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How often do you save your game?

  • 41,842
    Are you the type to save every few minutes or can you sometimes go much longer without remembering to? Has it ever caused issues for you (such as your game crashing and then losing a chunk of work)?
    Every time I do something important. If I catch a new Pokemon, I save the game immediately. I try to never go too long without saving because you never know when your game could crash. So, I do save pretty frequently.
    A. When im done a play session
    B. Before doing something important, like a gym battle or something

    And yes i manually save even if i know the game just auto saved
    And yes i sometimes save twice in a row because "Did i save? I better save to be safe"
    Usually saves before a major battle or after catching a shiny. Might do it after a long grind of something (like a long SOS chain). Drops a save before expending resources sometimes (odd Tera Raid build, sandwich, Game Corner gambling, throwing tons of Pokeballs, making Poffins...).

    Could be a while between saves if it is mostly normal trainers. Rarely plays longer than two hours consecutively, though.
    tbh i usually forget to save but when i'm ready to stop or about to do something important i save like 3 times bc i'm paranoid
    I'm not really the sort where I'll save every 5 minutes, it's usually before or after something of significance or before I'm done for the time being, maybe a few other situations

    A lot of the time when I do save though I'll save multiple times in a row because sometimes a goldfish has a better memory than I do
    Not sure if I can join this thread. I save every time after I heal my pokemon at Pokemon center and also a habit, but get my character home after play session is done. I hated this in older gens and had to make sure I double or triple saved to not lose progress. In gen 5 and onward they show you the time and date you saved to avoid going through the long saving progress loading bar.
    Frequently, but not constantly. Depends more on what I've done than on time played. I can sometimes beat a bunch of trainers without saving, but I typically save after clearing a route, before/after important battles, before/after catching Pokémon that I intend to include in my team.
    Usually I save when either I reach the end of the route, before important battles if I remember them actually being there (Remembers Barry surprising me on that bridge in Canalave city during my nuzlocke, where I didn't even have a single party member on my team because I was levelling up backups), things like that. Though, I am guilty of the double saving, where I question if I actually saved or not, and thus just save again.
    I could go for multiple hours without saving prior to the newer switch Pokemon games, because I never really experienced any crashes prior to playing L:A.
    The newer switch Pokemon games occasionally crash so it's forced me to save more frequently. I try to save every hour or so now, but will regularly still forget to do it.
    My first crash in L:A cost me a good 4hours of grinding I had to repeat... huzzah. Made it a point to save regularly in L:A at least. So far it's the game that's crashed the most for me with 4 crashes so far. SV has crashed twice so far. BDSP didn't crash for me... yet anyway.
    I save frequently due to the risks of crashes and I save after catching a new Pokémon or a shiny. I also save before major battles as well.
    In the latest games, I'll usually have auto-save on unless I'm trying out glitches or something.

    In older games, before every important battle, before and after clearing a trainer- or encounter-heavy route
    Recently in HGSS I cleared routes 9, 10, 11 and Rock Tunnel. I shot back to Goldenrod for something, and suddenly.. DS froze. First time it ever happened. But I lost almost 2 hours of progress, which… is a lot when I only play the game that much during the week lol.
    Probably around every 20-30 minutes as well as when I stop a session. It's often enough so that if I have to go during a battle or the system freezes I don't lose too much progress, but I'm not one of those people that needs to save every 3 steps.
    I only save before I turn off game or before a tough elite 4 before battle or a legendary pokemon encounter
    I save whenever I do something important like after catching a Pokémon that I know That I will use in my team but when the game is pacing without any significant events I save in long intervals or just when I am done
    While playing the story, I tend to save after any dialogue-heavy sections, and before/after lengthy treks through dungeons (like going through Eterna Forest, through Mt Coronet to Snowpoint City, through Mt Coronet to Spear Pillar, or through Stark Mountain to Heatran, etc). Every game has some dungeons you'd rather not have to navigate a second time in the event that your battery died!
    When I was younger I would save constantly because I'd run my DS battery dry. If the thing was blinking red at me I took it as a challenge to see how far I could go before it turned off. Now, I'll do saves before each gym leader, before (and after successfully catching) each legendary, and whenever I happen to stop playing. Add in a few additional saves if I'm trying to test something out like using up items or resources before committing to the change.
    i save a lot because i don't want the battery to run out then lose progress. Usually after a gym, long walk, tough battle, caught cool Pokèmon, and before quitting the game