offical artwork of him , I love him more. Alcremie is literally the cutest thing ever though omg.

    Gigantamax literally looks like the replacement for Mega Evolutions though which sucks cause Game Freak always does this. They introduce a really awesome concept to a new generation of game that changes the gameplay of the series and then take it away a generation or two away for something that is "better". Ugh. This is evident by Secret Bases. Contests, berries, triple battles, weather, seasons and litera;;y any other time based event. There's so many other, but they think they taking away feature that literally improve the game makes a new generation more exciting but it literally doesn't. If only they'd listen to fans who have expressed their love for this stuff, but it's seem more and more evident they don't anymore. Sorry for complaining so much, but everything about dynamaxing and gigantamaxing seems like a gimmick they will just remove in gen 9, and I cant say I'm excited for it.
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    @above It wouldn't be a problem if newer generations would make additions without removing previous features. If they allow to have a Pokemon with Z-Move, one Mega and one Dynamax/Gigantmax (I hope there is a good reason for making them two different things) all in one team, then ok. But if not, that means the new features are just replacements of older features.
    Gigantamax Coviknight design looks awesome. According to Serebii it has separate blade birds flying around independently that could be used to attack by slashing the opponents.
    Getting less and less instresred in these games the more I see, the poke on designs are getting worst every time they release a new update, not 100% sure il be wasting my money on the games now , if they go on sale I prob will, really disappointed
    After seeing this, I'm none too surprised why the national pokedex isn't a thing this time around. I already figured Dynamaxing would have been too much for the full pokedex to be properly rendered, but this??? Even if theres still a limited number of gigamax forms, that would still be a lot of data being used up that could be better invested someplace else. I still will miss all my old favorites but at the end of the day I'm not too surprised by the decision to leave out so much this time around.
    Visible for like two frames after Chairman Rose throws his pokeball is a new pokemon:

    Hard to make out specifics of it though.

    It looks like a small elephant to me. Or what I think it's its nose is its tail.

    Well, you may have noticed I liked Duraludon
    Overall I enjoyed the trailer. Duraludon seems pretty cool out of the three, while Alcreamie is the one I'm least interested in (don't dislike it, just a bit 'meh' on it). Cake form is amusing though.

    Version exclusive gym leaders... they're going further than before now with that, although I wonder if it'd apply to any towns or areas looking different like in BW?