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My wallet will be crying...

I would if I could but I can't cause I'm perpetually broke.
Odds are that if I did actually have more than 13 dollars in my bank account, then... I would just get broke again after 2 days.
Prices have spiked lately, and my sister sold a lot of my old games while I was away from home, so I'm trying to buy a lot back.

That is totally not okay, on your sister's part :<

Thankfully, no. I am the type of person who saves money more than spends it. Sure, it does get tempting sometimes while browsing Amazon and such, but I usually fight through it. Of course, its not to say I never shop online. I do treat myself from time to time :3

I often find myself online shopping whenever I'm bored, but most of the time I resist temptation. But I blew $150 on revamping my summer wardrobe a couple days ago only because bottoms from last year have gotten too big after losing more weight so don't want my pants dropping in public.
I am not so good at saving for a long period of time. I usually get something I want that's expensive only if I get enough in a short period of time, but otherwise then I usually spend about 50 dollars a month on gaming.

That is totally not okay, on your sister's part :<
I wasn't even bothered so much by the money as much as I really miss my old Pokemon Stadium 2 cartridge. It had quite a few old friends stored on there that I'll never see again. :( It got sold on eBay to a vendor in Logan, Utah. By the time I found out she sold it and tried to contact them to buy it back, it was already sold, so someone random across the country has it at this point. (I'm in Virginia for reference)

Anyway I'm digressing from the topic quite a bit. So back to the topic! While I said my spending was showing down, I recently got a capture card-modded 3ds. Definitely more pricey than any old game I've bought lately. >.> I thought it would be fun to stream with it, but I am starting to realize that I don't like streaming all that much... So now I'm trying to justify the cost by finding more use for it. It's a pretty nice tool for screenshots, I will say that!
I bought a lot more when I had my debit card, but not as much lately. I tend to buy Lego deals I find or other various things like games or music off Amazon. :P
I did buy a lot of stuff online before, mostly virtual stuff. Saying that my wallet was crying would be understatement.
When I got a job my wallet bawled uncontrollably. I used to buy a bunch of crud on amazon that I had been wanting for a long time when I turned eighteen, but since the turn of the year that's turned down immensely...2014 was the worst year for my wallet to ever exist.

Now I only buy stuff that goes on fire sale...mostly clothes at this point.
I buy most everything online, since prices tend to be lower and -at least until recently- the euro was strong enough to make US imports even cheaper. I tend to look for the cheapest price for one given book/game/whatever though, so if a physical store has a better offer, I won't discriminate.
I don't buy many things online nowadays. There are a couple things i've bought on my own leisure and not just in stores, as there are things that I sometimes get when I don't feel like going to the store for them.

But I don't care for credit cards.
If I put something on a credit card, I pay it off immediately. Nothing can hinder your progress in life like bad credit.

Rarely do I buy something without researching it first. I hate spending money on something I'll never use :(
If I put something on a credit card, I pay it off immediately. Nothing can hinder your progress in life like bad credit.

You can say that again. My credit rating is pretty horrific and I'm close to not being able to get a loan, which would be horrible because I need to upgrade my car for work soon.

I don't have a credit card (at the moment), but I'm going to be getting one in a couple of months and this topic is going to serve as a guideline of what to do and what not to do.
I almost never pay stuff with my credit card online. The only things that I've ever decided to buy online were games on Steam and PSN and skins on League of Legends, and even then I don't use my credit card, I go to a store, buy a card to add money onto my account and I pay with cash. The only things that I use my credit card for is for food at any restaurant or for the theater. The one and only time that I have bought something online with my credit card was a game on PSN.
I did a lot of online spending back when I actually had a job (or had had a job over school break), but now that I'm not working anymore, I'm not nearly as frivolous with my spending. If I see a game on sale on PSN or Steam or something, I might pick it up and occasionally I buy books or DVDs, but for the most part I don't buy a whole lot anymore.

I do wish I had a job so I could go back to spending. I loooved picking up little crafty things or figures and merch. I still look at it longingly a lot now and go "oh if only I had a job" but alas. :P
I'm lethal when it comes to me using my debit card. </3 The temptation to get new stuff is simply too good to resist. Hate when I drop the ball on not considering hidden charges though. Recently suffered a stiffening extra charge for goods I imported, a bill which all but cleared out the last dregs of my balance. Thus, I'm flat-out broke until next month when I'm due to get a grant paid in, and after that, I'll have to try and pin down a summer job if I wanna keep buying all the things and save up for future events.
I'm usually very good with controlling the amount of money I spend, but I do spend it in bursts. They're still controlled, but it sounds like so much when you buy everything at once, haha.
I work full time and live on my own so I therefore budget accordingly. A good amount goes into savings, then the rest to bills and living and a small bit to enjoying life and having fun. I track my finances and I am wary of every penny that leaves my wallet, however, I don't think I am stingy. I treated a friend to a coffee today, for example :)
I very rarely buy stuff online. I'm not the type to do much online shopping as I never really had the need to. If I really want something, I'll simply go to the shops to get it. There have been times I've seen some things online that I would really like, but I can control my spending impulses relatively well.
I am constantly buying stuff online, it's just so convenient especially since I don't have a car and live in a rural area with no public transportation. Sometimes I go overboard, I'm trying to make myself save some each time I spend some but it's hard to practice self control
I don't purchase online, or at least I haven't in awhile. If I did it was usually in my xbox for games that drop in price for a limited time. When I spend money I splurge,after bills are paid off of course.