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6th Gen Gotten them on release day?

I got my copy of Pokemon X on release day but had wait until after 12pm to get it.
I had great intentions of doing so. Then it all kinda fell through. Didn't fail to miss a beat when it came to OR/AS though. Nabbed both of those on launch, and the guidebook to book. Made extra special since I vividly remember strolling into Game to collect my preordered Ruby copy over a decade ago.
Considering that I only just got my copy of X like...last month or so, I definitely didn't get mine anywhere near release day. c: Although even if I had wanted to buy it on release I couldn't, I didn't have a 3ds of any kind until this past December. Yeah I know, I'm kind of far behind on things.
I preordered X at GameStop, so yeah I got it on release day. I was pretty excited for it as well.
I bought my copy of X on release day in the early morning, even better that it was on a weekend. I went onto buy Y the following weekend. 8]
I went to the midnight release and bought Pokemon X that night. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people there, way more than I expected. I stayed up most of that night playing it because it was so fun.
I got both on release day at the same time (preordered both games) and I had no wait time to play the games.
Got both of my original games on Release Day - both arrived on the same package, had them on pre-order.
I haven't missed a release day launch for a Pokémon game (main series games lol) since Diamond and Pearl came out, when I got Pearl on April 22, 2007. I've since pre-ordered and bought all of the new games on their release date, except I don't usually buy both of a game at the same time. Like, I got Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, White, White 2, and X, but their partner games (Black, Black 2, Y, etc) I either got months later, or haven't gotten them at all yet :x
I bought a physical copy of Y yesterday, but I downloaded X at midnight on release day to save myself a walk and because I still had the $30 from the Fire Emblem Awakening + Shin Megami Tensei IV promotion and had nothing else to use it on.
I didn't get them until 2 months later. I didn't have a 3DS at the time... I only got a 3DS in christmas 2013.
I got it at the midnight release, which was really fun. It was a fairly long line, but manageable unlike, apparently, the GTA5 midnight release the month before. You could tell it was a small collective of dedicated fans. There were even a couple of kids too, which surprised me considering I don't know how I would've convinced my parents to take me to a midnight release of a video game at the age of 8.